Thursday, May 1, 2008


I love it. It's just so, well, natural. It's beautiful. I would love to spend all day in it. I just need a desk, laptop, and a deck. And maybe my guitar. I would spend the night under the stars if I could. But seeing as there are some blood-loving mosquitoes out there, I can't do that. Yesterday I spent awhile outside. At about 8:30, two mosquitoes bit me on my forehead. Or maybe it was one that bit twice. Either way, my head is now itchy, and it looks really bad.
That's why I like my uncle's house so much. And my grandma's house. There are large stretches of woods up there, and I love to run into the trees, and if I wasn't so scared, I'd probably climb them. I've had a bad experience with tree climbing though. We were playing hide-and-seek one time, and my brother thought it'd be cool to climb a tree where I couldn't get him, so he climbed one, and I found him, but I couldn't get him. So as he was getting down, he fell, hit his face against the tree, and I ran into the house screaming. (He says he got down a different way than usual, but I don't believe him.) One side of his head was clean, but the other side was all bloody. He was bleeding for awhile. I don't think we had to take him to the emergency room, luckily. So I've decided that I'm never climbing very high into a tree. Truthfully, I don't really know how either. I'm really scared of heights, unless I'm on a roller coaster.
Speaking of roller coasters, I want to go to Carowinds again. I want to go ride the Borg again. I hadn't been on in awhile, and when I went on a Monday with my friend, the line was so short that we got to go four whole times!!! I love the way that there's a corkscrew, and you look like you're about to fall into the water, but it pulls you up at the last second. My throat was really sore after that trip.
Why do people have to go and destroy nature just so that they can satisfy their needs? I never knew it before, and most people don't, but to get coal, you have to destroy mountains. So up in the Appalachians, they are blowing up mountains, and people live up there!! That's just sad to think that natural beauties are being destroyed just for coal. I mean, REALLY!
I wonder what the world would look like if all the buildings were knocked down, and trees were put in their place. This whole world would be full of trees. Then we can cut some of them down, and build log cabins, and everybody can live in those. And you have to light lanterns for light. And there was no TV, or Internet. Kind of like a 'Little House in the Big Woods' type world. We could all ride to each other's houses in horse-drawn carriages. That would be SO cool. Sure, we may not have all the electronic things that we do now, but we would have other stuff to do. Anybody who hasn't read 'Little House in the Big Woods', I highly suggest you do.
I really hope that one day the world realizes how bad things are getting. We all need to work together and to change the way this stuff works. We don't NEED all this stuff. We just want it. Why can't anybody see that? Funny though, how Charlotte didn't participate in the Lights-Out day about a month ago. And they wonder why we are ranked number 8 on the 'Worst Cities to Live in the U.S.' list.
Time to go!! Luckily, tonight is Lost, and tomorrow is Friday!!! Yay!!!

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