Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My "Biography"

Today I am writing the story of my life, from when I can remember, all the way to now. It may take awhile, but it will pass the time.
I was born on September 6, 1994 in Charlottesville, VA. Not much to say there. My brother was born 1 and 1/2 years later on May 24, 1996 in the same place. After that we started really moving around because of my dad's work.
We moved to Tampa, FL, or someplace like that, and I only have a few memories of that place. Two in Disney World, and two at my "Muslim Preschool".
From Disney World I can vaguely remember a big parade of Disney characters and a weird puppet show with a scary guy sitting backwards on a chair. From my preschool I remember a calender thing with Velcro day and date pads that could be removed, and I also remember on the playground me going up the slide and two girls coming down, and me getting into trouble.
After that we moved to a small apartment in Charlotte, NC. The only thing I can remember about that place is this platform way up high with a desk on it. I remember I was always so eager to answer the phone (in high contrast to me now), so one day I picked it up without realizing that my mom had already gotten the phone, and she was talking to my grandma! My first sister was born there, on July 13, 1998.
In 1999 we moved to our big house. I started kindergarten at J.H. Gunn Elementary. On my first day I got sent to Ms. Shaw's class, but they took me out of it and put me into Mrs. Bishop's class, a class that combined kindergarten and first grade. That was my first combined year. That was the year I learned to write. That was also the year we got three kittens at home. Frisky, a black tom-kitten with a long tail, Belle, a black girl kitten with a short tail, and Sam, an orange tom-kitten. Belle got run over by my dad's car after sleeping under it and not coming out when the car started up, and years later, we sent Frisky to the Humane Society because he was being a bit bad, like his name. We still have Sam, 8 years later. My other sister was also born this year, on July 17, 2000.
In first grade I was put in the same trailer, only in Mrs. Kidwell's class. This was a combined first and second grade class. I remember I had one really good"friend," but she liked to hang out with some of the second graders more than she did with me. I guess we were still friends, in a way. Only it got lonely. That was the year I learned to read and to love it.
That summer we went to visit my "godparents" in Texas, basically meaning they were the people who would take care of us if anything happened to my parents. They were really good friends with my parents. I met this girl there. Her name was Alex. She was my godmother's niece, and she was no more then a year younger than me.
In second grade I was put into the main building in Mrs. Neely's class. This was my first normal class, no combining. I had several friends in this class. They were my first real ones. And I loved Mrs. Neely. She had her baby, almost the same time my mom had her last one, my brother, born on April 28, 2002.
That summer we went to Morocco. I might be confused about the dates, because I can kind of remember my baby brother being able to walk by then, but I'd have to ask my dad.
It's time for me to go now. I'll continue the story tomorrow. And maybe correct myself if the summer events are wrong. Tata!!

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