Is probably one of the more soothing things in life. It helps me concentrate, although my mom thinks differently. She says that you can't concentrate with music playing. But I can. The only time I can't is when I'm reading, especially if it is a song that I like. Like right now. Luckily, I can write while I listen. It's just hard to sing along to a song and read words at the same time. Actually, I think it's impossible. Or maybe just extremely hard. But I like music. A lot. It's so wonderful to just sit around with your iPod and block out the world. Especially when you're depressed. I get like that a lot. And there's a little nook in the corner of my closet that I hide in. Way up high on the shelf. But I think I need to stop doing that, because I'm getting too heavy for that. I'm so scared that one day I'll fall off and break my neck or something.
Music is something that doesn't have a certain way that it has to be. It can be in so many different styles, and played on so many different instruments. I like pop and country. And I like guitars. They can be used to play a bunch of different styles of music. You just have to know how to do it.
You know what my favorite part about my family is? It's not that we all know how to yell, but the fact that we can sit down and watch a movie together, and it always seems like somebody is missing. I don't know why I like that, but I do. It's so funny how we're always trying to figure out who's missing, and we can never do it because everybody is there. It's a laughable situation.
On the other hand, I hate it when everyone always has to act like they hate each other. Like after some really tense moment, we all go and do our own thing and don't talk to each other until dinner. I mean, I know that I usually start whatever it was, but I don't honestly mean to get everyone mad at each other.
I also hate it when my parents embarrass me. They must enjoy doing it. Otherwise they wouldn't do it ALL THE TIME! And they're always trying to figure out what I'm doing. I'm not doing anything illegal!!! I don't like it when they always try to get into my business. Especially when they do it only because I wouldn't let my siblings see what I was doing. That's really annoying.
I want to go back and live in Charlottesville. Badly. I wanna live up in the mountains with my uncle or my grandma. There are big stretches of woods up there. I love nature. It's so beautiful, and I would give anything to be able to go spend a whole day sitting in the woods playing my guitar. And writing. I like it here too, but I wish we lived in a house with a gigantic backyard that had a million trees in it. That I could hide in whenever I felt moody and didn't want to talk to anybody.
Time to go. Wow. It's been 30 minutes? This went by fast. I guess when I'm actually writing about stuff that I like, the time goes by faster.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Are quite annoying. Unless, of course, it's yours. But yesterday wasn't mine. It was Yaseen's. And I don't think anyone has ever gotten as spoiled as him. Yesterday he got FIVE presents. We are only supposed to get THREE!! And, although this is partly my fault, he got a homemade cake with icing words on it. I made it, but it's not my fault!! Icing tubes are so tempting. It's not my fault I had to go write in big letters "Happy Birthday Yaseen!" And then draw a little car next to it. Like I said, it's tempting.
On my birthday, I don't get much. Sure, I get the kind of cake that I want, but I don't get five presents. I guess it's kind of because I'm too old for toys. Everything that I want costs too much. For my 14th birthday, I want either a laptop, digital camera, or a nice dress. You know, one I can wear to parties and not feel all weirded out. But it doesn't help that I have four other siblings, so if I get any of those presents, it means it will be the only one that I get. Especially the laptop. Anyway.
Today is definitely not a good day for me to go outside. I can SEE the pollen flying around outside. And I am very, very allergic to pollen. So if I go outside, I will end up with itchy eyes, a stuffy nose, sneezing, and an itchy face. Yeah, I'm staying inside today, thank you.
At least it's sunny today. For the past three days all we've had are thunderstorms and rain. And cloudy skies. Today it's a pure blue sky. I really do want to go outside, but I don't want to have to bring an Advil with me, or tissues for that matter.
I don't know how people manage to decide what they want to be when they grow up. I guess they go with their interests. But I've changed my mind a million times, and I only have four years of school left before I have to decide what I'm going to study, or my parents will decide for me, and I definitely don't want that. I remember wanting to be a teacher for awhile. And then I wanted to be a writer, but I just feel like writing as a hobby. And then I wanted to be a doctor for awhile. Then, like almost every other girl, I wanted to be a singer. I mean, who doesn't? Singers live the total good life. Every girl, at some point in her life, wants to be a singer or an actress. Sometimes both. After all that, I went back to wanting to be a doctor. And I've wanted that for sometime. But now I'm stuck between doctoring and architecture. Agh!!!
Singing and writing are more like hobbies for me. I don't think I could ever actually get paid to do them. I need something more worthwhile. The only problem with doctoring is you have 4 years of college, 4 years of medical school, and then a whole bunch of stuff after that. So, yeah, that's a problem. But I have to go now. So let me ponder this for another three years. If you stay tuned until then, I might have my decision.
On my birthday, I don't get much. Sure, I get the kind of cake that I want, but I don't get five presents. I guess it's kind of because I'm too old for toys. Everything that I want costs too much. For my 14th birthday, I want either a laptop, digital camera, or a nice dress. You know, one I can wear to parties and not feel all weirded out. But it doesn't help that I have four other siblings, so if I get any of those presents, it means it will be the only one that I get. Especially the laptop. Anyway.
Today is definitely not a good day for me to go outside. I can SEE the pollen flying around outside. And I am very, very allergic to pollen. So if I go outside, I will end up with itchy eyes, a stuffy nose, sneezing, and an itchy face. Yeah, I'm staying inside today, thank you.
At least it's sunny today. For the past three days all we've had are thunderstorms and rain. And cloudy skies. Today it's a pure blue sky. I really do want to go outside, but I don't want to have to bring an Advil with me, or tissues for that matter.
I don't know how people manage to decide what they want to be when they grow up. I guess they go with their interests. But I've changed my mind a million times, and I only have four years of school left before I have to decide what I'm going to study, or my parents will decide for me, and I definitely don't want that. I remember wanting to be a teacher for awhile. And then I wanted to be a writer, but I just feel like writing as a hobby. And then I wanted to be a doctor for awhile. Then, like almost every other girl, I wanted to be a singer. I mean, who doesn't? Singers live the total good life. Every girl, at some point in her life, wants to be a singer or an actress. Sometimes both. After all that, I went back to wanting to be a doctor. And I've wanted that for sometime. But now I'm stuck between doctoring and architecture. Agh!!!
Singing and writing are more like hobbies for me. I don't think I could ever actually get paid to do them. I need something more worthwhile. The only problem with doctoring is you have 4 years of college, 4 years of medical school, and then a whole bunch of stuff after that. So, yeah, that's a problem. But I have to go now. So let me ponder this for another three years. If you stay tuned until then, I might have my decision.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Still No Pictures...
