Friday, May 23, 2008

Today Will Be a Fun Day

Because today I'm going to my friend's house! It's her birthday party, and I'm gonna have so much fun, because I'll finally get to go to somebody else's house. And stay up late and play crazy games and talk about freaky stuff. I love doing that. Only I always do it at my house, which is no fun.
I cannot believe that Lost isn't on until next Thursday. It's just wrong! Why couldn't they do Grey's Anatomy next week instead? I'm so anxious to watch this finale! It's going to be so sad, but it'll be so awesome.
I hate suspense. Unfortunately, Lost is a show of suspense. The whole show depends on it. It's what keeps people tuned in. But I have a bad feeling that the finale will have a ginormous cliffhanger, and if that happens, I mean, two weeks is bad enough, but four months?!!! I won't be able to stand it!!
Today is such a nice day outside. But I don't really want to go outside, because yesterday, I was trying to swing on our rope swing, and both times, I got ticks on my clothes. Luckily, they didn't get on my skin. Ticks are so nasty. They stick their head into your skin so that it's hard to get out. I've never gotten bitten by one before, but my dad did. When we were at Radford, we went for a walk in these woods by a lake, and about two hours after we got back, my mom noticed a tick on his face. I thought that was just gross. On his face? Ewww.
If there were no insects at all, I'd love going outside. Especially barefoot. I love it anyway, but it'd be so much better if there were no bugs. That way, you can go outside and not have to worry about getting bitten or stung or stepping on a bug.
What else do I write about? It's not like there's anything interesting going on. I look around this room, and all I see is a bunch of books, a picture window, and- OH!
I was reading this article on BBC News today, about a tunnel that people built under the Earth's crust that stretches from New York City all the way to London, England. So you can see people on the other side of the ocean! That is so totally cool. I would so go to New York just for that. Or maybe London. But you can write messages to them on whiteboards and stuff. And wave. And you can see them. That is just so totally awesome.
My fingers still hurt when I play guitar. I wish they didn't. It'd make stuff a whole lot easier. I could play for a long time and not have to give my fingers a break.
I've said this a million times, but I'm really only writing in this blog because my parents want me too. I don't write about my life very much. It's so uninteresting. Who cares about my life? Nobody. That's who. Nobody. I'd like somebody to care. Then maybe this blog would actually be worth writing.
I should probably wrap up now. It's about time to go, finally. TGIF!!! Bye!

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