Yes, that's right! Two days left. Then, summer vacation for two and a half months! I mean, there's not gonna be much to do, but no schoolwork. I haven't even taken my tests yet. I'm supposed to take them tomorrow. Today though, I'm going to Oakhurst to help out my brother's teacher with this sprinkler party. And maybe I'll get cool at the same time. It's just so hot. Nobody wants to really do anything BUT play in the water. That's why I cannot wait until Wednesday, because hopefully we'll be able to go to Boomerang Bay in Carowinds. There are all these crazy rides and things. I just hope that there aren't a lot of people there. That would be torture.
Sham is getting really fat. I mean really fat. She could have her kittens any day now, or so I think. It's been almost two months. I just hope that she doesn't have them while I'm in Radford. Then I don't get to see them being born.
Ugh. There's not much to write. It's so boring here. All summer I'll probably be playing on the computer. I think I need to get my lazy butt off of the chair in front of the computer and go play some basketball. And maybe go swim. Just do something outdoors. I would like to go visit my family up in Virginia. Moby is up there right now. I would've gone, but I've got stuff to do here.
I hate the heat. Unless I've got a hose or a sprinkler. Then, I love it. I just don't like it when I'm trying to play outside without sweating all the water in my body. Ugh. I went to this Dragon Boat Festival thing at Lake Norman, and I had to go inside an ambulance to get cooled off. I couldn't stand the heat. And no matter what my dad says, Africa heat and North Carolina heat are two totally different things. Way different.
Okay, I know this is short, but I'm wrapping up. This may be my very last post. I may end up having to start another blog sometime, but for now, I'll just say, bye. Thanks to my loyal readers. Oh, wait. There's only two. My dad and my mom. Nobody else reads something like this. So, it's time to go. And I hope that if this blog gets discovered by somebody, they'll tell their friends, because I wish all this writing was worth it. So, bye! TTFE!! Ta-ta for ever!!!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Dinner at My House
I love spaghetti with sauce, salad, cheese, and garlic bread. It just tastes so good. But if I get to choose what we eat for dinner, then I'll choose fried burritos. Tortillas stuffed with beans and cheese, wrapped up, and fried in oil. Then you stick a bunch of salsa and sour cream on them. Oh, it makes me hungry just thinking about it!
I can't decently cook anything but boxed mac n' cheese and Ramen Noodles. I could probably cook anything that needs to be boiled, but I'd have to do it a couple of times. I can also make scrambled eggs. I'm not that fond of any other kind. I mean, hard-boiled eggs are okay, but soft-boiled, eww. And sunny side up or down, I don't like the squishy yolk. So I'm good with scrambled.
I don't even want to imagine the day where I have to cook all my own meals. I will totally miss my mom cooking for me. Well, most of the time. I'll probably live on toaster waffles, mac n' cheese, Ramen Noodles, and ice cream. That'll be tiring, but what else am I supposed to do? I guess I need to start learning how to cook decently.
It is so hot here. It's supposed to be in the 90s for the next ten days! I really want to go to the Carowinds waterpark before all the crowds get there this weekend, because they will most definitely be there. That's a good thing about being homeschooled. Maybe we can go after the kids get home. Ugh. I really want to go before the summer crowd starts up. But we'll either be late, or people will be there. Argh.
I want to be done with this work, so that I can do my daily Sudoku and Crossword.
And slack off for the rest of the day. Maybe sleep a bit more.
You know what? I'm so happy that Obama got the nomination. This country is turning around. Now all we need is for him to be president, and then we will know that everybody wants to change the way Bush has led us. Who cares if Clinton doesn't get it? Just so long as the Democrats stay united, we'll be okay.
Time to go. Bye!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
A Scenic Picture

Everybody is grouped over there either waiting to learn how to walk across the lines, or they're waiting to get up on the course. So I'll tell what we did.
First, since most of us had never been on a high ropes course before, we had to learn how the harnesses worked and stuff. So they had wires about a foot off the ground for us to practice on. It wasn't really that hard to figure out.
Next, we all had to take turns up on the course. It started out with a rope ladder. It was really unstable, so all the kids who were waiting had to grab one side of the ladder and hold it taut for the person going up. There weren't enough harnesses and helmets for everybody at once, so when somebody finished, they had to take theirs and give it to somebody who was waiting.
