Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The World Today

I always wondered what the deal was with this world. Why do all the governments have to be so cruel and corrupt? After somebody gains power, they always have to keep it, even when the citizens don't want them to. I mean, look at this coming election. I'll bet that if Bush was allowed to run again, he would, and chances are that he'd probably win, even though all he's done for America is get us involved in a stupid war that killed thousands of innocent people and broke apart probably millions of families. I'm not anti-American or anything, but we all know it's true, so you can't really deny it. And after all that, America elected him again! Kerry probably wouldn't have been a whole lot better, but he'd be better than Bush.
So now we're stuck in a big, crazy post-election frenzy. Everybody knows that McCain is GOING TO LOSE no matter who ends up running against him. Nobody wants another Republican in the White House. Okay, maybe some people do, but that's because they are REPUBLICAN. And he's the only guy who even had a decent amount of support. But I, personally, am Democrat. And am for Obama. All the way. I have been since all this started. I'm not allowed to vote yet, but if I could, I'd be voting for Obama. I just don't trust Hillary. First of all, do you realize something? If Hillary was elected, there would be a pattern. Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton. And how do you know that in 8 years, there won't be another Bush running? Do you think that there's even the slightest chance that it might happen? If it did, they probably wouldn't be elected, but still!
I mean, Bush's regime was torture for everyone, but for the Muslims it was and is just bad. The Patriot Act was enough. Taking away all our rights, now it sure seems like it's not America anymore. And then there is all the stereotyping. Everyone who didn't grow up with a Muslim friend basically thinks that Muslims are terrorists, and IT'S NOT TRUE!! I specifically made this point in my last blog. Go look back there. Why does the whole world hate us? We never did anything. The idiots who flew into the towers were radicals who had no care for innocent people. It doesn't help anything. And then a ginormous war is declared on Iraq, all because they "supposedly" have nuclear weapons and are knowingly housing Osama Bin Laden.
I watched this film awhile ago called Control Room. It was about the popular Middle East TV station Al-Jazeera, and what stories they covered in the first year of the Iraq war. And now that I'm oldr, I kind of understand stuff like that a little more. And I realized from the movie, that the American TV stations show the invading Americans. The Middle East stations show all the blood, dead people, and Americans entering people's homes and assaulting them. Why does this world have to be so cruel. Nobody really knows what's going on over there. It's like Gaza and Israel. Nobody, save the Gazans, actually know what's going on in Gaza, because the Isrealis want to keep it a secret. They don't want the world to know that they are bombing and killing hundreds of people a day.
So for all of you people who go to work and come home everyday, taking all of this for granted, all these cars, electricity, even your children, it could be a whole lot worse. You could be stuck in a small home with no electricity, right next to a smelly sewer, wishing that your dead son would come home. Of course, I'm sure there are some people in this country who have dead sons that they wish would come home. Do you know any? If you do, go comfort them. Go realize that the world won't be this way forever. It's only a matter of time.
Vote Obama 2008!!!

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