Tuesday, April 22, 2008

World Issues

Well, another day, another blog. Normally I'll write about dumb stuff. Today I think I'll write about the world, and all the issues in it.
First, the Gaza-Israel conflict. I mean, I haven't read THAT much about it, and I don't know what caused it, although I have a good idea about it. The Israelis want Gaza. For their own. So for years now they have been bombing Gaza, hoping that there will be a surrender, and they'll get all the land for themselves. Well, I have opinions about this. And some people on the BBC probably agree with me. First, when there is a "mass" shootout at an Isreali school, (meaning 8 people are killed), it gets front page news and full coverage. But EVERY SINGLE DAY, hundreds of people are killed in Gaza, and where is that news? I sure can't find it anywhere. Tell me if you can.
Why is there such a big fight for land? Can't you just be satisfied with what you have? Or is this a fight about religion, Jews against Muslims? From what I've heard, the Muslims were in Palestine first, and the Jews came and took it from them. And it doesn't help that all the western countries, including the U.S., are pretty much in love with Israel. Does this killing really do anyone any good? Why do you have to block off people from food and water, and kill innocent men, women and children? They never did anything! You're the ones who did the bad stuff! The Gazans are just defending themselves! Will you NEVER be satisfied with what you have? After Gaza, what piece of land will be next? Saudi Arabia?
Next I shall cover global warming. Just last night I watched this documentary called "Kilowatt Ours". It was extremely educational. I never knew that people were blowing up mountains just to get coal. I love the mountains. They're so beautiful. I've been to the Rockies and the Appalachians. They're beautiful works of God. And in about a century, if we don't work hard to keep them alive, they'll be gone, reduced to piles of rubble. And the world won't be at all a happy place.
So maybe you're thinking, "I'm just one person! What can I do about this?" Well, yesterday I learned that the first thing you can do is switch to compact-fluorescent bulbs. You know, the spiral-shaped ones. If you switch all the bulbs in your house, it saves a couple pounds or tons of coal. And lowers your bill. Then you can seal air leaks in your house. And get a couple solar panels to heat your water and such. And it saves a lot of money. I would play some part in this, if I lived in my own house. But I cannot control what my parents do. My dad is looking for some good deals on solar panels.
If people would just get off of their lazy butts and walk somewhere, it would save a couple gallons of gas. God, no wonder 1/3 of the U.S. population is obese. What, with the fancy cars and cheap gas, it's no wonder nobody feels like walking anywhere. Europeans are paying 10 dollars a gallon for gas, so they have a good public transit system and small cars. They sure could teach a few lessons to some of us.
Now, if anybody here is actually reading this far, I think I will list a few differences between terrorists and Muslims. Because terrorists ARE NOT real Muslims.
-Muslims are NOT allowed to kill innocent people. Let me make this very clear. THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE!
-Muslims cannot fight in a war unless their homeland is being attacked or invaded. Or their religion is being persecuted.
-Islam is totally about peace. These terrorists are radicals, saying that they do things in the name of God, but truthfully, they don't. They've been mislead into thinking that if they kill innocent people, it will stop all the things the western countries are doing, but it won't. It only makes them fiercer and tougher. Example: 9/11 happens, then Americans invade Iraq.
Those aren't very many reasons, but it's all I need to make my point. So spread the word, and get some of these views out of people's heads. I hate going out into the street and having people ask strange questions about whether I like being Muslim. It is a beautiful religion! And we don't HAVE to cover up. We choose to. I don't want strange guys staring at me, so I cover up and they won't have a reason too. Not at all like those girls wearing skimpy clothes, extremely short skirts, midriff-exposing shirts, eeek. It freaks me out, the way some of those girls dress.
Time to go. I hope this blog has made a good point today. Spread the word. Tell the world. It just might make a difference.

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