Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Is probably one of the more soothing things in life. It helps me concentrate, although my mom thinks differently. She says that you can't concentrate with music playing. But I can. The only time I can't is when I'm reading, especially if it is a song that I like. Like right now. Luckily, I can write while I listen. It's just hard to sing along to a song and read words at the same time. Actually, I think it's impossible. Or maybe just extremely hard. But I like music. A lot. It's so wonderful to just sit around with your iPod and block out the world. Especially when you're depressed. I get like that a lot. And there's a little nook in the corner of my closet that I hide in. Way up high on the shelf. But I think I need to stop doing that, because I'm getting too heavy for that. I'm so scared that one day I'll fall off and break my neck or something.
Music is something that doesn't have a certain way that it has to be. It can be in so many different styles, and played on so many different instruments. I like pop and country. And I like guitars. They can be used to play a bunch of different styles of music. You just have to know how to do it.
You know what my favorite part about my family is? It's not that we all know how to yell, but the fact that we can sit down and watch a movie together, and it always seems like somebody is missing. I don't know why I like that, but I do. It's so funny how we're always trying to figure out who's missing, and we can never do it because everybody is there. It's a laughable situation.
On the other hand, I hate it when everyone always has to act like they hate each other. Like after some really tense moment, we all go and do our own thing and don't talk to each other until dinner. I mean, I know that I usually start whatever it was, but I don't honestly mean to get everyone mad at each other.
I also hate it when my parents embarrass me. They must enjoy doing it. Otherwise they wouldn't do it ALL THE TIME! And they're always trying to figure out what I'm doing. I'm not doing anything illegal!!! I don't like it when they always try to get into my business. Especially when they do it only because I wouldn't let my siblings see what I was doing. That's really annoying.
I want to go back and live in Charlottesville. Badly. I wanna live up in the mountains with my uncle or my grandma. There are big stretches of woods up there. I love nature. It's so beautiful, and I would give anything to be able to go spend a whole day sitting in the woods playing my guitar. And writing. I like it here too, but I wish we lived in a house with a gigantic backyard that had a million trees in it. That I could hide in whenever I felt moody and didn't want to talk to anybody.
Time to go. Wow. It's been 30 minutes? This went by fast. I guess when I'm actually writing about stuff that I like, the time goes by faster.

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