Monday, March 17, 2008

Just an Egg...

It's almost Easter, so here come the eggs. Just like this one. I'm just having one issue...
What do eggs have to do with Jesus being raised to life again, or so the Christians say? I mean, c'mon. EGGS?! COLORED AND DYED EGGS?! Where do people get these crazy ideas? And for all of you out there who believe that there is actually a rabbit that hops around and gives out free chocolate eggs, you've got issues. No offense or anything, but, I mean, come on now!
Well, I don't care if an egg is the symbol of Easter. I just like all the candy! It's so cheap at Wal-Mart; three bucks for a pound of solid chocolate!!!!! Yay!!!
I remember when I was in the three lower grades of elementary school, we would always have an Easter egg hunt, and I remember that I always got the least. Or maybe they purposely put out three eggs for each kid. Oh well. I was never good at finding things. I'm still not very good at it.
I like the Easter events on RuneScape. I actually like all the holiday events on RuneScape. It gives me something to do. Now that we have the computer downstairs fixed, I can go back to playing the fun games. Like Lego Star Wars and Star Wars Battlefront. Those are awesome. Forget RuneScape.
Too bad it's Monday. Mommy left for Africa on Saturday, and now we have two weeks, in the house with Daddy. Ugh. At least last time we were in a car on the road.
What to write about? 10 minutes left. WHY DO I ALWAYS HAVE 10 MINUTES LEFT WHEN I GET WRITER'S BLOCK???!!! Maybe I should just sit here and do nothing again, but Daddy said 30 minutes, no exceptions. I could bore you with my descriptions of my family life, but nobody wants to hear about that. Nobody actually wants to hear anything about my life. I don't even want to hear about my life, it's so boring.
I guess I'll go now. It's not my fault that I've taken a picture of all the interesting things already. And I'm not going to do something again. So buh-bye now.

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