Monday, April 21, 2008

Family Life...

Is not fun at all. What, with all the scolding, yelling, screaming, running around, and moody people, it's no wonder some people run away and go and live on their own like that kid in the book "Into the Wild," Chris McCandless. Then he died. That's just sad.
Right now I'm staring out our window hoping with all of my heart that there won't be a thunderstorm. I hate thunderstorms. They FREAK ME OUT!! Especially when a tornado watch comes along. I hate severe weather. If the weather was sunny everyday, that'd be enough for me. Or raining, but no thunderstorm. And in the winter, snow would be cool. But no thunderstorms!
Back to the whole family thing though. I think I should describe each member of my direct family in detail. Well, my brothers and sisters, anyway. Maybe not my parents. Cause they'll go and get all mad about it.
My youngest sibling, my brother YaSeen, is just a little mini terrorist. Well, he's just so bad that we call him one. One time we were in a Taco Bell parking lot, and we hadn't even gone inside and he came with a soda cup. Ewwwww! He'd picked it up off the ground! That's where he got his nickname Rat Boy. We have several nicknames for him. Terrorist, Stitch, Rat Boy, Seenie, and probably some more that I can't remember. Right now he's in kindergarten. His first week in school, he SPIT on somebody!! Boy, he never did that again after my mom punished him.
My youngest sister is Iman. She is a little girl who always thinks she's so funny. She'll go and say something random, and then laugh about it. And nobody else will laugh. And we'll all say "You're not funny!" and she'll say " I wasn't trying to be funny!" Psh. Yeah right. She's probably the most lovable in the family.
My other sister, Maryam, can sometimes be such a brat. She hogs the cats, and then gets mad when I take them, she thinks she knows more than I do, and sometimes, ooh, she makes me so mad! Yelling at me, screaming, throwing temper tantrums, sometimes it gets me soooooo angry! And she changes her mind a lot. A LOT!
My other brother, Mohammed/Moby, is annoying. When I was little I called him Be, and my dad's family called him Mo, so we put them together and got Moby. My mom decided to start calling him Mohammed, but I can't get used to it. It sounds so weird. Moby is a weirdo. He loves watching Happy Tree Friends, and making demented stick figure videos. He likes yelling at people and teasing them, specifically me.
All of them are lovable, and can be nice when they want to, but sometimes it's so hard to be anything but mad at them. Okay, how about you try sleeping in on a Saturday morning in this house!
Just yesterday I was looking with my dad at my first grade school picture. It's amazing what's happened to me since then. Or was it my kindergarten school picture? I can't remember. But it's still so weird how I've grown since then. I'm now 5'7" or something, and I am in 8th grade. I have medium length brown, highlighted hair, and back then it was straight, banged, short, and just brown.
Today my schedule is basically school, then religious stuff, then guitar, then free time the rest of the day. Too bad there's no computer on weekdays. I'll probably cross-stitch or something.
Time to go now! Maybe tomorrow I'll start up with pictures, but this strike hasn't really worked yet. I want to be able to put up pictures of my own free will. No pictures until then. Bye!

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