Okay, truthfully, it's not my fault that I don't have a picture today. It's because the computer that my pictures are on has major issues. It started awhile ago, when the computer stopped charging. This was because the battery couldn't charge anymore, for some very strange reason. So every time we unplugged the computer, it just shut off for no apparent reason. But awhile later, the computer started randomly disconnecting from the power cord. It did it a lot. Then we got to the point where, no matter how hard we tried, we couldn't start the computer up. So my dad forced me to get on Dell Chat and talk to one of the people. So they sent us a box, and we sent them the computer, and then we got it back a week later, but we had gotten a call before that, asking if we'd ever spilt anything on the computer. I thought that was weird. So they sent it back, and everything was fine, for awhile. Now it's back to what it was doing before. We can start it up, but the slightest movement will disconnect the power cord and we have to start it up all over again. It's really annoying. So I'm probably gonna be forced to get on Dell Chat all over again. Ugh.
So that's my explanation. And it's all true. My mom just won't buy a new battery for the computer. It's not fun. It might not totally solve the problem, but at least the computer won't turn off as soon as it's unplugged. AGH!
My dad is so ungrateful about Lost. He's always thinking that everything has to be absolutely perfect for a TV show to be great. I think it's great even if it has flaws. Just so long as it's interesting and exciting, I couldn't be happier. Last night's episode was exciting, but extremely emotional. I was almost crying at one part. Well, two parts. One was a happy cry, and one was a sad cry. But there were a lot of deaths, and one of them was a major character. I just couldn't believe it. My dad always wonders why the show only focuses on certain people and not all the extras. And he thinks that they do some really stupid things. He's not looking hard enough. I wish I could tell what here, but I might spoil it. It's not like anybody is reading this anyway, though. Oh well. I just think that if he hates the show so much, he shouldn't watch it. Stop trying to force your dislike of the show onto me. Shows always get worse the longer they go for. But I like Lost. I probably always will, unless it gets totally horrible. But the writers always pay attention to the viewers' reactions. So I don't think it'll ever get that bad.
Today is Fridayyyyy. Yay!! The weekend is coming, and we will have so much fun! I mean, I'll probably be bored the whole time, but who cares? It's the weekend. No schoolwork to do. I'll find something to pass the time. It's almost June.
Time to go. Finish my work. Go play computer games. Maybe play guitar. Okay. Bye!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
A Turtle

I think we have had turtles for about 6 months or so. The first one that died was the smallest. We all knew it was going to die. It died not long after we got it. Our friends got them at a flea market, but their mom didn't want the turtles, so we got them.
My mom looked the turtles up on the internet, and it said that they have a very high death rate. The second one of these died about a week ago. It was just floating there. It would've looked really cute too, if it hadn't been dead. So we buried it. And this one, it wasn't eating for awhile after that, which is probably because it was lonely. At least it is eating now. I think it may end up dying anyway.
These turtles carry salmonella, apparently. That's not good. But nobody except the older kids touches them anyway, and we always wash our hands after we're done.
We have placed the turtle in a 'potluck' bowl. I call it that because it's the kind of bowl we always take to potlucks. We put a couple rocks in there, and recently we placed it under a lamp, because the turtles seem to like the warmth. We have to clean the water everyday because it gets dirty from the algae and poop and dissolving food. Those little things eat these big green pellets. And they stink! I hate the smell! And leaving the rocks in this water doesn't really help. They get covered in green stuff. It's really kind of gross. At least it's not as bad as cleaning out a litter box.
Speaking of cats, Sham is getting really fat right now. Her nipples are fat and pink. I'll bet that she'll have her kittens while I'm at camp in Radford. I don't want her to, but she very well may. I wonder if she'll put it off till I get back. I guess she can't.
You know, it's really weird that I love animals when I'm allergic to them. I am totally allergic to fur, and I still love animals that have it. They're so fuzzy and soft.
I remember when I was little, there were these toys that everybody wanted called Furbies. But they were so annoying. You couldn't get them to shut up. I never had one, but everybody told me about them, and some of my friends said that they had like five, and they had to throw theirs in the closet until it ran out of batteries. I can't believe they make those things without on/off switches. That must be totally annoying.
Okay, tonight is going to be so hard to wait for. In exactly 10 hours and 38 minutes, I have to be in front of that TV watching Lost or I am going to freak out. I'm kinda busy today though. I've got an orthodontist appointment, ouch, and we're going shopping a bit. I think we'll be back though.
Time to wrap up. OOOOOOOOOHHH I can't wait!!! Must finish schoolwork. Must take shower. Must eat dinner. Must watch Lost!!! Okay. Bye!!!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I remember a long time ago, we used to have a whole bunch of boxes of Dr. Pepper under the sink. My dad was addicted to that stuff. I'm talking like 3 or 4 cans a day. Well, he's not drinking Dr. Pepper now. He's drinking Mountain Dew instead. He always likes some sort of soda. I think the only kind he doesn't like is that Baja Mountain Dew stuff. And who does? That stuff tastes like dish soap. Gross!
What's up with the Gatorade logo? Why is it an orange lightning bolt? Lightning is never orange. It's white and purple and blue and colors like that. I don't think I've ever seen it orange. But then, what do I know? I hate lightning. Why would I watch it?
Camps are only fun during the summer, when there's nothing else to do. It doesn't matter what kind of camp it is, but everyone hates them unless it's summer. I'm going to science camp this summer, so that should be fun. I like science sometimes. Every now and then.
What else to write about? Let's see...
Well, Lost is on tomorrow for two hours. I can't wait for it. Moby likes to tease me about it all the time. "I'll bet you can't wait until Thursday night!" is what he says. He's such a jerk. I need to find something to tease him about. Then I can get back at him.
I want a camcorder for my birthday. The quality of it will be so much better than those digital camera videos. And it's cool to walk around taping stuff. You could document your whole life that way. My mom said I can't get a camcorder though, because they're too much money. Wahhhh. Maybe I can convince her some way to let me get one. But I don't know which one I want more. A camcorder or a laptop. I'm getting a thousand dollars, and I don't know which one to get!
