I love colors. It makes everything so much more lively. What would this world be like without color? Probably like those black and white films that I hate. They're just so boring when there's no color in them. I can't believe that people actually used to watch those. And they used to watch movies without sound! I mean, no color isn't that bad, but no SOUND?! How do you watch those? I guess you could look at the facial expressions, but how in the world do you know what's going on? It's so weird.
I remember one day awhile ago, my brother and I were changing words around so they sounded funny. Like flower into fowzer and animal into aminal. And spaghetti into pasketti, but that's been around forever.
Yesterday's Lost was awesome! I was almost scared that they wouldn't show it because the Severe Weather channel was up, talking about the thunderstorms and tornado warnings. That was from 9 to 10, and that's when Grey's Anatomy was on, which I don't watch. So they said that that will be shown at 1 in the morning! Ouch. Then Lost came on, and I almost thought that that wasn't what it was, because it was like one of those old movies, but that's only because of the story. It was a crazy episode, but a really good one.
I cannot wait for this summer. I really can't. We may not be going anywhere, but I don't really want to anyway. I'll just go to the waterpark in Carowinds and I'll be good. Sure I'll be bored, but I hate car trips. They make me sick. I'll just have to find stuff to do.
Today is another sunny, hot and polleny day. I hate days like this. Especially hot ones. Then I can't do anything. Yesterday it was so hot I had to go wear a dress. I never wear dresses. It was just so extremely hot that I couldn't wear anything else.
Luckily today is Friday, so I can play on the computer all weekend. Okay, not all weekend, but some of it. The only problem is that I'll have to convince my siblings to get off of the computer when I want to use it. The computer that has my game on it also has everyone else's game on it too, so that is problematic.
I'm so tired. Yesterday after Lost was finished at 11, I stayed up watching half of "Into the Wild" with my mom. It's quite a long movie for such a short book. 2 hours and 20 minutes. So far it's been a good movie. I just don't want to see the part where the guy is found dead. That will probably be really nasty.
I think I'll just about wrap up. I want to sleep for like 20 minutes. It might help, and at least I don't have to do language arts because of the movie. Staying up late has it's benefits.
Time to sign off. I really do need this school to end. I wonder if I'll have 200 posts at the end. Oh well, the less, the better. To me, anyway. Bye!!!
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