Monday, May 19, 2008

No Time for a Picture Today...

I've got too much to write. I haven't done my blog for a week because all of last week I was in Radford, Virginia. At Radford University. My dad had a conference there, and Moby and I went with him. And you know, I had a whole lot more fun than I ever thought I would. The day was usually kind of boring, but at night, we NEVER got bored. We were always doing something.
Let's see... On Monday night we went bowling and played a bit of pool in the game room there, on Tuesday we did the same thing, and on Wednesday we watched 27 Dresses, and then played "Drawing Charades." And on Thursday we started out watching The Bucket List, but some of us went upstairs to the ground floor and played this game called Catch Phrase. It's a little handheld electronic unit that has a bunch of different catagories, and it is basically Charades with words, only that makes it a bit easier. Unfortunately, the words are harder. And later on that night, my dad said we're playing real Charades with that thing. You can imagine how hard that was. One guy got Private Jessica Lynch for his!!!
So I bought that game. I am going to take it with me to my friend's house this Friday. The problem with that game is that too be fun, you have to have a lot of people, which you don't get all the time.
We left Friday afternoon. I'll have to say that college is not anything that I expected. For one thing, the food is great. At Radford, they have an all-you-can-eat buffet which was nice, and the dorms were pretty cool. It was just like a small bedroom. There were two beds with drawers, a small dresser, a big dresser, two closets, two desks, and a bathroom with a shower. There are several buildings with dorms. We stayed in the Ingles dorm, which had a "movie theater" in the basement, which is just a living-room like thing. Couches, and a computer with a movie program enabled. There was also an overhead, which was perfect for Drawing Charades. Oh my gosh, we had so much fun that night. Even though I was around a bunch of older people, who were WAY older than me, I still laughed, and messed around; it was just like when I hang out with my friends.
That Thursday when we played Catch Phrase, I was actually considering watching Lost on the Internet the next day, but there is no way that I will willingly miss an episode of Lost if I have access to ABC. No way. One of the first things I did when I got to Radford was check and see if they had a TV. They have one in every dorm building.
Even though I'm going to school next year, I still want to go to that conference again. If I'm going to be doing all that stuff, why wouldn't I want to go? Radford is also having a summer program for rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors. I'm only a rising freshman, but apparantly my dad can pull a few strings. Hehe.
Time to go. Luckily this internet connection is working, otherwise I would've written all this and not been able to publish it. What a waste of time.

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