Time to wrap up so I can go. I have so much work to do! Bye!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Tuesday the 10th - The Last Day of School

I love the week leading up to the last day. It's full of parties, fun, and no work. I love it. Every now and then you'll end up with a field trip on the last couple days.
I think my favorite last day was fifth grade. I mean, it was a bit painful because we were leaving behind this school that we had been going to for years, and all the awesome teachers, and our principal who was really nice, but we were heading to a bigger place. A middle school. A place we didn't at all know. And we were the youngest in the school, for the first time in 6 years. So I guess that was kind of a new thing for us. We all felt a bit intimidated by the 8th graders. And now we're the 8th graders. I wish I could be in a public school with my friends. I can't imagine what it's going to be like next year. We're even older, and only like 14 or 15. And the oldest people there are 18. This is going to be tough.
The first day of school is different. After your awesome summer, you feel refreshed and ready to start up again. You have your new stuff, and you hope that you'll make some new friends and such. The first day is fun. Most of the time, if you have decent teachers, you won't get much homework, unless it's that 'welcome to the new school year' stuff.
At least I'll finally have a social life next year. I'm sick of not having anybody to talk to but my old friends, and I barely get to see them anymore. I have to entertain myself, which isn't really that easy. It gets hard to do. Especially because I always end up finishing my schoolwork early, and then I don't have anything to do. It's wayy too hot to go outside. Maybe if it rained. Yeah. That'd be cool.
You know what would be awesome? If it was hot, but raining at the same time. Just drizzling. But then I could go to Carowinds, and ride all the water rides, and still not be cold. That would be sooo awesome. Then I could still be in the mood for water rides, but there wouldn't really be anybody there. I am never going on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday in the summer. Even in the school year, it is still really crowded there. So I'll go on Mondays. Or anyday during the week. It'll be better. And more fun. I really don't understand why people wait in 3 hour lines for a 1 and 1/2 minute ride. It makes no sense. Especially when you get bored.
Time to wrap up. I'll be back tomorrow though. Ugh. Okay now. Bye!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Today Will Be a Fun Day
Because today I'm going to my friend's house! It's her birthday party, and I'm gonna have so much fun, because I'll finally get to go to somebody else's house. And stay up late and play crazy games and talk about freaky stuff. I love doing that. Only I always do it at my house, which is no fun.
I cannot believe that Lost isn't on until next Thursday. It's just wrong! Why couldn't they do Grey's Anatomy next week instead? I'm so anxious to watch this finale! It's going to be so sad, but it'll be so awesome.
I hate suspense. Unfortunately, Lost is a show of suspense. The whole show depends on it. It's what keeps people tuned in. But I have a bad feeling that the finale will have a ginormous cliffhanger, and if that happens, I mean, two weeks is bad enough, but four months?!!! I won't be able to stand it!!
Today is such a nice day outside. But I don't really want to go outside, because yesterday, I was trying to swing on our rope swing, and both times, I got ticks on my clothes. Luckily, they didn't get on my skin. Ticks are so nasty. They stick their head into your skin so that it's hard to get out. I've never gotten bitten by one before, but my dad did. When we were at Radford, we went for a walk in these woods by a lake, and about two hours after we got back, my mom noticed a tick on his face. I thought that was just gross. On his face? Ewww.
If there were no insects at all, I'd love going outside. Especially barefoot. I love it anyway, but it'd be so much better if there were no bugs. That way, you can go outside and not have to worry about getting bitten or stung or stepping on a bug.
What else do I write about? It's not like there's anything interesting going on. I look around this room, and all I see is a bunch of books, a picture window, and- OH!
I was reading this article on BBC News today, about a tunnel that people built under the Earth's crust that stretches from New York City all the way to London, England. So you can see people on the other side of the ocean! That is so totally cool. I would so go to New York just for that. Or maybe London. But you can write messages to them on whiteboards and stuff. And wave. And you can see them. That is just so totally awesome.
My fingers still hurt when I play guitar. I wish they didn't. It'd make stuff a whole lot easier. I could play for a long time and not have to give my fingers a break.
I've said this a million times, but I'm really only writing in this blog because my parents want me too. I don't write about my life very much. It's so uninteresting. Who cares about my life? Nobody. That's who. Nobody. I'd like somebody to care. Then maybe this blog would actually be worth writing.
I should probably wrap up now. It's about time to go, finally. TGIF!!! Bye!
I cannot believe that Lost isn't on until next Thursday. It's just wrong! Why couldn't they do Grey's Anatomy next week instead? I'm so anxious to watch this finale! It's going to be so sad, but it'll be so awesome.
I hate suspense. Unfortunately, Lost is a show of suspense. The whole show depends on it. It's what keeps people tuned in. But I have a bad feeling that the finale will have a ginormous cliffhanger, and if that happens, I mean, two weeks is bad enough, but four months?!!! I won't be able to stand it!!
Today is such a nice day outside. But I don't really want to go outside, because yesterday, I was trying to swing on our rope swing, and both times, I got ticks on my clothes. Luckily, they didn't get on my skin. Ticks are so nasty. They stick their head into your skin so that it's hard to get out. I've never gotten bitten by one before, but my dad did. When we were at Radford, we went for a walk in these woods by a lake, and about two hours after we got back, my mom noticed a tick on his face. I thought that was just gross. On his face? Ewww.
If there were no insects at all, I'd love going outside. Especially barefoot. I love it anyway, but it'd be so much better if there were no bugs. That way, you can go outside and not have to worry about getting bitten or stung or stepping on a bug.
What else do I write about? It's not like there's anything interesting going on. I look around this room, and all I see is a bunch of books, a picture window, and- OH!
I was reading this article on BBC News today, about a tunnel that people built under the Earth's crust that stretches from New York City all the way to London, England. So you can see people on the other side of the ocean! That is so totally cool. I would so go to New York just for that. Or maybe London. But you can write messages to them on whiteboards and stuff. And wave. And you can see them. That is just so totally awesome.
My fingers still hurt when I play guitar. I wish they didn't. It'd make stuff a whole lot easier. I could play for a long time and not have to give my fingers a break.
