My dad likes lemon cake with chocolate frosting, and I think it's okay, but I like chocolate cake with chocolate or vanilla frosting, I don't care which. I like making cakes too. I wish I could make one from scratch.
Yesterday I went to Carowinds again, and it wasn't so fun this time, because, oh, I don't know, there were lots of people and big long lines, unlike the last Sunday we went, where we could walk in and get on the rides. I don't know how people can stand waiting in horribly long lines just to get on a two minute ride that isn't even that fun. Crazy people. At least Daddy and I finally got to get on Borg. He loved it. And the line wasn't even that long. Well, until after we got on. Then the line got really long until about 3. That's about when we all started getting bored, and then we left.
What else do I write about? Truthfully, it's time for me to go, but I'm staying to do this just because I'm gonna get in trouble if the post is too short.
I'm going to high school next year. Yay! I hope I actually make decent friends there. Maybe some Muslim friends. And maybe I'll join the basketball team, although I don't want to go through the whole 'me wearing pants and them wearing shorts' thing. I'd much rather join the Muslim girls' basketball team. But I don't think I'm old enough.
Time to go. Tomorrow's post will probably be longer. Bye.
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