Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My New Kitten

This is our brand new kitten. She didn't used to belong to us, but my parents' friend had a baby and his wife didn't want the cat around. Now I kind of see why. She can be very bad when she wants to be. She begs, hisses, growls, and bites. I think she is part Siamese and part Persian, which probably explains why she's mean. Both of those breeds are known for some aggressiveness.
Her name is Sham, (so now we have Sam and Sham), she's about two months old, and she is the prettiest cat I've ever seen. The only problem is that her eyes are bright yellow, and when they get big, she scares me. She adores hanging things, but don't all kittens? She goes for hands, feet, string, anything that moves.
Sam hates Sham. The first time he saw her, he went right over and let her know who's boss. He meowed a big, long, sad meow. I think it meant: "My territory. The only reason you're on it is because I'm letting you on it." He probably would've killed her if we hadn't been protecting her. The day after that, she came to close to him, and then they attacked each other. They still despise each other, but it's getting better.
We can finally pick Sham up. She used to bite and hiss, but now she'll only do that if she's riled up. She didn't used to eat dry food, but now she does. All that's left is getting her to use the bathroom outside, and making sure that she doesn't hiss at unfamiliar people. We've been throwing her outside when she's bad, and even though it's the middle of fall, she likes it. Must be the open space.
I really love Sham. I always wanted a kitten for myself, but having four little brothers and sisters doesn't help. I hope she takes a liking to me, because I'm the one who does everything for her. Well, we'll see in time.

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