I've said this a million times, but I'm really only writing in this blog because my parents want me too. I don't write about my life very much. It's so uninteresting. Who cares about my life? Nobody. That's who. Nobody. I'd like somebody to care. Then maybe this blog would actually be worth writing.
I should probably wrap up now. It's about time to go, finally. TGIF!!! Bye!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
My Sisters
Think they can do whatever they want. Really. It's like, they think that they're older than I am, or at least that they're the same age. All the privileges that I get, they think that they should get them too. Like staying up late, getting small treats, talking on the phone, they think that they should have all of those and more. Just last night I was staying up watching a movie, and, as usual, after I went upstairs to get something, the light in my room was on, because Maryam, as usual, doesn't want to go to sleep. I'm not the one who has to get up early for school. And then if she comes down because she supposedly 'can't sleep,' and we're eating ice cream, she'll get all mad. And then, when I babysit, I'll ask her to do something nicely, a couple of times, and then, after she doesn't do it, I'll yell and tell her to do it, and then she gets MAD! That's just wrong. She knows that I asked nicely before, so she can't get mad if I need her to do something. And both of my parents side with her. I always always ALWAYS get yelled at for saying stuff meanly, even though SHE'S the one who wasn't listening. Do little kids never get in trouble for stuff?
Ah. Those were the days. In elementary school. The days where you never got in trouble for anything. Unless, of course, you were the oldest. Like me. But at least you didn't get in trouble for a bunch of stuff.
Sham is definitely pregnant. Her tummy is getting so fat, and her nipples are pink and big. I can't wait until we have pretty kittens. I love little baby animals. Like chicks. Chicks are awesome. They're small, fluffy, and yellow. And kittens are small, fluffy, and a bunch of different colors. I was watching this video on Myspace awhile ago, and it showed this 6 week old kitten playing with a toy, and he wouldn't give it up. He was growling, hissing and biting, but he wouldn't give the toy up. And no catnip was involved. That is one stubborn kitten.
That's what I love about cats. They're so fun to play with and pick up and chase. They love string, anything noisy, and they're just so darn cute. Until they grow up, that is. I wish kittens stayed kittens forever.
I can't wait till tomorrow. Not only is it Friday, but I get to go to my friend's house. Yippee...
I cannot believe Lost isn't coming on tonight. The stupid Grey's Anatomy finale is on. Why do all the finales have to be two hours? It's kind of stupid. Okay, with Lost, it isn't. And I guess finales are kind of the best episodes of the season, so it's cool that they're longer. And one of my friends likes Grey's Anatomy, but I don't really understand the show. What's it about?
Time to go. See ya tomorrow! Bye!
Ah. Those were the days. In elementary school. The days where you never got in trouble for anything. Unless, of course, you were the oldest. Like me. But at least you didn't get in trouble for a bunch of stuff.
Sham is definitely pregnant. Her tummy is getting so fat, and her nipples are pink and big. I can't wait until we have pretty kittens. I love little baby animals. Like chicks. Chicks are awesome. They're small, fluffy, and yellow. And kittens are small, fluffy, and a bunch of different colors. I was watching this video on Myspace awhile ago, and it showed this 6 week old kitten playing with a toy, and he wouldn't give it up. He was growling, hissing and biting, but he wouldn't give the toy up. And no catnip was involved. That is one stubborn kitten.
That's what I love about cats. They're so fun to play with and pick up and chase. They love string, anything noisy, and they're just so darn cute. Until they grow up, that is. I wish kittens stayed kittens forever.
I can't wait till tomorrow. Not only is it Friday, but I get to go to my friend's house. Yippee...
I cannot believe Lost isn't coming on tonight. The stupid Grey's Anatomy finale is on. Why do all the finales have to be two hours? It's kind of stupid. Okay, with Lost, it isn't. And I guess finales are kind of the best episodes of the season, so it's cool that they're longer. And one of my friends likes Grey's Anatomy, but I don't really understand the show. What's it about?
Time to go. See ya tomorrow! Bye!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Controversial Stuff
Music is controversial. In Islam, I mean. Everyone who isn't Muslim pretty much listens to music a whole lot. But my problem is I'm not sure whether we're allowed to listen to music or not. My parents aren't stopping me, so I guess it's not, but there is a saying that we have.
One time, the Prophet SAS was walking down the road and a man was sitting outside playing a flute. The Prophet walked by, and he put his fingers in his ears, so he obviously didn't approve of it, but he didn't tell the man to stop playing, so it must not be forbidden.
When I was in Africa, one of the new girls there brought a radio and cards to the school. Well, once the 'principal' found out that she had those, he tore up each individual card, which was kind of funny, and I think he confiscated the radio. But of course, nobody would break it.
See, the thing about Islam is that there are several major things in this world that are forbidden, and one of them is gambling. I guess because you're not supposed to be able to get money without working, and also because it is addictive, and you will probably end up going broke. Anything bad for you, and some addictive things are forbidden, mainly alcohol.
I'm also unsure about cigarettes. I mean, it's not like I'm gonna go out and smoke or anything like that. I don't want cancer, and I don't want bad breath 24/7, but I see people outside the masjid smoking all the time. And I always wonder whether they're doing a forbidden thing. I don't think that anyone should smoke anyway because it is so bad for you. I just don't understand why people like stuff that is so bad for them. It may be addicting, but if you really wanted to stop, then you would try really hard. At least start decreasing your intake. It's not like I have any experience in stopping anything like that, but I know that's what I would do if I had a problem like that.
I think people in this world are weird. I'm absolutely sure that the people who own the beer and cigarette companies have every idea about how bad their products are for people. I'll even bet that they don't use their own products!! That's just stupid. All people care about these days is money money money. Even when they're unofficially killing thousands of people a year!!! Cancer, drunk driving accidents, second-hand smoking, etc. Where do people get the idea that all this is okay? Maybe all those founders and owners should go out and try their own products, and then see what happens. And why does nobody pay attention to the Surgeon Health Warnings on the boxes of cigarettes? I mean, really. People are so stubborn, and sometimes it's a good thing, but most of the time, it isn't.