I really don't feel like putting pictures up on here. There's nothing really to take a picture of, and then you have to find the cable to put the pictures on the computer if there is no memory card slot. And you have to name them, and put them in the right folder, and all that junk. So I've decided that the best way to avoid all that is to not bother taking pictures. Maybe I'll start up again next week. But this week I'll stop. I do realize that eventually I'll have to put pictures up again, because this blog is called "Pictures of my Life in America".
It's been raining for about 12 hours straight, and it was storming from 7 to about 10 or so last night. I don't like thunderstorms. They're freaky. Loud and bright and scary. And every now and then, if it is really hot outside, there is the chance of a tornado. :-\
Oh gosh. It's pouring outside. I don't know how people manage to drive in that kind of weather. Well, we do need the rain because of the drought. I wonder if it can be called 'Over' yet. I do know that they lifted some of the water restrictions. I remember when I went to Girl Scout Camp, we couldn't have our big campfire to make s'mores because of the burning ban. So instead we took graham crackers and covered them with chocolate and marshmallow flavored frosting. Some s'mores.
Today is YaSeen's birthday!!! He's turning 6, and he wants a Transformer more than anything. I'd hate to disappoint him, but my mom can't find them anywhere. I think I'll do him a favor and look on Target's website. I'm gonna make him a cake, and he wants white, but I want chocolate. I guess I can't argue with that, cause it's HIS birthday.
I can't believe that summer is almost here!!! Just one month and a couple days left!!! And then, say goodbye to school, and hello to summer. Unfortunately, it's not like I have anybody to spend it with. I don't have a lot of friends.
On Saturday I watched the Kite Runner with my mom and her friends. It was a sad movie. Now my mom is ordering the book. It was a very sad movie. Everyone says the book is sadder.
Gotta go now!!! See ya!!!
It's been raining for about 12 hours straight, and it was storming from 7 to about 10 or so last night. I don't like thunderstorms. They're freaky. Loud and bright and scary. And every now and then, if it is really hot outside, there is the chance of a tornado. :-\
Oh gosh. It's pouring outside. I don't know how people manage to drive in that kind of weather. Well, we do need the rain because of the drought. I wonder if it can be called 'Over' yet. I do know that they lifted some of the water restrictions. I remember when I went to Girl Scout Camp, we couldn't have our big campfire to make s'mores because of the burning ban. So instead we took graham crackers and covered them with chocolate and marshmallow flavored frosting. Some s'mores.
Today is YaSeen's birthday!!! He's turning 6, and he wants a Transformer more than anything. I'd hate to disappoint him, but my mom can't find them anywhere. I think I'll do him a favor and look on Target's website. I'm gonna make him a cake, and he wants white, but I want chocolate. I guess I can't argue with that, cause it's HIS birthday.
I can't believe that summer is almost here!!! Just one month and a couple days left!!! And then, say goodbye to school, and hello to summer. Unfortunately, it's not like I have anybody to spend it with. I don't have a lot of friends.
On Saturday I watched the Kite Runner with my mom and her friends. It was a sad movie. Now my mom is ordering the book. It was a very sad movie. Everyone says the book is sadder.
Gotta go now!!! See ya!!!
Friday, April 25, 2008
...Is annoying. Well, it usually is. Last night sure wasn't, although they killed off one of my favorite characters on Lost. Sure she wasn't all important, but I'd hoped to learn more about her. And she had my name. It's not FAIR!!! Evil Keamy.
Sham is pregnant!!!!! She went into heat about three days ago, and she's been courting these two orange toms for awhile. So I guess we're guaranteed some orange kittens. One of the cats has a pudgy bulldog-like face. It's really crazy. I guess all tomcats look like that, but his was the biggest. I can't wait for the kittens. In June, not quite the heat of summer, but still hot, Sham will be a mommy pussycat.
Sham is still quite small. Apparently she got rejected by her mom, so we can see why. She was most likely the runt of the litter, and the runt usually dies, but somebody rescued her. So now she's a small adult cat, 9 months, give or take.
Luckily today is Friday. That means that as soon as I'm done with my work, I can go play Star Wars Battlefront. I finally beat the droids on Galactic Conquest. Moby was right. Clones suck against droids. But I conquered!!! Next it's stormtroopers against rebels.
This weekend we're cleaning my room. Not that I'm not happy about that. It's just that I don't want to do it. I want someone else to do it for me. I know, I'm lazy. It's just that it's not my fault that the room is dirty. But whenever the people who DID make the mess clean it up, it doesn't get clean AT ALL! *cough* Maryam. *cough* Iman.
My dad wants me to design a cargo container house. I have it all planned out, but now he wants me to put it into SketchUp, and I'm still not used to the program yet. I'll figure something out though.
*sniffle* I still can't believe they killed off Alex on Lost. My mom said she wasn't all that important, but I liked her. She was more like a plane person than an Other. She was so nice.
I wonder what it would be like to act in a TV show that you really liked, and then get a call saying that your character got killed off. That'd be heartbreaking, especially if you liked acting in it. But in Lost, at least you can come back for flashbacks and such.
Time to go. At 3:30, I'm done with my work. Yay!! Bye!
Sham is pregnant!!!!! She went into heat about three days ago, and she's been courting these two orange toms for awhile. So I guess we're guaranteed some orange kittens. One of the cats has a pudgy bulldog-like face. It's really crazy. I guess all tomcats look like that, but his was the biggest. I can't wait for the kittens. In June, not quite the heat of summer, but still hot, Sham will be a mommy pussycat.
Sham is still quite small. Apparently she got rejected by her mom, so we can see why. She was most likely the runt of the litter, and the runt usually dies, but somebody rescued her. So now she's a small adult cat, 9 months, give or take.
Luckily today is Friday. That means that as soon as I'm done with my work, I can go play Star Wars Battlefront. I finally beat the droids on Galactic Conquest. Moby was right. Clones suck against droids. But I conquered!!! Next it's stormtroopers against rebels.
This weekend we're cleaning my room. Not that I'm not happy about that. It's just that I don't want to do it. I want someone else to do it for me. I know, I'm lazy. It's just that it's not my fault that the room is dirty. But whenever the people who DID make the mess clean it up, it doesn't get clean AT ALL! *cough* Maryam. *cough* Iman.
My dad wants me to design a cargo container house. I have it all planned out, but now he wants me to put it into SketchUp, and I'm still not used to the program yet. I'll figure something out though.
