Thursday, November 29, 2007

My Brand Spankin' New Bike

Mua-ha-ha-ha-ha! At last! A new bike!!!! Just what I've been waiting for! And honestly, it took long enough! I've been needing a new bike for AGES!!! See, since we got back from Senegal, I haven't had a bike.
Before we left to go there, I had a marvelous blue, almost turquoise, bike. It was pretty, fashionable, and reliable. Then one day, I went out to ride it, and it wasn't on our porch like it should've been. Know why? Somebody stole it. That was the same day that my mom went out to the car and saw that all the spare change for toll booths was scattered in the driveway. I put two-and-two together and figured out that the night before, some boys must've sneaked into our yard, and seeing as my bike was in the best condition, stole it, and on the way out they noticed the unlocked van and looked for some change in it. My parents said they'd both heard a mild disturbance outside that night, but didn't think too much of it.
So when that was over I was totally upset, and my dad took me to get a new bike. This one was purplish-pinkish and just as good as the other one. I rode that one everywhere too. Nothing happened to it, but we left for Africa, so I didn't hear much. Then we get a call from the guy who's watching our house. He was borrowing my bike to get to work, and it turns out he broke one of the gears. I guess you could say I was about fed up with bikes when I heard that, but to my surprise, the guy gave my dad 100 dollars to buy me a new bike. I am SOOO grateful to him.
Unfortunately, my dad likes to take his time with these things. I didn't get a new bike until four months after we got back to our home from our trip. Luckily I had a basketball hoop to keep me busy. I got this bike at 11:00 PM two days ago at Wal-Mart. I was very surprised to see that both Target and Wal-Mart put used bikes back on the shelves with new ones, marking the price down, but not putting any tags back on whatsoever. I almost bought a used bike exactly like this one until my dad noticed it wasn't new. Luckily there was a new one on the shelves.
I am EXTREMELY out of shape. Yesterday I was riding down to my friend's house, not even a block away, and my legs started hurting. NOT EVEN A BLOCK AWAY FROM MY HOUSE!!! Argh! I need to work out more!
And you may notice that I have a helmet. Sure it doesn't look good, but I don't want to be in a hospital with blood spurting out of my head. It won't be a pretty sight. And our road is a little busier than I wish it was.

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