Friday, April 25, 2008


...Is annoying. Well, it usually is. Last night sure wasn't, although they killed off one of my favorite characters on Lost. Sure she wasn't all important, but I'd hoped to learn more about her. And she had my name. It's not FAIR!!! Evil Keamy.
Sham is pregnant!!!!! She went into heat about three days ago, and she's been courting these two orange toms for awhile. So I guess we're guaranteed some orange kittens. One of the cats has a pudgy bulldog-like face. It's really crazy. I guess all tomcats look like that, but his was the biggest. I can't wait for the kittens. In June, not quite the heat of summer, but still hot, Sham will be a mommy pussycat.
Sham is still quite small. Apparently she got rejected by her mom, so we can see why. She was most likely the runt of the litter, and the runt usually dies, but somebody rescued her. So now she's a small adult cat, 9 months, give or take.
Luckily today is Friday. That means that as soon as I'm done with my work, I can go play Star Wars Battlefront. I finally beat the droids on Galactic Conquest. Moby was right. Clones suck against droids. But I conquered!!! Next it's stormtroopers against rebels.
This weekend we're cleaning my room. Not that I'm not happy about that. It's just that I don't want to do it. I want someone else to do it for me. I know, I'm lazy. It's just that it's not my fault that the room is dirty. But whenever the people who DID make the mess clean it up, it doesn't get clean AT ALL! *cough* Maryam. *cough* Iman.
My dad wants me to design a cargo container house. I have it all planned out, but now he wants me to put it into SketchUp, and I'm still not used to the program yet. I'll figure something out though.
*sniffle* I still can't believe they killed off Alex on Lost. My mom said she wasn't all that important, but I liked her. She was more like a plane person than an Other. She was so nice.
I wonder what it would be like to act in a TV show that you really liked, and then get a call saying that your character got killed off. That'd be heartbreaking, especially if you liked acting in it. But in Lost, at least you can come back for flashbacks and such.
Time to go. At 3:30, I'm done with my work. Yay!! Bye!

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