I don't know what I like so much about this pillow. It's just so soft, and colorful. I like pink. It's a nice color. A lot of people say pink is too girly, but it is really pretty. You know, pink used to be classified as a boy color. I remember one time this boy in my math class wouldn't take his sweater off because he had a pink shirt on underneath. It was really funny. And it was a hot day.
I love pillows. They're so soft, and when you fall onto one, you never want to get up. Especially if you're tired. Like me. Right now, I just want to go climb in my bed, wrap myself up in a blanket, and fall asleep. Even though I got more sleep last night then I have gotten at night for the past two weeks. Normally I'll only get about 7 or 8 hours of sleep, and last night, I got 9 and a half! And I'm STILL tired! I'm falling asleep in the chair!
I don't know what's wrong with me. I have to get at least 10 hours of sleep a night or I cannot stay awake, and that's only at night. If I get more sleep during the day, I stay asleep for 2 hours! Agh! I hate weekdays!
I cannot wait until spring break. Then I can sleep late every single day! We're also going to go to Carowinds, so that'll be fun.
Yesterday was so fun. I played a whole bunch of tricks on people. First I taped the spray nozzle on the sink so that it sprayed whoever turned the sink on, and Maryam turned it on FULL BLAST! I also stuck various tubular things on top of the fridge in a way so that whoever opens the fridge gets concked on the head. My dad fooled my mom by saying the car was broken down, and then he took a screenshot of her computer desktop and put it as the background. Then he got rid of all her icons and put them in a folder. She couldn't figure out why the computer was "frozen". I did the same thing to the computer downstairs, although nobody's gotten on yet. I can't wait to see what they do when they notice the computer isn't working.
Almost time to get off and go. Then I've got reading, science and math. I hate math. Right now I'm doing quadratic equations, and they're so annoying. On top of it all, my teeth are soo sore because I got the bands changed and tightened yesterday. At least they're not as sore as they were when I first got my braces. That was pure torture. Owwwwww. I can't eat anything!!
It's so warm outside, but it's supposed to rain tomorrow. I hate that we didn't get snow, but even worse, that my dad didn't take us skiing!!! And he said he would! We haven't gone skiing in three years!!!
Time to go now. Half hour is up. I hope to finish my work so that I can go to sleep. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Bye!
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