Thursday, May 22, 2008

My Sisters

Think they can do whatever they want. Really. It's like, they think that they're older than I am, or at least that they're the same age. All the privileges that I get, they think that they should get them too. Like staying up late, getting small treats, talking on the phone, they think that they should have all of those and more. Just last night I was staying up watching a movie, and, as usual, after I went upstairs to get something, the light in my room was on, because Maryam, as usual, doesn't want to go to sleep. I'm not the one who has to get up early for school. And then if she comes down because she supposedly 'can't sleep,' and we're eating ice cream, she'll get all mad. And then, when I babysit, I'll ask her to do something nicely, a couple of times, and then, after she doesn't do it, I'll yell and tell her to do it, and then she gets MAD! That's just wrong. She knows that I asked nicely before, so she can't get mad if I need her to do something. And both of my parents side with her. I always always ALWAYS get yelled at for saying stuff meanly, even though SHE'S the one who wasn't listening. Do little kids never get in trouble for stuff?
Ah. Those were the days. In elementary school. The days where you never got in trouble for anything. Unless, of course, you were the oldest. Like me. But at least you didn't get in trouble for a bunch of stuff.
Sham is definitely pregnant. Her tummy is getting so fat, and her nipples are pink and big. I can't wait until we have pretty kittens. I love little baby animals. Like chicks. Chicks are awesome. They're small, fluffy, and yellow. And kittens are small, fluffy, and a bunch of different colors. I was watching this video on Myspace awhile ago, and it showed this 6 week old kitten playing with a toy, and he wouldn't give it up. He was growling, hissing and biting, but he wouldn't give the toy up. And no catnip was involved. That is one stubborn kitten.
That's what I love about cats. They're so fun to play with and pick up and chase. They love string, anything noisy, and they're just so darn cute. Until they grow up, that is. I wish kittens stayed kittens forever.
I can't wait till tomorrow. Not only is it Friday, but I get to go to my friend's house. Yippee...
I cannot believe Lost isn't coming on tonight. The stupid Grey's Anatomy finale is on. Why do all the finales have to be two hours? It's kind of stupid. Okay, with Lost, it isn't. And I guess finales are kind of the best episodes of the season, so it's cool that they're longer. And one of my friends likes Grey's Anatomy, but I don't really understand the show. What's it about?
Time to go. See ya tomorrow! Bye!

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