I think after glimpsing through the book, I have learned how to put my hair up with a pencil and how to do a proper cartwheel, which I still can't do. There are a lot of stories, and quite a few sections on classic girl activities like daisy crowns, jacks, four square, even softball. There also happens to be a section on boys. It's not long or detailed, but it's there, all the same.
My brother seems to think that since I skimmed through his book, he gets to read through mine. Like all boys, he thinks his book is better than mine. So what if it is? Girls are still better than boys 'cause we don't act like jerks all the time. My brother is the biggest, most idiotic jerk of all time.
Anyone who gets extremely bored very easily like me should get this book. Not only is it a boredom guide, but it's good for convincing your mom to let you read it instead of your social studies book. The Daring Book for Girls is awesome. Just look at the boys book name: The Dangerous Book for Boys. Just looking at the titles, which do you think describes the gender more?
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