Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Another iPod!!!

Except this time it's smaller, and colored. Yes, it's the brand-new iPod Shuffle. Okay, so maybe it's not all that new, but in my standards it is, because I've been walking around with a long iPod for 3 years. Let's see how I ended up with this.
Well, when I was 10 or so, I needed something to carry music around in, and, unfortunately, what else is better than the company that does all the advertising? Apple. They advertise iPods a lot. You almost never see any ads for mp3 players. So anyway, I bought mine, took it home, installed it, registered it, put music on it, and I was listening to it 24/7. Well, almost. So then I went to Africa, and I was allowed to bring it, but only for the plane.
After we got back, I barely ever used it. I was so used to not listening to music. I just sort of, gave up. But then I saw my Dad. He won two iPods by doing some sort of survey or something for his job. He won a black iPod nano, and an orange iPod shuffle, this one. Now, when my friend's dad comes over, he's always trying to make a point about how you shouldn't have more iPods in the house than you do people. So I'm thinking, "You have two iPods, so you can't really talk." So two days ago he brings back up a topic which we've been discussing for awhile. Or I brought it up. He says that if I give Moby my iPod for Quran, he'll give me his orange one. So I go and erase the music on both of them, and give Moby mine. So now I have an almost brand new iPod, which I listened to for the first time yesterday.
The thing is, I'm a neat-freak. If this iPod gets all scratched up, I'm gonna be way mad. Oh well, too bad. Nothing good lasts forever.
My left pointer finger is very tender. Yesterday I was playing the guitar, and trying to get the D7 chord, and boy oh boy, that chord is tough to get to. You've got to squeeze your fingers together, and the whole note is on skinny strings. Skinny steel strings. Owwy wowwoww!!! I thought callusses were supposed to form, not tender fingertips, although I can kind of feel some callusses.
I'm tired. I stayed up till 1:30 last night watching The Kingdom with my parents. It was a good movie. Kind of scary. But kind of weird too. It was kind of like Rendition, but then again, not really. They were both about war. And trying to solve a mystery. And suicide bombings. Ouch.
I cannot believe I still have 11 minutes left. Why do I have to do this for half an hour?!!! There's not even anything left to write about. Nothing! Oh wait, I know!!
My brother has recently gotten into the Harry Potter books, when before, every single person, including him, thought I was crazy for liking them so much. And now I think I should hide the Half Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows until the movies come out so that he has to wait. He never liked them before, even after seeing the movies. He only liked it after my dad made him read the first one. He hates reading, so he was moaning and groaning the whole time. In a month, he has almost finished five books. In a year, I'd read them all about three times. Which is why I got banned from them. =(
We finally got our hard drive for the other computer that broke. Now we just have to fix it, DADDY!!! And then we have to install everything all over again. Annoying, but hey, at least we'll have a computer.
I'm really wanting to go somewhere fun today. I don't know why, because I usually despise going anywhere. But I guess today is different. Maybe it's because Daddy's on spring break.
Time to go, publish this post. It's getting too long. And now I have to sleep for an hour cause I'm TIRED!! Then I'm gonna read The Butterfly Revolution. Tata!!

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