Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I have now officially decided that my life needs a huge change. I just don't know what. I'm thinking a cleaner bedroom. That's the easiest way to go. But do you have any idea how much work it would be to clean that thing? Well, let's list it all. I like lists.
-Under my bed
-Under Iman's bed
-Under the dresser
-Behind both dressers
-In the closet
-On top of the dressers
And that may seem like a little bit, but it is a lot more. Each one of those places is extremely messy. We've tried for a long time to clean them, but my mom says next week is spring cleaning, so maybe we'll get it done then. I hate spring cleaning.
Have you ever noticed how sexist men are? And not only that, but they pass it on to the younger generation. Not just the boys, but the girls too. They make the girls feel all bad about being girls. Well, here are a couple well-known facts about men:
-If you leave them alone in the house for a week with no woman around, when you get back the house will be messy, all the clothes will either be in big piles or all grey from washing them together, and the kitchen will be very, very dirty.
-They may think they're stronger, but try getting a man to lift a heavy pot of water onto the stove.
-They may be strong, but that's nothing compared to highly sensitive fingers.
-So what if you work 8 hours a day? Women work all day, 24/7 just doing normal household chores!
-They may bring in the money, but if they were left to spend it all on their own, you'd end up with a house full of computers, televisions, and DVDs
And those are just some of the reasons why women are better than men. So any girl who hates being a girl has total issues. She's not looking at the whole picture.
Boy, I'm so glad I don't live in the Middle East. Especially Saudi Arabia. I read this book a couple years ago called Princess. It's about this girl's life in Saudi Arabia. Some of the stories in that book were so horrible. I cannot believe fathers kill their own daughters just because they are getting a teeeeeeeny bit hormonal, if you know what I mean. Boy-wise. And if the boys do anything like that, not only do they not get punished, but it totally goes unnoticed. I don't know why women have to go through all that. They carry and birth the children, take care of them, why should they have to go through all this? And even though forced marriages are illegal in Islam, they still go on! What kind of Muslims are these people?!
Women can take such a more active role here. With a lot of things. They even work out of the house now. Not so long ago, that was almost unheard of! And men say they're better. As IF!
Now that I've got that little rant over, what else should I talk about? You know what? I think I'll talk about crafting. I love crafting. There are all these different things you can make, and even though men wouldn't regard it as a sport, it kind of is. Sure, you're not sweating your skin off, but who says crafting isn't a sport? You're moving your hands all over the place, and making beautiful works of art. It's a sport all right, and it can get you a lot of money.
I like beading and cross stitching. Especially bead looms. They're fun, easy, and after you learn how to warp the loom it is not hard at all to figure out the rest.
Time to wrap up. I think this no picture thing is going quite well, don't you?
Now for a message to my daddy:

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