Tuesday, March 11, 2008


A.K.A. Two way radios, only I'm not quite sure what the difference is. I mean, they both do the same thing, help communicate within a small range, but so what? They're so cool. And there's a fun game you can play with them too.
You take some fake guns or Nerf Guns or something, and then you run around the house trying to follow someone and shoot them, but you have to keep in touch with your partner so that you both know where the person is. And then you can be a double-agent and sneak up behind your partner and shoot them to their fake death. Ouch.
So anyway, I think we were having problems with these before. Or maybe it's because I didn't know that the mike was a teeny hole above the speakers. And the speakers are huge. So I thought that one of the mikes was busted, because one would go through, and one wouldn't. But when my dad got back from his conference thing, he fixed it, somehow. So that's all worked out.
I think we were using walkie-talkies three years ago when we went on another cross-country trip, this time to the Grand Canyon. We were trying to communicate with the people we were traveling with in the other car, and what better way to do that than walkie-talkies? Sure, the voice sounds horrible nasty and staticish, but so what?
So for those of you who don't know how to use them, I'll give you the basics. To talk into the walkie, you press and hold the button on the side, say what you need to, and then let go of it. To wake the other person up or to get their attention, press the button with the musical note on it, which starts up the ringer. It'll really only work well if the volume is up all the way. To turn the walkie on, you turn the dial up on the top left. The farther left it is, the higher the volume. Now, here's the most important part. Say that you're at a big party, where every single person has a walkie-talkie, and their all using them at the same time. How come you're not picking up other people's conversations? It all has to do with channels.
Channels are, well, channels. They change the frequency of the walkies. These ones in the picture have sub-channels as well, so that it makes it harder for other people to find your channel. To change channels, press the menu button once, and then press the + and - buttons to go up or down. Then if you hit the menu button again, you get to the sub-channels. Press the + or - buttons to change that. Then if you hit the menu button again, you end up being able to change the ringer. Use the same + and - buttons. If you hit it again, there's something else to change, I'm just not really sure what. Hit it again, and you're back where you started.
So that's how you work it. It's not hard at all really, just takes a bit of getting used to.
Do you smell Spaghetti-Os? Cause I do. And it's annoying. I keep smelling them, and now I think I'm going crazy. I despise Spaghetti-Os. They are the nastiest things ever. I know they are classic American dinners, but I hate them. The smell gross, they taste gross, they even look gross!
Agh! I need my dad to fix my text messaging plan, and he tried to last night, but the Sprint people put it on the wrong phone!!! Help me!!!! Idiotic people, they only care about getting the money from working late. And now I need to inform my friends not to send my a text, but how am I supposed to do that if I can't text or talk till after 7? Oh boy.
I'm tired. Really tired. I was up late burning CDs onto iTunes, and now I really want to go to sleep. Aghhhhh!!!!!
I think I'll go now. This post is long enough. I've been working almost half an hour, I can stop. =)

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