Thursday, March 27, 2008

Yet ANOTHER Star Wars Game...

Only this time, it is the all-time bestselling Star Wars game. Star Wars Battlefront 2. Full of action, fighting, and a whole lot more. It is a remake of the first Star Wars Battlefront, with a lot more stuff added. I've never actually played the first one, so I wouldn't know, but people have told me.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 follows the story of the 501st regiment of clone troopers. We are told the story from one of the troopers. The first level is the beginning of the Clone Wars, Geonosis. Then, the rest of the war goes through Mygeeto, Felucia, Kashyyyk, Utapau, and Coruscant. But that's not the whole game. That is just the war. Next we have the part where the clones become stormtroopers. Then we fight on Naboo, Mustafar, Kamino, Death Star, Polis Massa, Tantive IV, Yavin 4, and Hoth.
Some of the fighting and places you have seen in the Star Wars movies. Others are from books. But there are plenty of things to do. And that is just the campaign mode, where you have certain objectives.
My favorite part of the game is Galactic Conquest. This is where you choose a side, and you travel throughout the galaxy trying to conquer every planet. If you can defend or capture a planet, then you get money, and you use that money to buy more people or special bonuses, or even create a new fleet so that you can get more places faster. You can be Stormtroopers, Rebels, Droids, or Clones. I just finished being Rebels and winning, and now I'm trying to be the droids.
There is also Instant Action, where you choose a planet and you can capture the flag, try to take it over, hunt invaders with the natives, and several other things, but it is INSTANT. You don't save or anything, you just play it. No objectives or anything. Just a violent way to mess around.
The thing about this game is that in the Campaign, it shows the whole war from the bad guys' point of view. All we got in the movies was the point of view of the Jedi, Senators, and Rebels. I mean, obviously we all knew kind of what the stormtroopers and clones were thinking, but we never really paid all that much attention. In this game we get the feeling of what the clones were thinking throughout all that fighting. Like on Yavin 4, all the stormtroopers cared about was avenging those lost in the Death Star explosion. They only wanted revenge. Otherwise, they wouldn't have attacked. And they did have feelings. On Felucia, after leaving, the clone speaking said that he hoped Aayla Secura died quickly, because she deserved that much, implying that he knew the Great Jedi Purge was coming, and he cared about the treachery.
All in all, I think this is a good game for Star Wars fans and video game fans. It's got lots of video game elements, and lots of Star Wars elements, although it IS a Star Wars video game. Gotta go now. Bye!!!

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