Monday, April 14, 2008

We're Doing Things a Bit Differently...

Today, I am starting my strike against taking pictures for this dumb darn blog. I hate writing. It's so tedious and whenever you write anything, somebody always reads it and tells you what you should take out or put in, and after that it never really seems like you wrote it. I used to love writing. Now, I just don't like all the "steps" you have to go through. Rough draft, second draft, final edited copy, yadayadayada... I mean, the rough drafts are usually the best copies, because after you edit it and take out stuff, you end up with a paper half shorter than it was! So I have decided that the best way to make my point is to misspell words, not write in complete sentences, and all that other junk. But seeing as my parents will get mad at me and make me rewrite the whole thing over again, I won't.
Spring break was very fun. I wasn't as bored as I thought I would be, mostly because we kind of overextended our computer time just a tiny bit, but I also got started on a couple new crafts that I had long discontinued. Beading and cross stitching. And I'll admit that they are fun. Right now I just have to get a new embroidery hoop for my stitching because the one I have right now is old and leaving marks on the fabric, which all cross stitchers know is not good.
We also got season passes to the best theme park ever. Carowinds. Okay, it may not be the best, but it's the closest, and seeing as we'll be here all summer, we need something to do. I have gone to Carowinds three times in the past week. Sunday, Monday, and Saturday. Saturday, I think, didn't really count because we went for about three hours. I got on six rides, and then it started raining, so we left because YaSeen was getting cold. And it was no fun at all when the lines were so long and some rides had long lines and only one car out of three running. And the ride is longer than normal. 2 minutes. Stupid Carolina Goldrush people. They could've at least put one other car on there, but my dad said that they don't want to risk there being any empty seats, because it wastes money to run half empty cars. Ha! People were pouring in faster than they could fill up the trains.
I don't know if it is a coincidence or fate, but both times that my dad and I tried to get on Borg Assimilator, or Nighthawk, we were so close to getting on, and then the ride has some weird issue and they do a million test runs. That is so wrong! Why why why why why?!!
Yesterday we were supposed to go hiking at some big waterfall two hours away, but that got cancelled after my dad had gotten us all out of bed and dressed. At 7:15!!! On a Sunday!!! I haven't gotten up that early on a Sunday since I had religious school. And that didn't even start until 10. So we all went back to sleep for three hours. And then we got up and played on the computer or watched TV. Then at 2, we all went to the Whitewater Rafting Center for a chicken sandwich picnic. Not that nasty Chik-Fil-A stuff, but real chicken sandwiches. We watched these people go rafting, which I thought was crazy cause if the sun went behind the clouds, which it did often, it got really cold. Later on it got hot, and I decided I wanted to go, but luckily I didn't, because after we left at about 5:30, it started to rain. Hard. We went to the airport to watch the planes and eat brownies, but after the rain started, we left.
Time to wrap this up. See how much I can write without a picture? Well, I guess it'll be harder to do after this because there won't be a spring break to write about. Well, I'm going now. Bye!

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