I truly wish tobacco had never existed. Maybe God created it to test us with the temptation of a cigarette, and see what we would do. I'm not quite fond of the idea of black lungs. I definitely don't want tar in my lungs like a road. I'm not something to be driven on. Tar, ash, tobacco, smoke, nicotine, carbon monoxide. If you want carbon monoxide in your body, go stick your face in front of the exhaust pipe of a running car, just don't smoke this stuff. In all these densely populated countries, kids have to walk across crowded streets to get to school, and they unwillingly breathe in all this bad stuff every time. And you willingly take it in. WHY?!!! God, there's nothing I despise more than the smell of a cigarette. How do you breathe that stuff in without choking to death? It must taste horrible. Did you know that everyone in this world, even the non-smokers, has a bit of black in their lungs? Thanks to all those smokers.
Now, don't get me wrong. It's not like I totally despise smokers. A lot of really nice people smoke. I just think that they were led by their so-called friends to do something totally gross. I think they should've founded the DARE program a long time ago. It might've saved a lot of people from starting all this stuff.
Time to go. I hope at least somebody learned something from this post. Have fun today! Bye!
One time, the Prophet SAS was walking down the road and a man was sitting outside playing a flute. The Prophet walked by, and he put his fingers in his ears, so he obviously didn't approve of it, but he didn't tell the man to stop playing, so it must not be forbidden.
When I was in Africa, one of the new girls there brought a radio and cards to the school. Well, once the 'principal' found out that she had those, he tore up each individual card, which was kind of funny, and I think he confiscated the radio. But of course, nobody would break it.
See, the thing about Islam is that there are several major things in this world that are forbidden, and one of them is gambling. I guess because you're not supposed to be able to get money without working, and also because it is addictive, and you will probably end up going broke. Anything bad for you, and some addictive things are forbidden, mainly alcohol.
I'm also unsure about cigarettes. I mean, it's not like I'm gonna go out and smoke or anything like that. I don't want cancer, and I don't want bad breath 24/7, but I see people outside the masjid smoking all the time. And I always wonder whether they're doing a forbidden thing. I don't think that anyone should smoke anyway because it is so bad for you. I just don't understand why people like stuff that is so bad for them. It may be addicting, but if you really wanted to stop, then you would try really hard. At least start decreasing your intake. It's not like I have any experience in stopping anything like that, but I know that's what I would do if I had a problem like that.
I think people in this world are weird. I'm absolutely sure that the people who own the beer and cigarette companies have every idea about how bad their products are for people. I'll even bet that they don't use their own products!! That's just stupid. All people care about these days is money money money. Even when they're unofficially killing thousands of people a year!!! Cancer, drunk driving accidents, second-hand smoking, etc. Where do people get the idea that all this is okay? Maybe all those founders and owners should go out and try their own products, and then see what happens. And why does nobody pay attention to the Surgeon Health Warnings on the boxes of cigarettes? I mean, really. People are so stubborn, and sometimes it's a good thing, but most of the time, it isn't.
I truly wish tobacco had never existed. Maybe God created it to test us with the temptation of a cigarette, and see what we would do. I'm not quite fond of the idea of black lungs. I definitely don't want tar in my lungs like a road. I'm not something to be driven on. Tar, ash, tobacco, smoke, nicotine, carbon monoxide. If you want carbon monoxide in your body, go stick your face in front of the exhaust pipe of a running car, just don't smoke this stuff. In all these densely populated countries, kids have to walk across crowded streets to get to school, and they unwillingly breathe in all this bad stuff every time. And you willingly take it in. WHY?!!! God, there's nothing I despise more than the smell of a cigarette. How do you breathe that stuff in without choking to death? It must taste horrible. Did you know that everyone in this world, even the non-smokers, has a bit of black in their lungs? Thanks to all those smokers.
Now, don't get me wrong. It's not like I totally despise smokers. A lot of really nice people smoke. I just think that they were led by their so-called friends to do something totally gross. I think they should've founded the DARE program a long time ago. It might've saved a lot of people from starting all this stuff.
Time to go. I hope at least somebody learned something from this post. Have fun today! Bye!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Argh. My Dad...
Is SO evil. He makes people feel guilty, and then they suffer for it. On Saturday night I was trying to tell him about how I hate having to do all this Qur'an stuff, and then he's all like "You don't spend a lot of time doing stuff." So I've decided, hey, maybe I will. So yesterday for about an hour, I tried to learn how to play this song by my favorite artist, and I made a bit of progress, but not much. So now I have stiff, peeling skin on my fingertips. I didn't want to, but I had to stop because my fingers hurt so much! I guess eventually my fingers will harden up enough so that I don't have to stop.
I also sort of got back to making stuff on my bead looms, although I only do that every once in awhile anyway, to make stuff for people. The whole problem I have is that I want everything to be easy. I don't want to do any of the work that makes stuff fun. If it requires set up, I don't like it. I mean, it may be stupid, and I'm really really trying to not be lazy, but sometimes I can't help it. It's like a second nature. This morning, I didn't at all want to get out of bed. I don't know why. I guess me being tired might have something to do with it. But I went to bed at 11:45. I shouldn't be tired. I always need a lot of sleep. Unless it's a sleepover, of course. Nobody can ever sleep then. You have too much fun.
Hey! I wonder why they call it a sleepover. Every single person I know does. Because, at sleepovers, you do basically everything BUT sleep. What is wrong with these people? Thinking up names that don't apply to the situation. At one sleepover I had, I think we stayed up until 5 in the morning, and then we slept until 9 am. It was crazy. I think the night after, I slept for a looooong time. But I do that every weekend. I go to bed at 2 and sleep until, like, 12. I always sleep until 10, at least. I used to be an early riser when I was little. I woke up at 7 or 8 every morning, no matter when I went to bed. But I usually went to bed at 9 anyway. But that's just growing up. Later bedtime, later 'awaketime'.
I can't believe summer is almost here! Just three weeks left. Usually I'd be looking forward to summer, but it just means more of this. Loneliness. I don't have anybody to spend the summer with. The only thing I'm looking forward to is Carowinds and Sham's kittens at the end of June. I can't wait to see a bunch of little tiny kittens. I hope nothing happens to any of them. Or Sham. Mom hates her, but she is just acting upon her nature. She doesn't really want to hurt anyone, unless she's being attacked. She just wants to play. It's the cat way. And sure, she may growl and hiss, but that's just like people yelling. "Leave me alone!!!" is what she's trying to say. Okay, so maybe I bother Sham the most. But she's so soft and cuddly. The only problem is that she has fleas. Every month. And then she gets the fleas all over the place. So now I have bites all over me. We need some new flea medicine. And she's long-haired, so that's a bit of a problem. Allergies.
