Friday, March 14, 2008

A Plant

This plant is, like, ancient. I've got no idea when we got it, all I know is that it's been in this house since I can remember. And it never stops growing. We water it every couple weeks, and two months ago it was touching the ground.
Plants go through phases where they look like they're dying, but they're not really. This one had all the bottom leaves turn brown and look like they're about to break off, but it was only the bottom that was really dead. So we cut that off.
There are times when I'm sitting in the chair right next to it, and I'll start fiddling with the leaves, and before I know it, one of them will have torn in half. Ouch.
Moby was messing around with it one day and he pulled a stem out. Totally out of the pot. I knew he'd be in a lot of trouble if he got caught, so I put it back in so that it looked like it never came out, being the nice sister that I am. The only problem we'll have is when it starts turning brown cause it's really dead. What to do then?
This is just one of the ancient things we have around. We also have this black bird "statue" that has birds all stacked up on top of each other. It moves too. Let's see...
We've got this large bottle that we use for coins for charity, no idea how long that's been around, this large, bamboo is it?, basket that we use for baby books, oh! and we have this octagonal table that my dad's aunt gave us. That thing has been around, probably since my parents were married. There's probably a lot more ancient stuff around this house, I'm just not really wanting to think of it all. It is Friday, after all.
Yesterday's Lost was absolutely wonderful, and much much better than the week before, which was horrible. This week was crazy, and they writers did something really weird this time. A mystery was solved which we all kind of knew the answer to anyway, and we found out how evil one of the characters really is. I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!
Agh, 6 minutes left and I don't know what else to write. Hellllp me. Oh wait, yesterday I had a lot of fun on the trampoline. But that's not news, cause I always have fun on the trampoline. We played Jackpot and Monkey in the Middle, and we stopped playing MITM cause Moby wouldn't quit purposely throwing the ball over the net. Sometimes he acts like such a little kid. Oh wait, make that always. He's not even up out of bed yet and I woke him up an hour ago. Oh well, he'll have to suffer the consequences of working late.
Time for me to go. See ya'll next week!

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