Wednesday, December 12, 2007

My Brother's Video Game Controller

You know how some people say that video games are bad for the mind? Maybe they are, but those same people wouldn't be saying that if they knew how addicting the games are. Especially when you can sit on a couch and play them. Now, don't get me wrong, I think video games are fun and all, but I think there is a point of restraint that you have to apply or you will end up with a bunch of boneheads. Everything is good just so long as you don't use too much of it.
This is a brand new video game controller that my brother got at Radio Shack for twenty dollars. Can you believe that Playstation controllers are only ten?! We don't have a game system so, unfortunately, we have to clog up our computers with games and installations.
I think that the controls are all wrong, although my brother says that he knows which way they go. I'm right handed, so it's easier for my if the controls to move around are on the right hand. They are the opposite. On the left hand. I don't like that. I suppose I'll get used to it, but seeing as most of the people in the world are right handed, don't you think it'd be switched around a bit? Apparently not.
I'm not fond of controllers, mostly because I can never get the hang of them, but the urge to sit back on the couch instead of up at a computer is too large and powerful. Everything would be perfect if only we could figure out how to put the guy in a ship. There's an option for exiting the ship, but not entering. LAME!
I only play two video games anyway, maybe three. All Star Wars based. I know, I'm a geek. But they games are really good.

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