Time to wrap up. I have to go. I've got a lot of test prep, even though public schools are going EOG right now. My sister has her's for the first time. They're relatively easy though. She shouldn't have a hard time.
I also sort of got back to making stuff on my bead looms, although I only do that every once in awhile anyway, to make stuff for people. The whole problem I have is that I want everything to be easy. I don't want to do any of the work that makes stuff fun. If it requires set up, I don't like it. I mean, it may be stupid, and I'm really really trying to not be lazy, but sometimes I can't help it. It's like a second nature. This morning, I didn't at all want to get out of bed. I don't know why. I guess me being tired might have something to do with it. But I went to bed at 11:45. I shouldn't be tired. I always need a lot of sleep. Unless it's a sleepover, of course. Nobody can ever sleep then. You have too much fun.
Hey! I wonder why they call it a sleepover. Every single person I know does. Because, at sleepovers, you do basically everything BUT sleep. What is wrong with these people? Thinking up names that don't apply to the situation. At one sleepover I had, I think we stayed up until 5 in the morning, and then we slept until 9 am. It was crazy. I think the night after, I slept for a looooong time. But I do that every weekend. I go to bed at 2 and sleep until, like, 12. I always sleep until 10, at least. I used to be an early riser when I was little. I woke up at 7 or 8 every morning, no matter when I went to bed. But I usually went to bed at 9 anyway. But that's just growing up. Later bedtime, later 'awaketime'.
I can't believe summer is almost here! Just three weeks left. Usually I'd be looking forward to summer, but it just means more of this. Loneliness. I don't have anybody to spend the summer with. The only thing I'm looking forward to is Carowinds and Sham's kittens at the end of June. I can't wait to see a bunch of little tiny kittens. I hope nothing happens to any of them. Or Sham. Mom hates her, but she is just acting upon her nature. She doesn't really want to hurt anyone, unless she's being attacked. She just wants to play. It's the cat way. And sure, she may growl and hiss, but that's just like people yelling. "Leave me alone!!!" is what she's trying to say. Okay, so maybe I bother Sham the most. But she's so soft and cuddly. The only problem is that she has fleas. Every month. And then she gets the fleas all over the place. So now I have bites all over me. We need some new flea medicine. And she's long-haired, so that's a bit of a problem. Allergies.
Time to wrap up. I have to go. I've got a lot of test prep, even though public schools are going EOG right now. My sister has her's for the first time. They're relatively easy though. She shouldn't have a hard time.
Monday, May 19, 2008
No Time for a Picture Today...
I've got too much to write. I haven't done my blog for a week because all of last week I was in Radford, Virginia. At Radford University. My dad had a conference there, and Moby and I went with him. And you know, I had a whole lot more fun than I ever thought I would. The day was usually kind of boring, but at night, we NEVER got bored. We were always doing something.
Let's see... On Monday night we went bowling and played a bit of pool in the game room there, on Tuesday we did the same thing, and on Wednesday we watched 27 Dresses, and then played "Drawing Charades." And on Thursday we started out watching The Bucket List, but some of us went upstairs to the ground floor and played this game called Catch Phrase. It's a little handheld electronic unit that has a bunch of different catagories, and it is basically Charades with words, only that makes it a bit easier. Unfortunately, the words are harder. And later on that night, my dad said we're playing real Charades with that thing. You can imagine how hard that was. One guy got Private Jessica Lynch for his!!!
So I bought that game. I am going to take it with me to my friend's house this Friday. The problem with that game is that too be fun, you have to have a lot of people, which you don't get all the time.
We left Friday afternoon. I'll have to say that college is not anything that I expected. For one thing, the food is great. At Radford, they have an all-you-can-eat buffet which was nice, and the dorms were pretty cool. It was just like a small bedroom. There were two beds with drawers, a small dresser, a big dresser, two closets, two desks, and a bathroom with a shower. There are several buildings with dorms. We stayed in the Ingles dorm, which had a "movie theater" in the basement, which is just a living-room like thing. Couches, and a computer with a movie program enabled. There was also an overhead, which was perfect for Drawing Charades. Oh my gosh, we had so much fun that night. Even though I was around a bunch of older people, who were WAY older than me, I still laughed, and messed around; it was just like when I hang out with my friends.
That Thursday when we played Catch Phrase, I was actually considering watching Lost on the Internet the next day, but there is no way that I will willingly miss an episode of Lost if I have access to ABC. No way. One of the first things I did when I got to Radford was check and see if they had a TV. They have one in every dorm building.
Even though I'm going to school next year, I still want to go to that conference again. If I'm going to be doing all that stuff, why wouldn't I want to go? Radford is also having a summer program for rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors. I'm only a rising freshman, but apparantly my dad can pull a few strings. Hehe.
Time to go. Luckily this internet connection is working, otherwise I would've written all this and not been able to publish it. What a waste of time.
Let's see... On Monday night we went bowling and played a bit of pool in the game room there, on Tuesday we did the same thing, and on Wednesday we watched 27 Dresses, and then played "Drawing Charades." And on Thursday we started out watching The Bucket List, but some of us went upstairs to the ground floor and played this game called Catch Phrase. It's a little handheld electronic unit that has a bunch of different catagories, and it is basically Charades with words, only that makes it a bit easier. Unfortunately, the words are harder. And later on that night, my dad said we're playing real Charades with that thing. You can imagine how hard that was. One guy got Private Jessica Lynch for his!!!
So I bought that game. I am going to take it with me to my friend's house this Friday. The problem with that game is that too be fun, you have to have a lot of people, which you don't get all the time.
