Friday, May 2, 2008


Was awesome! That's all I can say. It was sooooo awesome!!! There was a cliffhanger though. That's a problem. Claire left Aaron in the jungle and disappeared with an apparition of her dad somewhere. I hope she's not gone for good.
Moby is so mean. He stayed up after we prayed at 5:30 to do his schoolwork, and he didn't even tell me!!! So he's only got 2 hours of school left!!! And I've gotta work until 3!
This weekend is going to be hard. I wish somebody would invite me to their house. I'm tired of being cooped up in this house all day. With only my parents and siblings to talk too. That's really the only reason I want to go back to school. Because I'm tired of all this. Being stuck in the house, not getting to see any friends, not having any teachers teach me stuff. I liked going to school. It was fun. I like switching classes and taking notes and buying school supplies and having lockers. It's fun. Most people think I'm crazy for it, but I do. I'm one of those people who enjoys organizing stuff.
I only had one year of middle school. So I'm not really all experienced with switching classes and stuff. At least I'll have some friends. Or maybe everybody will hate me. I'm trying to decide whether I should go to school, have friends, and get a bad education, or stay home, have no friends, and get a good education.
Anybody got any suggestions on what to write about? I'm stuck. I hate writing this blog. There's nothing at all to write about in it. My life is boring; nobody wants to hear about that. I don't even think anybody, save my parents, actually reads this stupid blog. There's nothing interesting whatsoever about it.
Two minutes left. Luckily. And luckily it's Friday. So that I don't have to do this until next Monday. And then I only have to do it for four weeks more. Then I can disown this unsatisfying blog. And never come back to it. EVER.
Time to go. Bye. No, I'm not going to say bye enthusiastically. Just bye. Bye...

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