Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Controversial Stuff

Music is controversial. In Islam, I mean. Everyone who isn't Muslim pretty much listens to music a whole lot. But my problem is I'm not sure whether we're allowed to listen to music or not. My parents aren't stopping me, so I guess it's not, but there is a saying that we have.
One time, the Prophet SAS was walking down the road and a man was sitting outside playing a flute. The Prophet walked by, and he put his fingers in his ears, so he obviously didn't approve of it, but he didn't tell the man to stop playing, so it must not be forbidden.
When I was in Africa, one of the new girls there brought a radio and cards to the school. Well, once the 'principal' found out that she had those, he tore up each individual card, which was kind of funny, and I think he confiscated the radio. But of course, nobody would break it.
See, the thing about Islam is that there are several major things in this world that are forbidden, and one of them is gambling. I guess because you're not supposed to be able to get money without working, and also because it is addictive, and you will probably end up going broke. Anything bad for you, and some addictive things are forbidden, mainly alcohol.
I'm also unsure about cigarettes. I mean, it's not like I'm gonna go out and smoke or anything like that. I don't want cancer, and I don't want bad breath 24/7, but I see people outside the masjid smoking all the time. And I always wonder whether they're doing a forbidden thing. I don't think that anyone should smoke anyway because it is so bad for you. I just don't understand why people like stuff that is so bad for them. It may be addicting, but if you really wanted to stop, then you would try really hard. At least start decreasing your intake. It's not like I have any experience in stopping anything like that, but I know that's what I would do if I had a problem like that.
I think people in this world are weird. I'm absolutely sure that the people who own the beer and cigarette companies have every idea about how bad their products are for people. I'll even bet that they don't use their own products!! That's just stupid. All people care about these days is money money money. Even when they're unofficially killing thousands of people a year!!! Cancer, drunk driving accidents, second-hand smoking, etc. Where do people get the idea that all this is okay? Maybe all those founders and owners should go out and try their own products, and then see what happens. And why does nobody pay attention to the Surgeon Health Warnings on the boxes of cigarettes? I mean, really. People are so stubborn, and sometimes it's a good thing, but most of the time, it isn't.
I truly wish tobacco had never existed. Maybe God created it to test us with the temptation of a cigarette, and see what we would do. I'm not quite fond of the idea of black lungs. I definitely don't want tar in my lungs like a road. I'm not something to be driven on. Tar, ash, tobacco, smoke, nicotine, carbon monoxide. If you want carbon monoxide in your body, go stick your face in front of the exhaust pipe of a running car, just don't smoke this stuff. In all these densely populated countries, kids have to walk across crowded streets to get to school, and they unwillingly breathe in all this bad stuff every time. And you willingly take it in. WHY?!!! God, there's nothing I despise more than the smell of a cigarette. How do you breathe that stuff in without choking to death? It must taste horrible. Did you know that everyone in this world, even the non-smokers, has a bit of black in their lungs? Thanks to all those smokers.
Now, don't get me wrong. It's not like I totally despise smokers. A lot of really nice people smoke. I just think that they were led by their so-called friends to do something totally gross. I think they should've founded the DARE program a long time ago. It might've saved a lot of people from starting all this stuff.
Time to go. I hope at least somebody learned something from this post. Have fun today! Bye!

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