*sniffle* I still can't believe they killed off Alex on Lost. My mom said she wasn't all that important, but I liked her. She was more like a plane person than an Other. She was so nice.
I wonder what it would be like to act in a TV show that you really liked, and then get a call saying that your character got killed off. That'd be heartbreaking, especially if you liked acting in it. But in Lost, at least you can come back for flashbacks and such.
Time to go. At 3:30, I'm done with my work. Yay!! Bye!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
'Tis a Beautiful Day, Is It Not?
Well, it is here in Charlotte. The sky is bright blue, the sun is shining, and the cat Sam is basking in the sun coming in the window. I don't know where Sham is. She's probably out getting some tomcats. She's in heat now. Has been since yesterday. So maybe she'll come home and be pregnant and it'll be all over for two months. Then the kittens come. Cute, but nasty. Nasty only because they're probably gonna poop all over the place. Otherwise they'll be so cute. Too bad we can only keep one.
I think after I'm done with all of my work today, I'll take my guitar and go outside and play it. It's too nice outside not to be able to do that.
Now, what should I talk about? I'm stumped. ............
Oh! I know! Let's talk about how people grow up and get to the position they are in now. Well, it mostly all starts in childhood. Every kid has something they're interested in, whether it's helping people, messing with computers, doing crazy science experiments, or just reading, it always leads to them deciding what to do. My friend likes helping people with their problems. She wants to be a psychiatrist. Figures. I like helping sick people. I wanna be a doctor. And Moby loves playing with computers. He wants to be a video game designer. Maryam likes animals. She wants to be a vet. You see the pattern? Not to say we won't change our minds. If I can't be a doctor, I want to be an architect. Designing houses is fun. I just can't draw.
And all these professional singers. They were all singing when they were kids, maybe playing some instruments. And some of them decided to see if they had the capabilities to be a singer, so they went up on American Idol. Anybody can be a singer if they want to.
I wonder what my future will be like. What schools I'm going to go to. Where I'll live. I wanna live in some deserted state. Like Rhode Island. Yeah! That'll be cool!
Nah, I might live here or up in Charlottesville with the rest of my family. Those are the two places I love. I basically grew up in these cities. I've lived in Charlotte for 8 years, and I lived in Charlottesville for 2 of 3 years, and I visit it at least three times a year.
My interests are singing, guitar playing, and crafting. But I know I can't get a job with that stuff. Maybe just for extra change. When I'm fifteen I'll probably go work in a movie theater. And maybe get discounts. =)
I used to want to do computer stuff, but that kind of left my mind after watching my parents stress out over their jobs. Yeah, they stress out a lot.
Time to go. There wasn't much to write about today. All I've gotta say is LOST is tonight!!! Yippee!!! I cannot wait!!!
I think after I'm done with all of my work today, I'll take my guitar and go outside and play it. It's too nice outside not to be able to do that.
Now, what should I talk about? I'm stumped. ............
Oh! I know! Let's talk about how people grow up and get to the position they are in now. Well, it mostly all starts in childhood. Every kid has something they're interested in, whether it's helping people, messing with computers, doing crazy science experiments, or just reading, it always leads to them deciding what to do. My friend likes helping people with their problems. She wants to be a psychiatrist. Figures. I like helping sick people. I wanna be a doctor. And Moby loves playing with computers. He wants to be a video game designer. Maryam likes animals. She wants to be a vet. You see the pattern? Not to say we won't change our minds. If I can't be a doctor, I want to be an architect. Designing houses is fun. I just can't draw.
And all these professional singers. They were all singing when they were kids, maybe playing some instruments. And some of them decided to see if they had the capabilities to be a singer, so they went up on American Idol. Anybody can be a singer if they want to.
I wonder what my future will be like. What schools I'm going to go to. Where I'll live. I wanna live in some deserted state. Like Rhode Island. Yeah! That'll be cool!
Nah, I might live here or up in Charlottesville with the rest of my family. Those are the two places I love. I basically grew up in these cities. I've lived in Charlotte for 8 years, and I lived in Charlottesville for 2 of 3 years, and I visit it at least three times a year.
My interests are singing, guitar playing, and crafting. But I know I can't get a job with that stuff. Maybe just for extra change. When I'm fifteen I'll probably go work in a movie theater. And maybe get discounts. =)
I used to want to do computer stuff, but that kind of left my mind after watching my parents stress out over their jobs. Yeah, they stress out a lot.
Time to go. There wasn't much to write about today. All I've gotta say is LOST is tonight!!! Yippee!!! I cannot wait!!!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The World Today
I always wondered what the deal was with this world. Why do all the governments have to be so cruel and corrupt? After somebody gains power, they always have to keep it, even when the citizens don't want them to. I mean, look at this coming election. I'll bet that if Bush was allowed to run again, he would, and chances are that he'd probably win, even though all he's done for America is get us involved in a stupid war that killed thousands of innocent people and broke apart probably millions of families. I'm not anti-American or anything, but we all know it's true, so you can't really deny it. And after all that, America elected him again! Kerry probably wouldn't have been a whole lot better, but he'd be better than Bush.
So now we're stuck in a big, crazy post-election frenzy. Everybody knows that McCain is GOING TO LOSE no matter who ends up running against him. Nobody wants another Republican in the White House. Okay, maybe some people do, but that's because they are REPUBLICAN. And he's the only guy who even had a decent amount of support. But I, personally, am Democrat. And am for Obama. All the way. I have been since all this started. I'm not allowed to vote yet, but if I could, I'd be voting for Obama. I just don't trust Hillary. First of all, do you realize something? If Hillary was elected, there would be a pattern. Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton. And how do you know that in 8 years, there won't be another Bush running? Do you think that there's even the slightest chance that it might happen? If it did, they probably wouldn't be elected, but still!
I mean, Bush's regime was torture for everyone, but for the Muslims it was and is just bad. The Patriot Act was enough. Taking away all our rights, now it sure seems like it's not America anymore. And then there is all the stereotyping. Everyone who didn't grow up with a Muslim friend basically thinks that Muslims are terrorists, and IT'S NOT TRUE!! I specifically made this point in my last blog. Go look back there. Why does the whole world hate us? We never did anything. The idiots who flew into the towers were radicals who had no care for innocent people. It doesn't help anything. And then a ginormous war is declared on Iraq, all because they "supposedly" have nuclear weapons and are knowingly housing Osama Bin Laden.
