Thursday, April 24, 2008

'Tis a Beautiful Day, Is It Not?

Well, it is here in Charlotte. The sky is bright blue, the sun is shining, and the cat Sam is basking in the sun coming in the window. I don't know where Sham is. She's probably out getting some tomcats. She's in heat now. Has been since yesterday. So maybe she'll come home and be pregnant and it'll be all over for two months. Then the kittens come. Cute, but nasty. Nasty only because they're probably gonna poop all over the place. Otherwise they'll be so cute. Too bad we can only keep one.
I think after I'm done with all of my work today, I'll take my guitar and go outside and play it. It's too nice outside not to be able to do that.
Now, what should I talk about? I'm stumped. ............
Oh! I know! Let's talk about how people grow up and get to the position they are in now. Well, it mostly all starts in childhood. Every kid has something they're interested in, whether it's helping people, messing with computers, doing crazy science experiments, or just reading, it always leads to them deciding what to do. My friend likes helping people with their problems. She wants to be a psychiatrist. Figures. I like helping sick people. I wanna be a doctor. And Moby loves playing with computers. He wants to be a video game designer. Maryam likes animals. She wants to be a vet. You see the pattern? Not to say we won't change our minds. If I can't be a doctor, I want to be an architect. Designing houses is fun. I just can't draw.
And all these professional singers. They were all singing when they were kids, maybe playing some instruments. And some of them decided to see if they had the capabilities to be a singer, so they went up on American Idol. Anybody can be a singer if they want to.
I wonder what my future will be like. What schools I'm going to go to. Where I'll live. I wanna live in some deserted state. Like Rhode Island. Yeah! That'll be cool!
Nah, I might live here or up in Charlottesville with the rest of my family. Those are the two places I love. I basically grew up in these cities. I've lived in Charlotte for 8 years, and I lived in Charlottesville for 2 of 3 years, and I visit it at least three times a year.
My interests are singing, guitar playing, and crafting. But I know I can't get a job with that stuff. Maybe just for extra change. When I'm fifteen I'll probably go work in a movie theater. And maybe get discounts. =)
I used to want to do computer stuff, but that kind of left my mind after watching my parents stress out over their jobs. Yeah, they stress out a lot.
Time to go. There wasn't much to write about today. All I've gotta say is LOST is tonight!!! Yippee!!! I cannot wait!!!

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