After the ladder, you had a wooden log to walk across, and you had to decide which way you wanted to go. There was a harder way, and an easier way. Everybody in my troop but me took the easy way. I wanted a challenge, even though I'd never been on a ropes course before. I'll tell about my way, because I don't really remember what the other way was.
So after you cross the log, you have to move your harness to another cable, and then there was the "Pirate's Cross." Imagine an X made out of ropes. Then imagine a rope going straight through the middle of that. That is the Pirate's Cross. And you have to cross that. Way up in the air. With only a harness. Scary, huh? Yeah. And it was wayyy harder than it looked.
Next, I transferred to another cable, and this time, you had to cross a cable stretching across a length of like 15 feet or so, and every 5 feet there were cables hanging down for you to grab onto. But they were really kind of spread apart a lot, so that you had to keep hold of the first one down to the very end of it, and still have to reach out a lot to grab the next one. I fell down twice on this part. It was really scary, but totally fun. Just hanging there in your harness.
After that, I transferred to another cable, and this one was two cable about 5 and 1/2 feet apart, and you just walked across one while holding onto the other, which was above your head. After this, I had to just hang in there (literally!!) while this other girl took her turn leaving the course, by riding down, what else?, a zipline! This was totally the scariest part. It's just so big of a drop and you're totally freaked out that your harness won't hold you. But it does. The easy and hard part both meet up here, so everybody has to do it. That was fun.
Everybody had fun. It was exciting, and a new experience, and even though I am so totally scared of heights, I couldn't think of anything else but how fun it was. Okay, there were moments when I was freaked out, but those were very little.
So yeah. It's time for me to go. But I loved that. And I cannot believe they're moving the camp. Sure, it'll be closer to Charlotte, but that spot, up in the mountains, was perfect. Even though it was freaking cold. No heated cabins for us. But still.
Okay. Bye!!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
An Extremely Ghetto Camera
Yes, I know this is a very bad picture, and I know it was taken in a mirror, but I needed something, and I didn't feel like taking a new picture, finding the cord, plugging it in, uploading the picture, and everything else. So I just went through my pictures already on the computer, and found this one.
This camera is actually from my dad's work. Apparently nobody used it, so he took it until somebody called for it. And they haven't yet. We've had it for about 6 or 7 months. i just really wanted a camera that was mine, and this was the closest I could get. I pretty much gave up on using it, though. It can't hold more than like 40 pictures.
Yesterday, I did a whole bunch of a puzzle that I'd started. It's only 500 pieces, so it wasn't that hard, but I think it's some ancient building reflected in a lake at sunset. So I got the sky finished. It's all pink, and somehow, when it's all one color, I don't find it very hard to put together.
I always have this image in my head of a guy who has never put in the wrong piece in a puzzle. That'd be so weird. Nobody is that good. It'd be cool though. You could finish a huge puzzle in a short time.
I went to the puzzle store in Concord Mills with my grandpa, and I saw this giant puzzle in a glass case. It's the biggest puzzle ever built. 24,000 pieces, and it's huge! I can't remember how big, but it was like 300 dollars! I don't think anybody has ever finished it. If they had, they would have to be really, really, really good.
10 minutes left. What should I write about? Oh. Haha. Have you ever really wanted the next day to come, because you were so excited, and no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn't go to sleep? Or you kept on waking up? Well, that happened to me last night. Only I'm not really sure why. I didn't really have anything to be excited about. But I found that if I turned the fan off, because I was cold, and if I put my blanket on, I fell asleep. Sometimes all you need is a change in temperature.
Speaking of fans, I don't think I'll be able to get through this summer without them. It's going to be so hot, and I won't really have any need for a blanket. Just a sheet. But my problem is that whenever I have the fan on, I get really cold, and when I have a blanket on I get really hot, and my dad's motto is "One or the other!" Blanket/fan wise. And it's a lot easier when I have both. Then I'm not too hot, and not too cold. That's what I did in winters in Africa. It was really kind of warm in the winter too. Sometimes it got really cold, but not REALLY cold, you know? Like, it got pretty cold, but not so cold that you just couldn't stand it. I can always stand the cold anyway. I hate heat, and love cold. For some reason. Not to say that I'll go stand outside in the middle of winter wearing practically nothing. I'm not that stupid.
