Monday, June 9, 2008

Two Days!

Yes, that's right! Two days left. Then, summer vacation for two and a half months! I mean, there's not gonna be much to do, but no schoolwork. I haven't even taken my tests yet. I'm supposed to take them tomorrow. Today though, I'm going to Oakhurst to help out my brother's teacher with this sprinkler party. And maybe I'll get cool at the same time. It's just so hot. Nobody wants to really do anything BUT play in the water. That's why I cannot wait until Wednesday, because hopefully we'll be able to go to Boomerang Bay in Carowinds. There are all these crazy rides and things. I just hope that there aren't a lot of people there. That would be torture.
Sham is getting really fat. I mean really fat. She could have her kittens any day now, or so I think. It's been almost two months. I just hope that she doesn't have them while I'm in Radford. Then I don't get to see them being born.
Ugh. There's not much to write. It's so boring here. All summer I'll probably be playing on the computer. I think I need to get my lazy butt off of the chair in front of the computer and go play some basketball. And maybe go swim. Just do something outdoors. I would like to go visit my family up in Virginia. Moby is up there right now. I would've gone, but I've got stuff to do here.
I hate the heat. Unless I've got a hose or a sprinkler. Then, I love it. I just don't like it when I'm trying to play outside without sweating all the water in my body. Ugh. I went to this Dragon Boat Festival thing at Lake Norman, and I had to go inside an ambulance to get cooled off. I couldn't stand the heat. And no matter what my dad says, Africa heat and North Carolina heat are two totally different things. Way different.
Okay, I know this is short, but I'm wrapping up. This may be my very last post. I may end up having to start another blog sometime, but for now, I'll just say, bye. Thanks to my loyal readers. Oh, wait. There's only two. My dad and my mom. Nobody else reads something like this. So, it's time to go. And I hope that if this blog gets discovered by somebody, they'll tell their friends, because I wish all this writing was worth it. So, bye! TTFE!! Ta-ta for ever!!!

1 comment:

felix said...

Just thought I'd let you know I read your blog. Total stranger, led her by following the clicks. As the mother of a child I would really like to see blogging (yes, for posterity), I want you to know it was worth it :)