Thursday, April 17, 2008

...Continued Biography

Soooo... where was I? Oh yes. Third grade. By the way, I got the summer dates right.
Okay, so in third grade I transferred to Grier Road Elementary because my mom didn't think that I should be getting up at 6 am every day to get on the bus, with school starting at 7:15. At least it ended at 2, but anyway, I left my school I'd been going to for three years.
Grier Road wasn't really all that bad. I started out in Mrs. Merritt's class. It was just a normal third grade class. But about halfway through the first quarter of school, I got transferred to Ms. Schlick's class next door. Her class was third and fourth combined. And she specialized in teaching smart people. Well, sort of. The classes got moved around because she got a lot of smart people in her class. Who always had A's and stuff. That was the class that I met my two best friends. I also hung out with this other girl who was my friend for a couple of years, but then she just kind of drifted away. I don't really talk to her anymore.
Later on that year, another girl came into the class from across the hall. She was one of the two friends that I mentioned. She is still my best friend everrrrr.
The problem with having been transferred to another class is that all your stuff gets addressed to your original class. Like school pictures. Ugh.
I also had an awesome student teacher that year, Ms. Ellington. She won some special "pretty girl" award. Like Ms. North Carolina or something like that.
That summer we went up the East Coast and back. My mom went to Senegal. We visited my mom's parents and my dad's mom and stepdad. We also visited a bunch of other people that I can't remember. We went north, and then we headed way south.
In fourth grade I transferred to Oakhurst Elementary because that is where my teacher Ms. Schlick from third grade really taught. Oakhurst was getting extended, so all the teachers and students moved to Grier Road for two years. So I started fourth grade on the second floor in Ms. Jamison's class. She was honestly the nicest, happiest teacher I've ever had. Unfortunately that only lasted half of the first quarter, once again. I got transferred to Ms. Schlick's class again, downstairs. I think she specifically requested people from the year before, cause almost everyone who'd been in the class before was in it again. Except for the ones at Grier Road. But funnily enough, my friend who had transferred later in the year before, she had moved to Oakhurst too. That year was so fun. I also met this other girl who is now my other best friend. I loved being in Ms. Schlick's class. We had such awesome parties. Karaoke and everything.
I will continue this tomorrow. It's time for me to go again. Wow, this is one long biography for all the short years I've lived. Imagine how long it will be when I'm 60!

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