I watched this film awhile ago called Control Room. It was about the popular Middle East TV station Al-Jazeera, and what stories they covered in the first year of the Iraq war. And now that I'm oldr, I kind of understand stuff like that a little more. And I realized from the movie, that the American TV stations show the invading Americans. The Middle East stations show all the blood, dead people, and Americans entering people's homes and assaulting them. Why does this world have to be so cruel. Nobody really knows what's going on over there. It's like Gaza and Israel. Nobody, save the Gazans, actually know what's going on in Gaza, because the Isrealis want to keep it a secret. They don't want the world to know that they are bombing and killing hundreds of people a day.
So for all of you people who go to work and come home everyday, taking all of this for granted, all these cars, electricity, even your children, it could be a whole lot worse. You could be stuck in a small home with no electricity, right next to a smelly sewer, wishing that your dead son would come home. Of course, I'm sure there are some people in this country who have dead sons that they wish would come home. Do you know any? If you do, go comfort them. Go realize that the world won't be this way forever. It's only a matter of time.
Vote Obama 2008!!!
So now we're stuck in a big, crazy post-election frenzy. Everybody knows that McCain is GOING TO LOSE no matter who ends up running against him. Nobody wants another Republican in the White House. Okay, maybe some people do, but that's because they are REPUBLICAN. And he's the only guy who even had a decent amount of support. But I, personally, am Democrat. And am for Obama. All the way. I have been since all this started. I'm not allowed to vote yet, but if I could, I'd be voting for Obama. I just don't trust Hillary. First of all, do you realize something? If Hillary was elected, there would be a pattern. Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton. And how do you know that in 8 years, there won't be another Bush running? Do you think that there's even the slightest chance that it might happen? If it did, they probably wouldn't be elected, but still!
I mean, Bush's regime was torture for everyone, but for the Muslims it was and is just bad. The Patriot Act was enough. Taking away all our rights, now it sure seems like it's not America anymore. And then there is all the stereotyping. Everyone who didn't grow up with a Muslim friend basically thinks that Muslims are terrorists, and IT'S NOT TRUE!! I specifically made this point in my last blog. Go look back there. Why does the whole world hate us? We never did anything. The idiots who flew into the towers were radicals who had no care for innocent people. It doesn't help anything. And then a ginormous war is declared on Iraq, all because they "supposedly" have nuclear weapons and are knowingly housing Osama Bin Laden.
I watched this film awhile ago called Control Room. It was about the popular Middle East TV station Al-Jazeera, and what stories they covered in the first year of the Iraq war. And now that I'm oldr, I kind of understand stuff like that a little more. And I realized from the movie, that the American TV stations show the invading Americans. The Middle East stations show all the blood, dead people, and Americans entering people's homes and assaulting them. Why does this world have to be so cruel. Nobody really knows what's going on over there. It's like Gaza and Israel. Nobody, save the Gazans, actually know what's going on in Gaza, because the Isrealis want to keep it a secret. They don't want the world to know that they are bombing and killing hundreds of people a day.
So for all of you people who go to work and come home everyday, taking all of this for granted, all these cars, electricity, even your children, it could be a whole lot worse. You could be stuck in a small home with no electricity, right next to a smelly sewer, wishing that your dead son would come home. Of course, I'm sure there are some people in this country who have dead sons that they wish would come home. Do you know any? If you do, go comfort them. Go realize that the world won't be this way forever. It's only a matter of time.
Vote Obama 2008!!!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
World Issues
Well, another day, another blog. Normally I'll write about dumb stuff. Today I think I'll write about the world, and all the issues in it.
First, the Gaza-Israel conflict. I mean, I haven't read THAT much about it, and I don't know what caused it, although I have a good idea about it. The Israelis want Gaza. For their own. So for years now they have been bombing Gaza, hoping that there will be a surrender, and they'll get all the land for themselves. Well, I have opinions about this. And some people on the BBC probably agree with me. First, when there is a "mass" shootout at an Isreali school, (meaning 8 people are killed), it gets front page news and full coverage. But EVERY SINGLE DAY, hundreds of people are killed in Gaza, and where is that news? I sure can't find it anywhere. Tell me if you can.
Why is there such a big fight for land? Can't you just be satisfied with what you have? Or is this a fight about religion, Jews against Muslims? From what I've heard, the Muslims were in Palestine first, and the Jews came and took it from them. And it doesn't help that all the western countries, including the U.S., are pretty much in love with Israel. Does this killing really do anyone any good? Why do you have to block off people from food and water, and kill innocent men, women and children? They never did anything! You're the ones who did the bad stuff! The Gazans are just defending themselves! Will you NEVER be satisfied with what you have? After Gaza, what piece of land will be next? Saudi Arabia?
Next I shall cover global warming. Just last night I watched this documentary called "Kilowatt Ours". It was extremely educational. I never knew that people were blowing up mountains just to get coal. I love the mountains. They're so beautiful. I've been to the Rockies and the Appalachians. They're beautiful works of God. And in about a century, if we don't work hard to keep them alive, they'll be gone, reduced to piles of rubble. And the world won't be at all a happy place.
So maybe you're thinking, "I'm just one person! What can I do about this?" Well, yesterday I learned that the first thing you can do is switch to compact-fluorescent bulbs. You know, the spiral-shaped ones. If you switch all the bulbs in your house, it saves a couple pounds or tons of coal. And lowers your bill. Then you can seal air leaks in your house. And get a couple solar panels to heat your water and such. And it saves a lot of money. I would play some part in this, if I lived in my own house. But I cannot control what my parents do. My dad is looking for some good deals on solar panels.
If people would just get off of their lazy butts and walk somewhere, it would save a couple gallons of gas. God, no wonder 1/3 of the U.S. population is obese. What, with the fancy cars and cheap gas, it's no wonder nobody feels like walking anywhere. Europeans are paying 10 dollars a gallon for gas, so they have a good public transit system and small cars. They sure could teach a few lessons to some of us.
Now, if anybody here is actually reading this far, I think I will list a few differences between terrorists and Muslims. Because terrorists ARE NOT real Muslims.
-Muslims are NOT allowed to kill innocent people. Let me make this very clear. THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE!
-Muslims cannot fight in a war unless their homeland is being attacked or invaded. Or their religion is being persecuted.
-Islam is totally about peace. These terrorists are radicals, saying that they do things in the name of God, but truthfully, they don't. They've been mislead into thinking that if they kill innocent people, it will stop all the things the western countries are doing, but it won't. It only makes them fiercer and tougher. Example: 9/11 happens, then Americans invade Iraq.