Time to go. I had fun. But I've got work to do. I wanna read my Little House book. I LOVE those books. We have a whole collection of them, except the first one, Little House in the Big Woods is missing. I don't know where it is. I think we left it in Africa. Oh well. Bye!
Monday, June 2, 2008
A Coffee Dispenser

I hate coffee. I hate tea. I was never really fond of either. The only coffee I really like is that French Vanilla stuff. My dad drinks that. It's good. But normal coffee, ewww. And tea is bad too. I have absolutely no idea how people stand those things. I mean, I could drink them if I really wanted to, but I'm definitely not fond of them. I tried coffee once, and I found it very bitter. And tea was the exact opposite. Too sweet. If I had to choose, I'd probably pick the tea, because it's sweet, and there are a bunch of different types. Mint, chai, and more that I don't know. But I still don't like it very much.
Coffee isn't good for little girls. =)
I was in Africa, and one of the ladies there was Greek, and she thought she was short. She said it was because she drank a whole bunch of coffee when she was a kid. I thought that was kind of crazy, but oh well.
See!!!! There it went! The computer just randomly turned off when I went to get the packages at the door. Agh! Luckily there is an autosave.
My mom gets so cranky after she's finished working. I wish she wouldn't work all night. It's a struggle for all of us. And it's hard for her to sleep when I'd like to ask questions about stuff. Why won't she just split the work up into separate days? I mean, she may have a deadline, but I didn't know that adults procrastinated too. I just wish she would not work at night. It's horrible. Now I feel guilty for waking her up to ask if I could open the packages. They turned out to be test books anyway. There wasn't really a reason to ask. I would've needed them anyway. I was just waiting for something, so I was hoping that's what it was. Mom always gets mad if we open packages without asking. Ergh.
It is soo hot here. Last weekend, it was extremely hot. And on Saturday, I fell of the zipline and landed on the pavement on my back! I had to go to the ER, but there wasn't anything wrong. My back isn't even sore now! I feel bad for wasting 500 dollars for no problem. It was my mom's idea though. Before that, I'd scraped my leg against a tree when I was riding it, and I have a big purple bruise in that spot, and it hurts when pushed, obviously. Oh well. It's too bad we had to take down the zipline. My dad was so excited about it, making videos and lists and everything. And now we can't do it. I hope maybe we can convince my mom to let us build one again somehow. Maybe in the backyard.
I hate summer. It is so hot and you can't get away from it. I love winter. I love the cold. Cause you can get away from it. But it's so fun. I would really like to go to the Carowinds waterpark now. Wednesday is supposed to be 93 degrees! Maybe we can go then.
Time to go. Test books, and then the rest of the day to pass. Bye!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Idiotic Computer
Okay, truthfully, it's not my fault that I don't have a picture today. It's because the computer that my pictures are on has major issues. It started awhile ago, when the computer stopped charging. This was because the battery couldn't charge anymore, for some very strange reason. So every time we unplugged the computer, it just shut off for no apparent reason. But awhile later, the computer started randomly disconnecting from the power cord. It did it a lot. Then we got to the point where, no matter how hard we tried, we couldn't start the computer up. So my dad forced me to get on Dell Chat and talk to one of the people. So they sent us a box, and we sent them the computer, and then we got it back a week later, but we had gotten a call before that, asking if we'd ever spilt anything on the computer. I thought that was weird. So they sent it back, and everything was fine, for awhile. Now it's back to what it was doing before. We can start it up, but the slightest movement will disconnect the power cord and we have to start it up all over again. It's really annoying. So I'm probably gonna be forced to get on Dell Chat all over again. Ugh.
So that's my explanation. And it's all true. My mom just won't buy a new battery for the computer. It's not fun. It might not totally solve the problem, but at least the computer won't turn off as soon as it's unplugged. AGH!
My dad is so ungrateful about Lost. He's always thinking that everything has to be absolutely perfect for a TV show to be great. I think it's great even if it has flaws. Just so long as it's interesting and exciting, I couldn't be happier. Last night's episode was exciting, but extremely emotional. I was almost crying at one part. Well, two parts. One was a happy cry, and one was a sad cry. But there were a lot of deaths, and one of them was a major character. I just couldn't believe it. My dad always wonders why the show only focuses on certain people and not all the extras. And he thinks that they do some really stupid things. He's not looking hard enough. I wish I could tell what here, but I might spoil it. It's not like anybody is reading this anyway, though. Oh well. I just think that if he hates the show so much, he shouldn't watch it. Stop trying to force your dislike of the show onto me. Shows always get worse the longer they go for. But I like Lost. I probably always will, unless it gets totally horrible. But the writers always pay attention to the viewers' reactions. So I don't think it'll ever get that bad.
