Our TV is really old, but we don't use it for anything other than watching movies and DVDs. The television doesn't take up a lot of space, which is good, cause we have so much other stuff to clog up everything that it's not even funny. We probably use this TV about zero to one times in the week. Not as often as other people, and we have five children in the family. But notice I didn't count weekends. On weekends, we watch rented movies. So basically, we use the television more than ten times on the weekend. Still not very much.
I'm so jealous of all those people who have all the up-to-date television stuff. A wide flatscreen TV, a DVD and VCR player in one, and all the other awesome high-teck stuff. But half the people who have all those don't even use them enough. Which is why I'm totally happy to have this one in the picture.
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