Friday, March 7, 2008

Lord of the Rings

Possibly some of the best books ever. Only the Lord of the Rings. Those other books I didn't really want in the picture, but I didn't feel like taking them out. I haven't even read "The Art of War." Ewww.
I remember my dad forced me to read "The Fellowship of the Ring" when I was like 7. Obviously, I had no success whatsoever. The first page itself was sooooooooo boring, and there are times I have to read books that I don't understand. Yeah, that was one of those times.
Well, when you're in a foreign country, you get really bored. I think it mostly started when we watched the Lord of the Rings movies in Africa. I had already seen them a million times, but I wanted to read the books. For the first time. So when my mom went back to America, we asked her to get the books. So she got these fancy paperback ones with movie pictures. The text was all the same, though. So I read through them all in about two weeks. I was constantly reading them. And when I was done, they didn't all fit in the box that they'd come in. Cause they'd been thickened out about half an inch each.
When I was done, I read the tale of Aragorn and Arwen over and over again. It was a truly sad thing, but wonderful at the same time. I love love stories. Especially that one.
My dad owes me. He said once that if I read all of the Lord of the Rings books that he likes so much, he'd read all the Harry Potter books that I like. He still hasn't done it. LIAR DADDY!!!!!
Sorry, I had to do that. He he. Anyway, there are plenty of good stories out there, you just have to look hard enough. I was so bored in Africa, and I was able to read a lot of wonderful books. A Wrinkle in Time, Lord of the Rings, Black Beauty, and a few more that I can't remember.
So anyway, let's get into my weekly LOST discussion that I didn't do yesterday cuz the internet was acting up. Yesterday's episode was, unfortunately, one of the worst. It was so boring, and it didn't really answer a whole lot of questions, although it added a bit of backstory. All it gave us was more questions. Grrrr. It did answer one question though, but everyone already knew the answer anyway.
Time to go. Byebye!!!

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