I hate coffee. I hate tea. I was never really fond of either. The only coffee I really like is that French Vanilla stuff. My dad drinks that. It's good. But normal coffee, ewww. And tea is bad too. I have absolutely no idea how people stand those things. I mean, I could drink them if I really wanted to, but I'm definitely not fond of them. I tried coffee once, and I found it very bitter. And tea was the exact opposite. Too sweet. If I had to choose, I'd probably pick the tea, because it's sweet, and there are a bunch of different types. Mint, chai, and more that I don't know. But I still don't like it very much.
Coffee isn't good for little girls. =)
I was in Africa, and one of the ladies there was Greek, and she thought she was short. She said it was because she drank a whole bunch of coffee when she was a kid. I thought that was kind of crazy, but oh well.
See!!!! There it went! The computer just randomly turned off when I went to get the packages at the door. Agh! Luckily there is an autosave.
My mom gets so cranky after she's finished working. I wish she wouldn't work all night. It's a struggle for all of us. And it's hard for her to sleep when I'd like to ask questions about stuff. Why won't she just split the work up into separate days? I mean, she may have a deadline, but I didn't know that adults procrastinated too. I just wish she would not work at night. It's horrible. Now I feel guilty for waking her up to ask if I could open the packages. They turned out to be test books anyway. There wasn't really a reason to ask. I would've needed them anyway. I was just waiting for something, so I was hoping that's what it was. Mom always gets mad if we open packages without asking. Ergh.
It is soo hot here. Last weekend, it was extremely hot. And on Saturday, I fell of the zipline and landed on the pavement on my back! I had to go to the ER, but there wasn't anything wrong. My back isn't even sore now! I feel bad for wasting 500 dollars for no problem. It was my mom's idea though. Before that, I'd scraped my leg against a tree when I was riding it, and I have a big purple bruise in that spot, and it hurts when pushed, obviously. Oh well. It's too bad we had to take down the zipline. My dad was so excited about it, making videos and lists and everything. And now we can't do it. I hope maybe we can convince my mom to let us build one again somehow. Maybe in the backyard.
I hate summer. It is so hot and you can't get away from it. I love winter. I love the cold. Cause you can get away from it. But it's so fun. I would really like to go to the Carowinds waterpark now. Wednesday is supposed to be 93 degrees! Maybe we can go then.
Time to go. Test books, and then the rest of the day to pass. Bye!
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