We left Friday afternoon. I'll have to say that college is not anything that I expected. For one thing, the food is great. At Radford, they have an all-you-can-eat buffet which was nice, and the dorms were pretty cool. It was just like a small bedroom. There were two beds with drawers, a small dresser, a big dresser, two closets, two desks, and a bathroom with a shower. There are several buildings with dorms. We stayed in the Ingles dorm, which had a "movie theater" in the basement, which is just a living-room like thing. Couches, and a computer with a movie program enabled. There was also an overhead, which was perfect for Drawing Charades. Oh my gosh, we had so much fun that night. Even though I was around a bunch of older people, who were WAY older than me, I still laughed, and messed around; it was just like when I hang out with my friends.
That Thursday when we played Catch Phrase, I was actually considering watching Lost on the Internet the next day, but there is no way that I will willingly miss an episode of Lost if I have access to ABC. No way. One of the first things I did when I got to Radford was check and see if they had a TV. They have one in every dorm building.
Even though I'm going to school next year, I still want to go to that conference again. If I'm going to be doing all that stuff, why wouldn't I want to go? Radford is also having a summer program for rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors. I'm only a rising freshman, but apparantly my dad can pull a few strings. Hehe.
Time to go. Luckily this internet connection is working, otherwise I would've written all this and not been able to publish it. What a waste of time.
Friday, May 9, 2008
A Pretty Flower

I love colors. It makes everything so much more lively. What would this world be like without color? Probably like those black and white films that I hate. They're just so boring when there's no color in them. I can't believe that people actually used to watch those. And they used to watch movies without sound! I mean, no color isn't that bad, but no SOUND?! How do you watch those? I guess you could look at the facial expressions, but how in the world do you know what's going on? It's so weird.
I remember one day awhile ago, my brother and I were changing words around so they sounded funny. Like flower into fowzer and animal into aminal. And spaghetti into pasketti, but that's been around forever.
Yesterday's Lost was awesome! I was almost scared that they wouldn't show it because the Severe Weather channel was up, talking about the thunderstorms and tornado warnings. That was from 9 to 10, and that's when Grey's Anatomy was on, which I don't watch. So they said that that will be shown at 1 in the morning! Ouch. Then Lost came on, and I almost thought that that wasn't what it was, because it was like one of those old movies, but that's only because of the story. It was a crazy episode, but a really good one.
I cannot wait for this summer. I really can't. We may not be going anywhere, but I don't really want to anyway. I'll just go to the waterpark in Carowinds and I'll be good. Sure I'll be bored, but I hate car trips. They make me sick. I'll just have to find stuff to do.
Today is another sunny, hot and polleny day. I hate days like this. Especially hot ones. Then I can't do anything. Yesterday it was so hot I had to go wear a dress. I never wear dresses. It was just so extremely hot that I couldn't wear anything else.
Luckily today is Friday, so I can play on the computer all weekend. Okay, not all weekend, but some of it. The only problem is that I'll have to convince my siblings to get off of the computer when I want to use it. The computer that has my game on it also has everyone else's game on it too, so that is problematic.
I'm so tired. Yesterday after Lost was finished at 11, I stayed up watching half of "Into the Wild" with my mom. It's quite a long movie for such a short book. 2 hours and 20 minutes. So far it's been a good movie. I just don't want to see the part where the guy is found dead. That will probably be really nasty.
I think I'll just about wrap up. I want to sleep for like 20 minutes. It might help, and at least I don't have to do language arts because of the movie. Staying up late has it's benefits.
Time to sign off. I really do need this school to end. I wonder if I'll have 200 posts at the end. Oh well, the less, the better. To me, anyway. Bye!!!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
My Notebook

I love randomly decorating stuff. Drawing smiley faces, doodling, writing random sayings, I love doing that. It's just so much fun, especially when you're listening to a teacher drone on and on about stuff.
I decorated it during 9th block at school, which is basically our break time. And then throughout the rest of the day, I took it around to all my classes and got all my friends to sign it. Sort of like an early yearbook without the pictures. All the signatures are on the back.
As I was doing that, I started up a survey-like thing. I started writing down things that show you're growing up. And I got lots of other people to do it too. Most everybody had some reasons to write down. Some were psychological, some were physical, and some were kind of both. I got about three pages down. Just more memories. And now I wonder if any of those people who wrote that stuff down even care anymore. They're all off doing other stuff. It's not like any of them actually remember me.
I have around 10 notebooks, and most of them aren't even full. I plan on using them, but something else always comes around, or I just get bored. I wait until I have a need for the notebook, and then I go use it.
Yesterday I dyed my hair. It started out blonde, but then turned strawberry blonde. I used the dye box with my aunt on it. She is really pretty. She used to be a model, but now I think she's studying interior designing or something like that.
Everyone always says that if I wasn't Muslim, I should've been a model. Mostly because I'm tall, and kind of pretty. But I have horribly horrible stage fright. I can't do anything when crowds of people are watching me. It totally freaks me out.
Tonight is Lost!!! Yippee!!! I know, I say this every week, but I have to remind you, (even though the only people who read this stupid blog are my parents), just so that if you hate this show, and you haven't even seen it, you'll change your mind and maybe go watch the first episode, and then maybe change your mind. Trust me. You will. Although most people hate it because the episodes started getting worse. But I will stay a faithful viewer through and through.
Time to go. Tomorrow is Friday!! Yay!! Bye!!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
A Watch

The time on this watch is 9:45:6. 9 hours, 45 minutes, and 6 seconds. I think that's what it is. I might be off by a bit.
I think I got this for 'Eid. It came in a plastic box-case. I don't wear watches very much, but sometimes I find that I just need one, so I wear it. I mean, when you're going to the airport or somewhere like that, where you're not sure if there's going to be a clock anywhere, and you don't feel like whipping out your cell phone all the time to check the time. That is when you need a watch. Otherwise, you don't. Unfortunately, most places don't have clocks on the wall, so you need a watch. I despise having things hanging from my arms. I hate bracelets, watches, rings, anything like that. I mean, I'll wear one if the time comes when I need it, but most of the time, I don't wear them. Especially when I have long sleeves on, which is pretty much always. But, like I said, I'll wear them if I need to, like at speeches or something.
