Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Are quite annoying. Unless, of course, it's yours. But yesterday wasn't mine. It was Yaseen's. And I don't think anyone has ever gotten as spoiled as him. Yesterday he got FIVE presents. We are only supposed to get THREE!! And, although this is partly my fault, he got a homemade cake with icing words on it. I made it, but it's not my fault!! Icing tubes are so tempting. It's not my fault I had to go write in big letters "Happy Birthday Yaseen!" And then draw a little car next to it. Like I said, it's tempting.
On my birthday, I don't get much. Sure, I get the kind of cake that I want, but I don't get five presents. I guess it's kind of because I'm too old for toys. Everything that I want costs too much. For my 14th birthday, I want either a laptop, digital camera, or a nice dress. You know, one I can wear to parties and not feel all weirded out. But it doesn't help that I have four other siblings, so if I get any of those presents, it means it will be the only one that I get. Especially the laptop. Anyway.
Today is definitely not a good day for me to go outside. I can SEE the pollen flying around outside. And I am very, very allergic to pollen. So if I go outside, I will end up with itchy eyes, a stuffy nose, sneezing, and an itchy face. Yeah, I'm staying inside today, thank you.
At least it's sunny today. For the past three days all we've had are thunderstorms and rain. And cloudy skies. Today it's a pure blue sky. I really do want to go outside, but I don't want to have to bring an Advil with me, or tissues for that matter.
I don't know how people manage to decide what they want to be when they grow up. I guess they go with their interests. But I've changed my mind a million times, and I only have four years of school left before I have to decide what I'm going to study, or my parents will decide for me, and I definitely don't want that. I remember wanting to be a teacher for awhile. And then I wanted to be a writer, but I just feel like writing as a hobby. And then I wanted to be a doctor for awhile. Then, like almost every other girl, I wanted to be a singer. I mean, who doesn't? Singers live the total good life. Every girl, at some point in her life, wants to be a singer or an actress. Sometimes both. After all that, I went back to wanting to be a doctor. And I've wanted that for sometime. But now I'm stuck between doctoring and architecture. Agh!!!
Singing and writing are more like hobbies for me. I don't think I could ever actually get paid to do them. I need something more worthwhile. The only problem with doctoring is you have 4 years of college, 4 years of medical school, and then a whole bunch of stuff after that. So, yeah, that's a problem. But I have to go now. So let me ponder this for another three years. If you stay tuned until then, I might have my decision.

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