Those aren't very many reasons, but it's all I need to make my point. So spread the word, and get some of these views out of people's heads. I hate going out into the street and having people ask strange questions about whether I like being Muslim. It is a beautiful religion! And we don't HAVE to cover up. We choose to. I don't want strange guys staring at me, so I cover up and they won't have a reason too. Not at all like those girls wearing skimpy clothes, extremely short skirts, midriff-exposing shirts, eeek. It freaks me out, the way some of those girls dress.
Time to go. I hope this blog has made a good point today. Spread the word. Tell the world. It just might make a difference.
First, the Gaza-Israel conflict. I mean, I haven't read THAT much about it, and I don't know what caused it, although I have a good idea about it. The Israelis want Gaza. For their own. So for years now they have been bombing Gaza, hoping that there will be a surrender, and they'll get all the land for themselves. Well, I have opinions about this. And some people on the BBC probably agree with me. First, when there is a "mass" shootout at an Isreali school, (meaning 8 people are killed), it gets front page news and full coverage. But EVERY SINGLE DAY, hundreds of people are killed in Gaza, and where is that news? I sure can't find it anywhere. Tell me if you can.
Why is there such a big fight for land? Can't you just be satisfied with what you have? Or is this a fight about religion, Jews against Muslims? From what I've heard, the Muslims were in Palestine first, and the Jews came and took it from them. And it doesn't help that all the western countries, including the U.S., are pretty much in love with Israel. Does this killing really do anyone any good? Why do you have to block off people from food and water, and kill innocent men, women and children? They never did anything! You're the ones who did the bad stuff! The Gazans are just defending themselves! Will you NEVER be satisfied with what you have? After Gaza, what piece of land will be next? Saudi Arabia?
Next I shall cover global warming. Just last night I watched this documentary called "Kilowatt Ours". It was extremely educational. I never knew that people were blowing up mountains just to get coal. I love the mountains. They're so beautiful. I've been to the Rockies and the Appalachians. They're beautiful works of God. And in about a century, if we don't work hard to keep them alive, they'll be gone, reduced to piles of rubble. And the world won't be at all a happy place.
So maybe you're thinking, "I'm just one person! What can I do about this?" Well, yesterday I learned that the first thing you can do is switch to compact-fluorescent bulbs. You know, the spiral-shaped ones. If you switch all the bulbs in your house, it saves a couple pounds or tons of coal. And lowers your bill. Then you can seal air leaks in your house. And get a couple solar panels to heat your water and such. And it saves a lot of money. I would play some part in this, if I lived in my own house. But I cannot control what my parents do. My dad is looking for some good deals on solar panels.
If people would just get off of their lazy butts and walk somewhere, it would save a couple gallons of gas. God, no wonder 1/3 of the U.S. population is obese. What, with the fancy cars and cheap gas, it's no wonder nobody feels like walking anywhere. Europeans are paying 10 dollars a gallon for gas, so they have a good public transit system and small cars. They sure could teach a few lessons to some of us.
Now, if anybody here is actually reading this far, I think I will list a few differences between terrorists and Muslims. Because terrorists ARE NOT real Muslims.
-Muslims are NOT allowed to kill innocent people. Let me make this very clear. THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE!
-Muslims cannot fight in a war unless their homeland is being attacked or invaded. Or their religion is being persecuted.
-Islam is totally about peace. These terrorists are radicals, saying that they do things in the name of God, but truthfully, they don't. They've been mislead into thinking that if they kill innocent people, it will stop all the things the western countries are doing, but it won't. It only makes them fiercer and tougher. Example: 9/11 happens, then Americans invade Iraq.
Those aren't very many reasons, but it's all I need to make my point. So spread the word, and get some of these views out of people's heads. I hate going out into the street and having people ask strange questions about whether I like being Muslim. It is a beautiful religion! And we don't HAVE to cover up. We choose to. I don't want strange guys staring at me, so I cover up and they won't have a reason too. Not at all like those girls wearing skimpy clothes, extremely short skirts, midriff-exposing shirts, eeek. It freaks me out, the way some of those girls dress.
Time to go. I hope this blog has made a good point today. Spread the word. Tell the world. It just might make a difference.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Family Life...
Is not fun at all. What, with all the scolding, yelling, screaming, running around, and moody people, it's no wonder some people run away and go and live on their own like that kid in the book "Into the Wild," Chris McCandless. Then he died. That's just sad.
Right now I'm staring out our window hoping with all of my heart that there won't be a thunderstorm. I hate thunderstorms. They FREAK ME OUT!! Especially when a tornado watch comes along. I hate severe weather. If the weather was sunny everyday, that'd be enough for me. Or raining, but no thunderstorm. And in the winter, snow would be cool. But no thunderstorms!
Back to the whole family thing though. I think I should describe each member of my direct family in detail. Well, my brothers and sisters, anyway. Maybe not my parents. Cause they'll go and get all mad about it.
My youngest sibling, my brother YaSeen, is just a little mini terrorist. Well, he's just so bad that we call him one. One time we were in a Taco Bell parking lot, and we hadn't even gone inside and he came with a soda cup. Ewwwww! He'd picked it up off the ground! That's where he got his nickname Rat Boy. We have several nicknames for him. Terrorist, Stitch, Rat Boy, Seenie, and probably some more that I can't remember. Right now he's in kindergarten. His first week in school, he SPIT on somebody!! Boy, he never did that again after my mom punished him.
My youngest sister is Iman. She is a little girl who always thinks she's so funny. She'll go and say something random, and then laugh about it. And nobody else will laugh. And we'll all say "You're not funny!" and she'll say " I wasn't trying to be funny!" Psh. Yeah right. She's probably the most lovable in the family.
My other sister, Maryam, can sometimes be such a brat. She hogs the cats, and then gets mad when I take them, she thinks she knows more than I do, and sometimes, ooh, she makes me so mad! Yelling at me, screaming, throwing temper tantrums, sometimes it gets me soooooo angry! And she changes her mind a lot. A LOT!
My other brother, Mohammed/Moby, is annoying. When I was little I called him Be, and my dad's family called him Mo, so we put them together and got Moby. My mom decided to start calling him Mohammed, but I can't get used to it. It sounds so weird. Moby is a weirdo. He loves watching Happy Tree Friends, and making demented stick figure videos. He likes yelling at people and teasing them, specifically me.
All of them are lovable, and can be nice when they want to, but sometimes it's so hard to be anything but mad at them. Okay, how about you try sleeping in on a Saturday morning in this house!