My dad has a freaky clock in his office. It's numbers are reversed and in the wrong position. Like, the 1 is in the 11 position, and so on. It's so weird, I don't know how he did that. I have a strong suspicion that he opened the clock, took out the paper with the numbers on it and turned it around, but I'm not sure. The hands still point to the correct time too!! It's kind of like his gumball machine. He went into it, and messed with the gears so that if you turn the thing backwards, you get candy for free. It's a pity he did that. We could've gotten rich off of that thing. He sticks peanut M&Ms in it. He buys bags of them at a time.
Yesterday I found out that my capo for my guitar doesn't work. I clip it on, and it doesn't even push the strings down all the way. I don't know if that's what it's supposed to do, but I'm pretty sure. I heard a lot of buzzing when I tried to play certain chords. It's really annoying. I guess I'll try again later.
Today is going to drag on. I should probably get out my bead loom and make my friend's birthday present, but I don't want to. It's too much work. I'd much rather spend my time surfing the web or something. Not doing that. Unfortunately, my mom says no computer after school. It's not fair!! What else am I supposed to do? I guess I could go and get out some crafting stuff, but I really don't feel like doing it. I guess I should suck it up and do it anyway.
Why do we have synonyms? Why can't things just have different words? When we say "Watch" how do we know they don't mean 'look at the watch'? How do we know they mean 'look at me'? I guess because the latter is the only one we use in that context. But really. Why do we just not have different words for stuff like that? It's a mystery. I think the lazy word-inventor people just didn't feel like making up a bunch of new words. I guess that's our job. Like in the book Frindle. If you haven't read it, you should. It's really good.
Time to go. See ya'll later. I've got work to do. Bye!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Is it??? Is it??? Yes it is!!!

The only real difference between the VIP pass and the Platinum pass is that the Platinum gives you unlimited access to all Cedar Fair parks, which we don't need because we're not planning to go to those.
Season Pass benefits are: free parking, bring-a-friend-for-cheap on Mother's Day, Father's Day, Memorial Day, and 4th of July, get in the park 15 minutes early to get in line for your favorite ride, and a couple others that I can't remember. Oh yeah! You can get into Boomerang Bay, (the water park), for free.
I remember reading stories about carnivals a long time ago, when you had to pay separately for each ride. When I went to the theme park in Africa, that's what you had to do. Well, sort of. You basically buy this booklet of tickets, and each ride requires a certain number of tickets; the ones that are more fun require more tickets. There was this one awesome ride there that was a go-cart thing, but you could go extremely fast. It was so fun. But the sheikh wouldn't let me go really fast. =( My mom was probably freaked out too.
There was also this ride that spins around and then goes up in the air sideways, and then spins around that way, and it didn't have seatbelts! I'm honestly surprised that nobody gets hurt. While I was there, I went into a motion simulator for the first time. It was really cool. You actually felt like you were in the plane, or roller coaster, or whatever it was.
Time to go. I hope this post is longer than usual. Otherwise I'm dead. Only three weeks until school is over!!! Bye!
Monday, May 5, 2008

My dad likes lemon cake with chocolate frosting, and I think it's okay, but I like chocolate cake with chocolate or vanilla frosting, I don't care which. I like making cakes too. I wish I could make one from scratch.
Yesterday I went to Carowinds again, and it wasn't so fun this time, because, oh, I don't know, there were lots of people and big long lines, unlike the last Sunday we went, where we could walk in and get on the rides. I don't know how people can stand waiting in horribly long lines just to get on a two minute ride that isn't even that fun. Crazy people. At least Daddy and I finally got to get on Borg. He loved it. And the line wasn't even that long. Well, until after we got on. Then the line got really long until about 3. That's about when we all started getting bored, and then we left.
What else do I write about? Truthfully, it's time for me to go, but I'm staying to do this just because I'm gonna get in trouble if the post is too short.
I'm going to high school next year. Yay! I hope I actually make decent friends there. Maybe some Muslim friends. And maybe I'll join the basketball team, although I don't want to go through the whole 'me wearing pants and them wearing shorts' thing. I'd much rather join the Muslim girls' basketball team. But I don't think I'm old enough.
Time to go. Tomorrow's post will probably be longer. Bye.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Was awesome! That's all I can say. It was sooooo awesome!!! There was a cliffhanger though. That's a problem. Claire left Aaron in the jungle and disappeared with an apparition of her dad somewhere. I hope she's not gone for good.
Moby is so mean. He stayed up after we prayed at 5:30 to do his schoolwork, and he didn't even tell me!!! So he's only got 2 hours of school left!!! And I've gotta work until 3!
This weekend is going to be hard. I wish somebody would invite me to their house. I'm tired of being cooped up in this house all day. With only my parents and siblings to talk too. That's really the only reason I want to go back to school. Because I'm tired of all this. Being stuck in the house, not getting to see any friends, not having any teachers teach me stuff. I liked going to school. It was fun. I like switching classes and taking notes and buying school supplies and having lockers. It's fun. Most people think I'm crazy for it, but I do. I'm one of those people who enjoys organizing stuff.
I only had one year of middle school. So I'm not really all experienced with switching classes and stuff. At least I'll have some friends. Or maybe everybody will hate me. I'm trying to decide whether I should go to school, have friends, and get a bad education, or stay home, have no friends, and get a good education.
Anybody got any suggestions on what to write about? I'm stuck. I hate writing this blog. There's nothing at all to write about in it. My life is boring; nobody wants to hear about that. I don't even think anybody, save my parents, actually reads this stupid blog. There's nothing interesting whatsoever about it.
Two minutes left. Luckily. And luckily it's Friday. So that I don't have to do this until next Monday. And then I only have to do it for four weeks more. Then I can disown this unsatisfying blog. And never come back to it. EVER.
Time to go. Bye. No, I'm not going to say bye enthusiastically. Just bye. Bye...
Moby is so mean. He stayed up after we prayed at 5:30 to do his schoolwork, and he didn't even tell me!!! So he's only got 2 hours of school left!!! And I've gotta work until 3!
