I remember a long time ago, we used to have a whole bunch of boxes of Dr. Pepper under the sink. My dad was addicted to that stuff. I'm talking like 3 or 4 cans a day. Well, he's not drinking Dr. Pepper now. He's drinking Mountain Dew instead. He always likes some sort of soda. I think the only kind he doesn't like is that Baja Mountain Dew stuff. And who does? That stuff tastes like dish soap. Gross!
What's up with the Gatorade logo? Why is it an orange lightning bolt? Lightning is never orange. It's white and purple and blue and colors like that. I don't think I've ever seen it orange. But then, what do I know? I hate lightning. Why would I watch it?
Camps are only fun during the summer, when there's nothing else to do. It doesn't matter what kind of camp it is, but everyone hates them unless it's summer. I'm going to science camp this summer, so that should be fun. I like science sometimes. Every now and then.
What else to write about? Let's see...
Well, Lost is on tomorrow for two hours. I can't wait for it. Moby likes to tease me about it all the time. "I'll bet you can't wait until Thursday night!" is what he says. He's such a jerk. I need to find something to tease him about. Then I can get back at him.
I want a camcorder for my birthday. The quality of it will be so much better than those digital camera videos. And it's cool to walk around taping stuff. You could document your whole life that way. My mom said I can't get a camcorder though, because they're too much money. Wahhhh. Maybe I can convince her some way to let me get one. But I don't know which one I want more. A camcorder or a laptop. I'm getting a thousand dollars, and I don't know which one to get!
Time to wrap up so I can go. I have so much work to do! Bye!
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