Everybody is grouped over there either waiting to learn how to walk across the lines, or they're waiting to get up on the course. So I'll tell what we did.
First, since most of us had never been on a high ropes course before, we had to learn how the harnesses worked and stuff. So they had wires about a foot off the ground for us to practice on. It wasn't really that hard to figure out.
Next, we all had to take turns up on the course. It started out with a rope ladder. It was really unstable, so all the kids who were waiting had to grab one side of the ladder and hold it taut for the person going up. There weren't enough harnesses and helmets for everybody at once, so when somebody finished, they had to take theirs and give it to somebody who was waiting.
After the ladder, you had a wooden log to walk across, and you had to decide which way you wanted to go. There was a harder way, and an easier way. Everybody in my troop but me took the easy way. I wanted a challenge, even though I'd never been on a ropes course before. I'll tell about my way, because I don't really remember what the other way was.
So after you cross the log, you have to move your harness to another cable, and then there was the "Pirate's Cross." Imagine an X made out of ropes. Then imagine a rope going straight through the middle of that. That is the Pirate's Cross. And you have to cross that. Way up in the air. With only a harness. Scary, huh? Yeah. And it was wayyy harder than it looked.
Next, I transferred to another cable, and this time, you had to cross a cable stretching across a length of like 15 feet or so, and every 5 feet there were cables hanging down for you to grab onto. But they were really kind of spread apart a lot, so that you had to keep hold of the first one down to the very end of it, and still have to reach out a lot to grab the next one. I fell down twice on this part. It was really scary, but totally fun. Just hanging there in your harness.
After that, I transferred to another cable, and this one was two cable about 5 and 1/2 feet apart, and you just walked across one while holding onto the other, which was above your head. After this, I had to just hang in there (literally!!) while this other girl took her turn leaving the course, by riding down, what else?, a zipline! This was totally the scariest part. It's just so big of a drop and you're totally freaked out that your harness won't hold you. But it does. The easy and hard part both meet up here, so everybody has to do it. That was fun.
Everybody had fun. It was exciting, and a new experience, and even though I am so totally scared of heights, I couldn't think of anything else but how fun it was. Okay, there were moments when I was freaked out, but those were very little.
So yeah. It's time for me to go. But I loved that. And I cannot believe they're moving the camp. Sure, it'll be closer to Charlotte, but that spot, up in the mountains, was perfect. Even though it was freaking cold. No heated cabins for us. But still.
Okay. Bye!!
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