I think we have had turtles for about 6 months or so. The first one that died was the smallest. We all knew it was going to die. It died not long after we got it. Our friends got them at a flea market, but their mom didn't want the turtles, so we got them.
My mom looked the turtles up on the internet, and it said that they have a very high death rate. The second one of these died about a week ago. It was just floating there. It would've looked really cute too, if it hadn't been dead. So we buried it. And this one, it wasn't eating for awhile after that, which is probably because it was lonely. At least it is eating now. I think it may end up dying anyway.
These turtles carry salmonella, apparently. That's not good. But nobody except the older kids touches them anyway, and we always wash our hands after we're done.
We have placed the turtle in a 'potluck' bowl. I call it that because it's the kind of bowl we always take to potlucks. We put a couple rocks in there, and recently we placed it under a lamp, because the turtles seem to like the warmth. We have to clean the water everyday because it gets dirty from the algae and poop and dissolving food. Those little things eat these big green pellets. And they stink! I hate the smell! And leaving the rocks in this water doesn't really help. They get covered in green stuff. It's really kind of gross. At least it's not as bad as cleaning out a litter box.
Speaking of cats, Sham is getting really fat right now. Her nipples are fat and pink. I'll bet that she'll have her kittens while I'm at camp in Radford. I don't want her to, but she very well may. I wonder if she'll put it off till I get back. I guess she can't.
You know, it's really weird that I love animals when I'm allergic to them. I am totally allergic to fur, and I still love animals that have it. They're so fuzzy and soft.
I remember when I was little, there were these toys that everybody wanted called Furbies. But they were so annoying. You couldn't get them to shut up. I never had one, but everybody told me about them, and some of my friends said that they had like five, and they had to throw theirs in the closet until it ran out of batteries. I can't believe they make those things without on/off switches. That must be totally annoying.
Okay, tonight is going to be so hard to wait for. In exactly 10 hours and 38 minutes, I have to be in front of that TV watching Lost or I am going to freak out. I'm kinda busy today though. I've got an orthodontist appointment, ouch, and we're going shopping a bit. I think we'll be back though.
Time to wrap up. OOOOOOOOOHHH I can't wait!!! Must finish schoolwork. Must take shower. Must eat dinner. Must watch Lost!!! Okay. Bye!!!
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