This weekend is going to be hard. I wish somebody would invite me to their house. I'm tired of being cooped up in this house all day. With only my parents and siblings to talk too. That's really the only reason I want to go back to school. Because I'm tired of all this. Being stuck in the house, not getting to see any friends, not having any teachers teach me stuff. I liked going to school. It was fun. I like switching classes and taking notes and buying school supplies and having lockers. It's fun. Most people think I'm crazy for it, but I do. I'm one of those people who enjoys organizing stuff.
I only had one year of middle school. So I'm not really all experienced with switching classes and stuff. At least I'll have some friends. Or maybe everybody will hate me. I'm trying to decide whether I should go to school, have friends, and get a bad education, or stay home, have no friends, and get a good education.
Anybody got any suggestions on what to write about? I'm stuck. I hate writing this blog. There's nothing at all to write about in it. My life is boring; nobody wants to hear about that. I don't even think anybody, save my parents, actually reads this stupid blog. There's nothing interesting whatsoever about it.
Two minutes left. Luckily. And luckily it's Friday. So that I don't have to do this until next Monday. And then I only have to do it for four weeks more. Then I can disown this unsatisfying blog. And never come back to it. EVER.
Time to go. Bye. No, I'm not going to say bye enthusiastically. Just bye. Bye...
Thursday, May 1, 2008
I love it. It's just so, well, natural. It's beautiful. I would love to spend all day in it. I just need a desk, laptop, and a deck. And maybe my guitar. I would spend the night under the stars if I could. But seeing as there are some blood-loving mosquitoes out there, I can't do that. Yesterday I spent awhile outside. At about 8:30, two mosquitoes bit me on my forehead. Or maybe it was one that bit twice. Either way, my head is now itchy, and it looks really bad.
That's why I like my uncle's house so much. And my grandma's house. There are large stretches of woods up there, and I love to run into the trees, and if I wasn't so scared, I'd probably climb them. I've had a bad experience with tree climbing though. We were playing hide-and-seek one time, and my brother thought it'd be cool to climb a tree where I couldn't get him, so he climbed one, and I found him, but I couldn't get him. So as he was getting down, he fell, hit his face against the tree, and I ran into the house screaming. (He says he got down a different way than usual, but I don't believe him.) One side of his head was clean, but the other side was all bloody. He was bleeding for awhile. I don't think we had to take him to the emergency room, luckily. So I've decided that I'm never climbing very high into a tree. Truthfully, I don't really know how either. I'm really scared of heights, unless I'm on a roller coaster.
Speaking of roller coasters, I want to go to Carowinds again. I want to go ride the Borg again. I hadn't been on in awhile, and when I went on a Monday with my friend, the line was so short that we got to go four whole times!!! I love the way that there's a corkscrew, and you look like you're about to fall into the water, but it pulls you up at the last second. My throat was really sore after that trip.
Why do people have to go and destroy nature just so that they can satisfy their needs? I never knew it before, and most people don't, but to get coal, you have to destroy mountains. So up in the Appalachians, they are blowing up mountains, and people live up there!! That's just sad to think that natural beauties are being destroyed just for coal. I mean, REALLY!
I wonder what the world would look like if all the buildings were knocked down, and trees were put in their place. This whole world would be full of trees. Then we can cut some of them down, and build log cabins, and everybody can live in those. And you have to light lanterns for light. And there was no TV, or Internet. Kind of like a 'Little House in the Big Woods' type world. We could all ride to each other's houses in horse-drawn carriages. That would be SO cool. Sure, we may not have all the electronic things that we do now, but we would have other stuff to do. Anybody who hasn't read 'Little House in the Big Woods', I highly suggest you do.
I really hope that one day the world realizes how bad things are getting. We all need to work together and to change the way this stuff works. We don't NEED all this stuff. We just want it. Why can't anybody see that? Funny though, how Charlotte didn't participate in the Lights-Out day about a month ago. And they wonder why we are ranked number 8 on the 'Worst Cities to Live in the U.S.' list.
Time to go!! Luckily, tonight is Lost, and tomorrow is Friday!!! Yay!!!
That's why I like my uncle's house so much. And my grandma's house. There are large stretches of woods up there, and I love to run into the trees, and if I wasn't so scared, I'd probably climb them. I've had a bad experience with tree climbing though. We were playing hide-and-seek one time, and my brother thought it'd be cool to climb a tree where I couldn't get him, so he climbed one, and I found him, but I couldn't get him. So as he was getting down, he fell, hit his face against the tree, and I ran into the house screaming. (He says he got down a different way than usual, but I don't believe him.) One side of his head was clean, but the other side was all bloody. He was bleeding for awhile. I don't think we had to take him to the emergency room, luckily. So I've decided that I'm never climbing very high into a tree. Truthfully, I don't really know how either. I'm really scared of heights, unless I'm on a roller coaster.
Speaking of roller coasters, I want to go to Carowinds again. I want to go ride the Borg again. I hadn't been on in awhile, and when I went on a Monday with my friend, the line was so short that we got to go four whole times!!! I love the way that there's a corkscrew, and you look like you're about to fall into the water, but it pulls you up at the last second. My throat was really sore after that trip.
Why do people have to go and destroy nature just so that they can satisfy their needs? I never knew it before, and most people don't, but to get coal, you have to destroy mountains. So up in the Appalachians, they are blowing up mountains, and people live up there!! That's just sad to think that natural beauties are being destroyed just for coal. I mean, REALLY!
I wonder what the world would look like if all the buildings were knocked down, and trees were put in their place. This whole world would be full of trees. Then we can cut some of them down, and build log cabins, and everybody can live in those. And you have to light lanterns for light. And there was no TV, or Internet. Kind of like a 'Little House in the Big Woods' type world. We could all ride to each other's houses in horse-drawn carriages. That would be SO cool. Sure, we may not have all the electronic things that we do now, but we would have other stuff to do. Anybody who hasn't read 'Little House in the Big Woods', I highly suggest you do.
I really hope that one day the world realizes how bad things are getting. We all need to work together and to change the way this stuff works. We don't NEED all this stuff. We just want it. Why can't anybody see that? Funny though, how Charlotte didn't participate in the Lights-Out day about a month ago. And they wonder why we are ranked number 8 on the 'Worst Cities to Live in the U.S.' list.
Time to go!! Luckily, tonight is Lost, and tomorrow is Friday!!! Yay!!!
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