Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Argh. My Dad...

Is SO evil. He makes people feel guilty, and then they suffer for it. On Saturday night I was trying to tell him about how I hate having to do all this Qur'an stuff, and then he's all like "You don't spend a lot of time doing stuff." So I've decided, hey, maybe I will. So yesterday for about an hour, I tried to learn how to play this song by my favorite artist, and I made a bit of progress, but not much. So now I have stiff, peeling skin on my fingertips. I didn't want to, but I had to stop because my fingers hurt so much! I guess eventually my fingers will harden up enough so that I don't have to stop.
I also sort of got back to making stuff on my bead looms, although I only do that every once in awhile anyway, to make stuff for people. The whole problem I have is that I want everything to be easy. I don't want to do any of the work that makes stuff fun. If it requires set up, I don't like it. I mean, it may be stupid, and I'm really really trying to not be lazy, but sometimes I can't help it. It's like a second nature. This morning, I didn't at all want to get out of bed. I don't know why. I guess me being tired might have something to do with it. But I went to bed at 11:45. I shouldn't be tired. I always need a lot of sleep. Unless it's a sleepover, of course. Nobody can ever sleep then. You have too much fun.
Hey! I wonder why they call it a sleepover. Every single person I know does. Because, at sleepovers, you do basically everything BUT sleep. What is wrong with these people? Thinking up names that don't apply to the situation. At one sleepover I had, I think we stayed up until 5 in the morning, and then we slept until 9 am. It was crazy. I think the night after, I slept for a looooong time. But I do that every weekend. I go to bed at 2 and sleep until, like, 12. I always sleep until 10, at least. I used to be an early riser when I was little. I woke up at 7 or 8 every morning, no matter when I went to bed. But I usually went to bed at 9 anyway. But that's just growing up. Later bedtime, later 'awaketime'.
I can't believe summer is almost here! Just three weeks left. Usually I'd be looking forward to summer, but it just means more of this. Loneliness. I don't have anybody to spend the summer with. The only thing I'm looking forward to is Carowinds and Sham's kittens at the end of June. I can't wait to see a bunch of little tiny kittens. I hope nothing happens to any of them. Or Sham. Mom hates her, but she is just acting upon her nature. She doesn't really want to hurt anyone, unless she's being attacked. She just wants to play. It's the cat way. And sure, she may growl and hiss, but that's just like people yelling. "Leave me alone!!!" is what she's trying to say. Okay, so maybe I bother Sham the most. But she's so soft and cuddly. The only problem is that she has fleas. Every month. And then she gets the fleas all over the place. So now I have bites all over me. We need some new flea medicine. And she's long-haired, so that's a bit of a problem. Allergies.
Time to wrap up. I have to go. I've got a lot of test prep, even though public schools are going EOG right now. My sister has her's for the first time. They're relatively easy though. She shouldn't have a hard time.

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