Thursday, March 13, 2008

Aluminum Foil

Is it aluminum foil? No actually, it's not. It's a ginormous chocolate bunny rabbit wrapped up in aluminum foil. It was three dollars at Wal-Mart. They were having an Easter candy sale, and almost all the good stuff was less then three dollars. Except there was this foot-long solid chocolate rabbit for fourteen dollars, but nobody could ever eat that.
We may not celebrate Easter, but who says we can't eat the Easter candy? Candy is good. I got Reese's eggs, Dove truffles, and this chocolate rabbit. They were selling Pez and Pez dispensers too. Some people wanted to get Fun Dip, but that stuff is just pure flavored sugar. Pure.
The problem with candy is that it is so good, but it's not at all good for you. And then you have the vegetables that are nasty, but very good for you. Why can't they ever make the good stuff taste good and the bad stuff taste bad? I guess it's because you can't get everything good.
I also like potato chips and onion dip. Now that is a totally horrible-for-you snack. Lets see, it's got sour cream, potato chips, onion dip mix, what could get worse than that?!
I'm tired again, which is weird because I went to bed at midnight. Oh well. What may be a part of it is that Sham sleeps in my bed every night, and she wakes me up at exactly 6:11 every morning cause she's hungry. And then she needs to go out. I don't know why it's at that specific time, but it always is. She nips really hard.
Guess what tonight is... LOST!!!!! Hahahahahahaha!!! And in this one, somebody is going to die. Only I hope it's not Claire. If I'm going to be able to watch this, I need to take another nap. And tonight I need to really try to go to bed at 11 or 11:30 so that I won't be tired.
I cannot believe that my mom is leaving for Africa on Saturday morning. And I'm not going. Grrrrr. Not fair.
What else do I write about? I've still got 10 minutes. Of course, I could gripe about how boring my life is, but that's not interesting at all. I could gripe about how my brothers and sisters make random comments about me when I didn't even do anything. Moby: "Nobody likes you." Maryam: "You're mean." AND I DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING!!!!! Agh, I hate being the oldest. Not to mention that I can't relate to either of my parents.
I need a good book to read. I just finished The Butterfly Revolution, and I thought that it was kind of like Animal Farm. Those books freak me out. I hate reading about dictatorships and stuff like that, cause I'm scared it's all gonna happen to the US. And I'd rather it not.
I'm so tired. I'm about to fall asleep right here on the chair. I think I need to publish this and turn in for an hour. I only have five minutes left anyway. Yep, I think it's time to go. Bye bye.

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