Today is Fridayyyyy. Yay!! The weekend is coming, and we will have so much fun! I mean, I'll probably be bored the whole time, but who cares? It's the weekend. No schoolwork to do. I'll find something to pass the time. It's almost June.
Time to go. Finish my work. Go play computer games. Maybe play guitar. Okay. Bye!
So that's my explanation. And it's all true. My mom just won't buy a new battery for the computer. It's not fun. It might not totally solve the problem, but at least the computer won't turn off as soon as it's unplugged. AGH!
My dad is so ungrateful about Lost. He's always thinking that everything has to be absolutely perfect for a TV show to be great. I think it's great even if it has flaws. Just so long as it's interesting and exciting, I couldn't be happier. Last night's episode was exciting, but extremely emotional. I was almost crying at one part. Well, two parts. One was a happy cry, and one was a sad cry. But there were a lot of deaths, and one of them was a major character. I just couldn't believe it. My dad always wonders why the show only focuses on certain people and not all the extras. And he thinks that they do some really stupid things. He's not looking hard enough. I wish I could tell what here, but I might spoil it. It's not like anybody is reading this anyway, though. Oh well. I just think that if he hates the show so much, he shouldn't watch it. Stop trying to force your dislike of the show onto me. Shows always get worse the longer they go for. But I like Lost. I probably always will, unless it gets totally horrible. But the writers always pay attention to the viewers' reactions. So I don't think it'll ever get that bad.
Today is Fridayyyyy. Yay!! The weekend is coming, and we will have so much fun! I mean, I'll probably be bored the whole time, but who cares? It's the weekend. No schoolwork to do. I'll find something to pass the time. It's almost June.
Time to go. Finish my work. Go play computer games. Maybe play guitar. Okay. Bye!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
A Turtle

I think we have had turtles for about 6 months or so. The first one that died was the smallest. We all knew it was going to die. It died not long after we got it. Our friends got them at a flea market, but their mom didn't want the turtles, so we got them.
My mom looked the turtles up on the internet, and it said that they have a very high death rate. The second one of these died about a week ago. It was just floating there. It would've looked really cute too, if it hadn't been dead. So we buried it. And this one, it wasn't eating for awhile after that, which is probably because it was lonely. At least it is eating now. I think it may end up dying anyway.
These turtles carry salmonella, apparently. That's not good. But nobody except the older kids touches them anyway, and we always wash our hands after we're done.
We have placed the turtle in a 'potluck' bowl. I call it that because it's the kind of bowl we always take to potlucks. We put a couple rocks in there, and recently we placed it under a lamp, because the turtles seem to like the warmth. We have to clean the water everyday because it gets dirty from the algae and poop and dissolving food. Those little things eat these big green pellets. And they stink! I hate the smell! And leaving the rocks in this water doesn't really help. They get covered in green stuff. It's really kind of gross. At least it's not as bad as cleaning out a litter box.
Speaking of cats, Sham is getting really fat right now. Her nipples are fat and pink. I'll bet that she'll have her kittens while I'm at camp in Radford. I don't want her to, but she very well may. I wonder if she'll put it off till I get back. I guess she can't.
You know, it's really weird that I love animals when I'm allergic to them. I am totally allergic to fur, and I still love animals that have it. They're so fuzzy and soft.
I remember when I was little, there were these toys that everybody wanted called Furbies. But they were so annoying. You couldn't get them to shut up. I never had one, but everybody told me about them, and some of my friends said that they had like five, and they had to throw theirs in the closet until it ran out of batteries. I can't believe they make those things without on/off switches. That must be totally annoying.
Okay, tonight is going to be so hard to wait for. In exactly 10 hours and 38 minutes, I have to be in front of that TV watching Lost or I am going to freak out. I'm kinda busy today though. I've got an orthodontist appointment, ouch, and we're going shopping a bit. I think we'll be back though.
Time to wrap up. OOOOOOOOOHHH I can't wait!!! Must finish schoolwork. Must take shower. Must eat dinner. Must watch Lost!!! Okay. Bye!!!
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