I've tried to use this brush so many times, and it hurts so badly, I can't stand it. I'm sorry, but plastic bristles, which aren't really bristles, don't work. They just don't work. Sure all brushes have a few plastic bristles, but this one has ONLY plastic bristles! There's nothing else. My brush has bristles made out of some stringy fiber. It's not too tough, but it works well. Each individual bristle is surrounded by about 10 others. That brush works like a charm.
This one, on the other hand, is the exact opposite. I don't know how my mom can stand to use it. She just walks right over and starts brushing. And after her shower too! Dry hair is bad enough, but WET hair?!!! Agh.
I can't wait until next Monday. Then we are going to Carowinds!!! I haven't been since fifth grade when I went with my Safety Patrol. For free!!! Hahaha! I want to ride Borg Assimilator, Vortex, Ricochet, and all the other awesome roller coasters. Maybe my friend will come too. I don't know if she is scared of roller coasters, though. I also love the Dippin' Dots. Those things are so good, and so fruity, yet so ice creamy. My mom doesn't like roller coasters. I don't know why, but she doesn't. My dad and I are the roller coaster fanatics. We have to go on all of them. I wish we could go on all the coasters at Carowinds in one day. Hopefully he will be able to get Monday off so that he can come. I don't think he's teaching any classes that day.
If you design roller coasters, you'd have to take all sorts of crazy classes. Not just math, but physics, science, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Moby wants to design roller coasters or video games, but he's so lazy, I doubt he'd get through the first day of classes. He hates working. We're going to start threatening him with going back to school if he doesn't cooperate. He's so bad.
Almost time to go!!!! Then one day left, and it's Spring Break all the way!! Yippee!!!
Time to go. Time to start the rest of my work! Tata!
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