Just yesterday I was looking with my dad at my first grade school picture. It's amazing what's happened to me since then. Or was it my kindergarten school picture? I can't remember. But it's still so weird how I've grown since then. I'm now 5'7" or something, and I am in 8th grade. I have medium length brown, highlighted hair, and back then it was straight, banged, short, and just brown.
Today my schedule is basically school, then religious stuff, then guitar, then free time the rest of the day. Too bad there's no computer on weekdays. I'll probably cross-stitch or something.
Time to go now! Maybe tomorrow I'll start up with pictures, but this strike hasn't really worked yet. I want to be able to put up pictures of my own free will. No pictures until then. Bye!
Right now I'm staring out our window hoping with all of my heart that there won't be a thunderstorm. I hate thunderstorms. They FREAK ME OUT!! Especially when a tornado watch comes along. I hate severe weather. If the weather was sunny everyday, that'd be enough for me. Or raining, but no thunderstorm. And in the winter, snow would be cool. But no thunderstorms!
Back to the whole family thing though. I think I should describe each member of my direct family in detail. Well, my brothers and sisters, anyway. Maybe not my parents. Cause they'll go and get all mad about it.
My youngest sibling, my brother YaSeen, is just a little mini terrorist. Well, he's just so bad that we call him one. One time we were in a Taco Bell parking lot, and we hadn't even gone inside and he came with a soda cup. Ewwwww! He'd picked it up off the ground! That's where he got his nickname Rat Boy. We have several nicknames for him. Terrorist, Stitch, Rat Boy, Seenie, and probably some more that I can't remember. Right now he's in kindergarten. His first week in school, he SPIT on somebody!! Boy, he never did that again after my mom punished him.
My youngest sister is Iman. She is a little girl who always thinks she's so funny. She'll go and say something random, and then laugh about it. And nobody else will laugh. And we'll all say "You're not funny!" and she'll say " I wasn't trying to be funny!" Psh. Yeah right. She's probably the most lovable in the family.
My other sister, Maryam, can sometimes be such a brat. She hogs the cats, and then gets mad when I take them, she thinks she knows more than I do, and sometimes, ooh, she makes me so mad! Yelling at me, screaming, throwing temper tantrums, sometimes it gets me soooooo angry! And she changes her mind a lot. A LOT!
My other brother, Mohammed/Moby, is annoying. When I was little I called him Be, and my dad's family called him Mo, so we put them together and got Moby. My mom decided to start calling him Mohammed, but I can't get used to it. It sounds so weird. Moby is a weirdo. He loves watching Happy Tree Friends, and making demented stick figure videos. He likes yelling at people and teasing them, specifically me.
All of them are lovable, and can be nice when they want to, but sometimes it's so hard to be anything but mad at them. Okay, how about you try sleeping in on a Saturday morning in this house!
Just yesterday I was looking with my dad at my first grade school picture. It's amazing what's happened to me since then. Or was it my kindergarten school picture? I can't remember. But it's still so weird how I've grown since then. I'm now 5'7" or something, and I am in 8th grade. I have medium length brown, highlighted hair, and back then it was straight, banged, short, and just brown.
Today my schedule is basically school, then religious stuff, then guitar, then free time the rest of the day. Too bad there's no computer on weekdays. I'll probably cross-stitch or something.
Time to go now! Maybe tomorrow I'll start up with pictures, but this strike hasn't really worked yet. I want to be able to put up pictures of my own free will. No pictures until then. Bye!
Friday, April 18, 2008
More Biography...
Sooo... let's keep going with this biography thing. I think I'm almost done.
The summer of fourth grade, we drove all around the country. We went from North Carolina to Arizona, then we went to California, and then up to Washington State, and then back east to Massachusetts, then south to North Carolina. And there were plenty of stops along the way, believe me. Grandparents, relatives, friends, you get the picture. My mom went to Saudi Arabia with the famous Muslim lecturer Hamza Yusef, so we drove her to California, and we met her in New York a couple weeks later. As much as I hate traveling, I have to admit that that summer was really fun. My dad always said we should paint a map of the US on our car and color in all the states we've been to.
Okay, not that I hated all the other years of school I've been in, but fifth grade totally bombed them all to pieces. That year was sooooooooooo fun. I had the BEST fifth grade teacher, and everyone in fifth grade new it. Mr. Phillips was the best teacher in the SCHOOL, let alone fifth grade.
Fifth grade was so different. The teachers decided to make it a bit more like middle school to get us used to it. So they split up the whole grade between the three teachers, depending on how good you were at Language Arts and Math. Ms. Podpora got the smart math people and average LA people, Mr. Phillips got the smart LA people and average math people, and I think Ms. Scott got the struggling LA and math people. And after LA and math we switched back to our normal classes for Science, Social Studies, and all the other stuff we did. Mr. Phillips also did Mental Math with his homeroom. That was fun.
That year almost the whole grade went to Camp Kanuga. It was a two night stay, and we did a lot of fun activities. Everyone who went was split into groups; I think there were five. I made some good friends on that trip. Not that I talk to them anymore. It was too late in the year to make the friendships stronger. But I still remember them, all the same. Some people couldn't go to camp because they were so bad. All the fifth grade teachers had this chart. It had the names of all the people in the class on it, and if you ever got your card pulled, they took off one point. At the end of the day, the teacher calculated how many points you had and wrote it on the chart. When it was almost time to go to camp, you had to have a certain number of points to be able to go. Quite a few people that you thought wouldn't be able to go actually got to.
Mr. Phillips is now the assistant-principal-in-training of the school. What could be a better job? I hope he stays at Oakhurst though. It'd suck if I never got to see him again cause I don't know which school he's at. =(
I can't remember what I did that summer. I think we stayed home most of the time, but probably went to see my grandparents or something.
Sixth grade. Whole new school. Brand new people. Agh.
Well, I got used to it after awhile. I made some new friends, but I only talk to one of them now, because everyone else has forgotten me. What, I leave for a year, and nobody cares when I come back?!
But anyway, I had some nice teachers and everything, and I was in all the scholars classes. You want to know all my classes? Here you go:
Language Arts: Mrs. Norton
Math: Ms. Ravert
Science: Mrs. Webb, later Ms. Brisson after Mrs. Webb went on maternity leave.
Social Studies: Mrs. Stevens
Band: Mr. Love
Gym: Mr. Gibson
Spanish/French: Ms. Sadow/Ms. Long?
That summer, we got ready to go to Africa. And on September 6, we left America. Some birthday present! We stayed there for 10 months. We were planning on leaving in July, but Moby had to go and break his arm on the monkey bars, so we were delayed.
