Monday, March 31, 2008

A Basket of Fruit

I think I've heard a nursery rhyme like that somewhere. I just can't remember where. But anyway...
This is, obviously, a picture of a basket of fruit. Now, you may not think much of it, but fruit is very important. You have to have a lot of it to stay fit. Of course, the last time I had pure fruit was probably, oh, I don't know, a week ago? Today I had a cup of V8 juice. The bottle said 8 oz of the juice is equal to your full serving of fruits and vegetable.
I remember when I was in first grade I had this student teacher, who funnily enough turned out to be the mom of my little sister's student teacher 3 or 4 years later. But what I really learned from her is that contrary to popular opinion, tomatoes and cucumbers are NOT vegetables. Even though they are made to seem that way, especially among the Veggie Tales shows. Tomatoes and cucumbers are fruits. Why? Because they have seeds. Vegetables don't have seeds.
Although cucumbers and tomatoes are prepared as vegetables, mostly because they are not sweet like normal fruits, (I just looked this up because I was confused a bit), they have been classified as fruits because of their seeds. A vegetable is an edible part of a plant. A fruit is a plant itself, or it grows off of a vine. At least, that's how I put it. I could be describing it wrong, but oh well.
I'm staring at Sham sleeping right now, and you know what's weird? Isn't it weird that when your lungs expand, it's the bottom of your chest that goes up, instead of the lung part. Weird, huh?
But back to the subject. Vegetables are all kind of bitter, and tomatoes and cucumbers are called vegetables because they are prepared like vegetables. In salads and such. Honestly, have you ever seen a tomato or cucumber in a fruit salad? No way. They're way to bitter.
So there goes my persuasive "essay" on how cucumbers and tomatoes are NOT vegetables. It wasn't an assignment or anything, but what else do I write about in a blog that is getting more and more boring to write?
I'm so tired. I went to bed at 12:45 and woke up at 9 because I had to take a bath. My legs were KILLING me. I don't know if it is another growth spurt, or what. All I know is that my legs were so sore, I could barely walk.
Time to go. Time to maybe take an hour long nap. I'll still be done by 2:30, with the main work anyway. Bye!

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