Friday, November 16, 2007

Our Hummingbird Feeder

This is a hummingbird feeder. It doesn't look like much, but it sits right out our dining room window, so in the summer while we eat we can watch the hummingbirds come and get the nectar. Unfortunately, it's the middle of winter, 48 degrees outside here, and we don't see many of them anymore.
I have a vague childhood memory of looking in the fridge for something to drink. I saw a jug of red juice, (it looked like fruit juice), and I took some and poured it into a cup. I drank it, and it tasted like the nastiest thing on Earth! You know what it was? Hummingbird nectar. I found out from my mom. Of course, I was about seven at the time, and I didn't have it clear that we kept all juices in their original containers. Except orange juice which we make out of those frozen cans with the already-made juice: JUST ADD WATER!
With this feeder, I've seen a lot of cool birds. All kinds of designs, feathers, sizes, you name it. I've also seen a lot of yellow jackets come up and steal the nectar, the thieves. Oh well, birds and bees can't ignore yellow flowers, fake or not. If nectar comes out, then it's good to eat.
There's a funny thing about animals I've noticed lately. We always try to change the way that God made them act. Just recently, my dad said we ought to wait for my kitten to get pregnant, have her babies, and then spay her. I think we should go ahead and spay her, cause she could get pregnant at four months. But then I realize, a long time ago when people didn't keep pets, cats and dogs weren't getting fixed. So why start now? I'm just worried that if she does end up getting pregnant at four months she'll die in birth. But the gestation period is about nine weeks, so by then she'll be six months, (I just now figured this out, by the way, that's how slow I am). You should never mess with the way God made things, but then again, thousands of animals are killed every year at shelters, so maybe fixing animals is a good thing.
That's way off the subject, but anyway, the good thing about hummingbirds is that they're so fast that nobody can catch them to keep as pets. I like watching wild birds fly around. They're so free. I wish I was that free.

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