I spent all 7th grade there, and I learned a lot about life, and how it should be lived. The Senegalese are so cool. There's a lot of drama, but their lives are so much better than ours, in a way. If there wasn't anything to come back to in America, I might've stayed. OKAY I ADMIT IT, MOM! NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!
When I got back, they wouldn't let me back into Randolph, so instead of going to Northridge, I got homeschooled. 8 months later, here I am, tall skinny, guitar playing, songwriting, basketball playing, sewing, smart me. Although my brother seems to think the opposite. Jerk.
Time to go. It's been time to go for five minutes. And that's my biography. Not very interesting, I know. But who cares? It's MY life. YOU don't have to live it. Bye now!
The summer of fourth grade, we drove all around the country. We went from North Carolina to Arizona, then we went to California, and then up to Washington State, and then back east to Massachusetts, then south to North Carolina. And there were plenty of stops along the way, believe me. Grandparents, relatives, friends, you get the picture. My mom went to Saudi Arabia with the famous Muslim lecturer Hamza Yusef, so we drove her to California, and we met her in New York a couple weeks later. As much as I hate traveling, I have to admit that that summer was really fun. My dad always said we should paint a map of the US on our car and color in all the states we've been to.
Okay, not that I hated all the other years of school I've been in, but fifth grade totally bombed them all to pieces. That year was sooooooooooo fun. I had the BEST fifth grade teacher, and everyone in fifth grade new it. Mr. Phillips was the best teacher in the SCHOOL, let alone fifth grade.
Fifth grade was so different. The teachers decided to make it a bit more like middle school to get us used to it. So they split up the whole grade between the three teachers, depending on how good you were at Language Arts and Math. Ms. Podpora got the smart math people and average LA people, Mr. Phillips got the smart LA people and average math people, and I think Ms. Scott got the struggling LA and math people. And after LA and math we switched back to our normal classes for Science, Social Studies, and all the other stuff we did. Mr. Phillips also did Mental Math with his homeroom. That was fun.
That year almost the whole grade went to Camp Kanuga. It was a two night stay, and we did a lot of fun activities. Everyone who went was split into groups; I think there were five. I made some good friends on that trip. Not that I talk to them anymore. It was too late in the year to make the friendships stronger. But I still remember them, all the same. Some people couldn't go to camp because they were so bad. All the fifth grade teachers had this chart. It had the names of all the people in the class on it, and if you ever got your card pulled, they took off one point. At the end of the day, the teacher calculated how many points you had and wrote it on the chart. When it was almost time to go to camp, you had to have a certain number of points to be able to go. Quite a few people that you thought wouldn't be able to go actually got to.
Mr. Phillips is now the assistant-principal-in-training of the school. What could be a better job? I hope he stays at Oakhurst though. It'd suck if I never got to see him again cause I don't know which school he's at. =(
I can't remember what I did that summer. I think we stayed home most of the time, but probably went to see my grandparents or something.
Sixth grade. Whole new school. Brand new people. Agh.
Well, I got used to it after awhile. I made some new friends, but I only talk to one of them now, because everyone else has forgotten me. What, I leave for a year, and nobody cares when I come back?!
But anyway, I had some nice teachers and everything, and I was in all the scholars classes. You want to know all my classes? Here you go:
Language Arts: Mrs. Norton
Math: Ms. Ravert
Science: Mrs. Webb, later Ms. Brisson after Mrs. Webb went on maternity leave.
Social Studies: Mrs. Stevens
Band: Mr. Love
Gym: Mr. Gibson
Spanish/French: Ms. Sadow/Ms. Long?
That summer, we got ready to go to Africa. And on September 6, we left America. Some birthday present! We stayed there for 10 months. We were planning on leaving in July, but Moby had to go and break his arm on the monkey bars, so we were delayed.
I spent all 7th grade there, and I learned a lot about life, and how it should be lived. The Senegalese are so cool. There's a lot of drama, but their lives are so much better than ours, in a way. If there wasn't anything to come back to in America, I might've stayed. OKAY I ADMIT IT, MOM! NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!
When I got back, they wouldn't let me back into Randolph, so instead of going to Northridge, I got homeschooled. 8 months later, here I am, tall skinny, guitar playing, songwriting, basketball playing, sewing, smart me. Although my brother seems to think the opposite. Jerk.
Time to go. It's been time to go for five minutes. And that's my biography. Not very interesting, I know. But who cares? It's MY life. YOU don't have to live it. Bye now!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
...Continued Biography
Soooo... where was I? Oh yes. Third grade. By the way, I got the summer dates right.
Okay, so in third grade I transferred to Grier Road Elementary because my mom didn't think that I should be getting up at 6 am every day to get on the bus, with school starting at 7:15. At least it ended at 2, but anyway, I left my school I'd been going to for three years.
Grier Road wasn't really all that bad. I started out in Mrs. Merritt's class. It was just a normal third grade class. But about halfway through the first quarter of school, I got transferred to Ms. Schlick's class next door. Her class was third and fourth combined. And she specialized in teaching smart people. Well, sort of. The classes got moved around because she got a lot of smart people in her class. Who always had A's and stuff. That was the class that I met my two best friends. I also hung out with this other girl who was my friend for a couple of years, but then she just kind of drifted away. I don't really talk to her anymore.
Later on that year, another girl came into the class from across the hall. She was one of the two friends that I mentioned. She is still my best friend everrrrr.
The problem with having been transferred to another class is that all your stuff gets addressed to your original class. Like school pictures. Ugh.
I also had an awesome student teacher that year, Ms. Ellington. She won some special "pretty girl" award. Like Ms. North Carolina or something like that.
That summer we went up the East Coast and back. My mom went to Senegal. We visited my mom's parents and my dad's mom and stepdad. We also visited a bunch of other people that I can't remember. We went north, and then we headed way south.
In fourth grade I transferred to Oakhurst Elementary because that is where my teacher Ms. Schlick from third grade really taught. Oakhurst was getting extended, so all the teachers and students moved to Grier Road for two years. So I started fourth grade on the second floor in Ms. Jamison's class. She was honestly the nicest, happiest teacher I've ever had. Unfortunately that only lasted half of the first quarter, once again. I got transferred to Ms. Schlick's class again, downstairs. I think she specifically requested people from the year before, cause almost everyone who'd been in the class before was in it again. Except for the ones at Grier Road. But funnily enough, my friend who had transferred later in the year before, she had moved to Oakhurst too. That year was so fun. I also met this other girl who is now my other best friend. I loved being in Ms. Schlick's class. We had such awesome parties. Karaoke and everything.
