I have a lot of things that have been around since I was little, but I have a VIDEO of me walking around our old house carrying this thing. All my mom's friends were over. This doll is actually quite big. I'd say it's about a foot tall, if not more. I don't know where all the stains on her face came from. Probably from being thrown around outside or something. Or stuff being spilled.
So now what do I write? I'm stuck. I want to go to Carowinds. I want to get school over with so I can play on the computer!!! I mean, what else is there to do around here? At least it is actually spring break next week. I don't know where I got the idea that spring break was this week. I guess I'm a bit delusional because I hate working so much. Not as much as Moby though. He's got such a bad attitude about schoolwork that he lost his computer time today.
Sham is just lying on the ground staring at me. I don't know what it is about cats. They like to stretch out in the middle of the doorway, and in Sham's case, if you step over, she'll grab at your feet.
Yesterday we had to go hiking. In the rain. Now, I don't mind hiking so much. Okay, maybe I do, but still. I already had a cold, and it was raining, AND it was freezing cold. And I'd already played basketball for about an hour. Talk about unfair.
Ohmigosh I cannot wait until Monday!!! I don't know why, but it probably has something to do with the fact that I haven't been on a real roller coaster in so long. I went to this theme park in Senegal, but it was nothing like the ones here. I think they should bring all those Senegalese kids here and take them to Carowinds. There are nice group discounts. The good thing was that in Senegal there were bungee jumping things. I love those, because then I can do flips without feeling really scared. Backflips too.
1 minute left! I think I'll sign off now. Three hours of work left. TTFN! Ta-ta for now! Or TTYL! Talk to ya later!
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