Yes, I know this is a very bad picture, and I know it was taken in a mirror, but I needed something, and I didn't feel like taking a new picture, finding the cord, plugging it in, uploading the picture, and everything else. So I just went through my pictures already on the computer, and found this one.
This camera is actually from my dad's work. Apparently nobody used it, so he took it until somebody called for it. And they haven't yet. We've had it for about 6 or 7 months. i just really wanted a camera that was mine, and this was the closest I could get. I pretty much gave up on using it, though. It can't hold more than like 40 pictures.
Yesterday, I did a whole bunch of a puzzle that I'd started. It's only 500 pieces, so it wasn't that hard, but I think it's some ancient building reflected in a lake at sunset. So I got the sky finished. It's all pink, and somehow, when it's all one color, I don't find it very hard to put together.
I always have this image in my head of a guy who has never put in the wrong piece in a puzzle. That'd be so weird. Nobody is that good. It'd be cool though. You could finish a huge puzzle in a short time.
I went to the puzzle store in Concord Mills with my grandpa, and I saw this giant puzzle in a glass case. It's the biggest puzzle ever built. 24,000 pieces, and it's huge! I can't remember how big, but it was like 300 dollars! I don't think anybody has ever finished it. If they had, they would have to be really, really, really good.
10 minutes left. What should I write about? Oh. Haha. Have you ever really wanted the next day to come, because you were so excited, and no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn't go to sleep? Or you kept on waking up? Well, that happened to me last night. Only I'm not really sure why. I didn't really have anything to be excited about. But I found that if I turned the fan off, because I was cold, and if I put my blanket on, I fell asleep. Sometimes all you need is a change in temperature.
Speaking of fans, I don't think I'll be able to get through this summer without them. It's going to be so hot, and I won't really have any need for a blanket. Just a sheet. But my problem is that whenever I have the fan on, I get really cold, and when I have a blanket on I get really hot, and my dad's motto is "One or the other!" Blanket/fan wise. And it's a lot easier when I have both. Then I'm not too hot, and not too cold. That's what I did in winters in Africa. It was really kind of warm in the winter too. Sometimes it got really cold, but not REALLY cold, you know? Like, it got pretty cold, but not so cold that you just couldn't stand it. I can always stand the cold anyway. I hate heat, and love cold. For some reason. Not to say that I'll go stand outside in the middle of winter wearing practically nothing. I'm not that stupid.
Time to go. I had fun. But I've got work to do. I wanna read my Little House book. I LOVE those books. We have a whole collection of them, except the first one, Little House in the Big Woods is missing. I don't know where it is. I think we left it in Africa. Oh well. Bye!
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