I will continue this tomorrow. It's time for me to go again. Wow, this is one long biography for all the short years I've lived. Imagine how long it will be when I'm 60!
Okay, so in third grade I transferred to Grier Road Elementary because my mom didn't think that I should be getting up at 6 am every day to get on the bus, with school starting at 7:15. At least it ended at 2, but anyway, I left my school I'd been going to for three years.
Grier Road wasn't really all that bad. I started out in Mrs. Merritt's class. It was just a normal third grade class. But about halfway through the first quarter of school, I got transferred to Ms. Schlick's class next door. Her class was third and fourth combined. And she specialized in teaching smart people. Well, sort of. The classes got moved around because she got a lot of smart people in her class. Who always had A's and stuff. That was the class that I met my two best friends. I also hung out with this other girl who was my friend for a couple of years, but then she just kind of drifted away. I don't really talk to her anymore.
Later on that year, another girl came into the class from across the hall. She was one of the two friends that I mentioned. She is still my best friend everrrrr.
The problem with having been transferred to another class is that all your stuff gets addressed to your original class. Like school pictures. Ugh.
I also had an awesome student teacher that year, Ms. Ellington. She won some special "pretty girl" award. Like Ms. North Carolina or something like that.
That summer we went up the East Coast and back. My mom went to Senegal. We visited my mom's parents and my dad's mom and stepdad. We also visited a bunch of other people that I can't remember. We went north, and then we headed way south.
In fourth grade I transferred to Oakhurst Elementary because that is where my teacher Ms. Schlick from third grade really taught. Oakhurst was getting extended, so all the teachers and students moved to Grier Road for two years. So I started fourth grade on the second floor in Ms. Jamison's class. She was honestly the nicest, happiest teacher I've ever had. Unfortunately that only lasted half of the first quarter, once again. I got transferred to Ms. Schlick's class again, downstairs. I think she specifically requested people from the year before, cause almost everyone who'd been in the class before was in it again. Except for the ones at Grier Road. But funnily enough, my friend who had transferred later in the year before, she had moved to Oakhurst too. That year was so fun. I also met this other girl who is now my other best friend. I loved being in Ms. Schlick's class. We had such awesome parties. Karaoke and everything.
I will continue this tomorrow. It's time for me to go again. Wow, this is one long biography for all the short years I've lived. Imagine how long it will be when I'm 60!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
My "Biography"
Today I am writing the story of my life, from when I can remember, all the way to now. It may take awhile, but it will pass the time.
I was born on September 6, 1994 in Charlottesville, VA. Not much to say there. My brother was born 1 and 1/2 years later on May 24, 1996 in the same place. After that we started really moving around because of my dad's work.
We moved to Tampa, FL, or someplace like that, and I only have a few memories of that place. Two in Disney World, and two at my "Muslim Preschool".
From Disney World I can vaguely remember a big parade of Disney characters and a weird puppet show with a scary guy sitting backwards on a chair. From my preschool I remember a calender thing with Velcro day and date pads that could be removed, and I also remember on the playground me going up the slide and two girls coming down, and me getting into trouble.
After that we moved to a small apartment in Charlotte, NC. The only thing I can remember about that place is this platform way up high with a desk on it. I remember I was always so eager to answer the phone (in high contrast to me now), so one day I picked it up without realizing that my mom had already gotten the phone, and she was talking to my grandma! My first sister was born there, on July 13, 1998.
In 1999 we moved to our big house. I started kindergarten at J.H. Gunn Elementary. On my first day I got sent to Ms. Shaw's class, but they took me out of it and put me into Mrs. Bishop's class, a class that combined kindergarten and first grade. That was my first combined year. That was the year I learned to write. That was also the year we got three kittens at home. Frisky, a black tom-kitten with a long tail, Belle, a black girl kitten with a short tail, and Sam, an orange tom-kitten. Belle got run over by my dad's car after sleeping under it and not coming out when the car started up, and years later, we sent Frisky to the Humane Society because he was being a bit bad, like his name. We still have Sam, 8 years later. My other sister was also born this year, on July 17, 2000.
In first grade I was put in the same trailer, only in Mrs. Kidwell's class. This was a combined first and second grade class. I remember I had one really good"friend," but she liked to hang out with some of the second graders more than she did with me. I guess we were still friends, in a way. Only it got lonely. That was the year I learned to read and to love it.
That summer we went to visit my "godparents" in Texas, basically meaning they were the people who would take care of us if anything happened to my parents. They were really good friends with my parents. I met this girl there. Her name was Alex. She was my godmother's niece, and she was no more then a year younger than me.
In second grade I was put into the main building in Mrs. Neely's class. This was my first normal class, no combining. I had several friends in this class. They were my first real ones. And I loved Mrs. Neely. She had her baby, almost the same time my mom had her last one, my brother, born on April 28, 2002.
That summer we went to Morocco. I might be confused about the dates, because I can kind of remember my baby brother being able to walk by then, but I'd have to ask my dad.
It's time for me to go now. I'll continue the story tomorrow. And maybe correct myself if the summer events are wrong. Tata!!
I was born on September 6, 1994 in Charlottesville, VA. Not much to say there. My brother was born 1 and 1/2 years later on May 24, 1996 in the same place. After that we started really moving around because of my dad's work.
We moved to Tampa, FL, or someplace like that, and I only have a few memories of that place. Two in Disney World, and two at my "Muslim Preschool".
From Disney World I can vaguely remember a big parade of Disney characters and a weird puppet show with a scary guy sitting backwards on a chair. From my preschool I remember a calender thing with Velcro day and date pads that could be removed, and I also remember on the playground me going up the slide and two girls coming down, and me getting into trouble.
After that we moved to a small apartment in Charlotte, NC. The only thing I can remember about that place is this platform way up high with a desk on it. I remember I was always so eager to answer the phone (in high contrast to me now), so one day I picked it up without realizing that my mom had already gotten the phone, and she was talking to my grandma! My first sister was born there, on July 13, 1998.
In 1999 we moved to our big house. I started kindergarten at J.H. Gunn Elementary. On my first day I got sent to Ms. Shaw's class, but they took me out of it and put me into Mrs. Bishop's class, a class that combined kindergarten and first grade. That was my first combined year. That was the year I learned to write. That was also the year we got three kittens at home. Frisky, a black tom-kitten with a long tail, Belle, a black girl kitten with a short tail, and Sam, an orange tom-kitten. Belle got run over by my dad's car after sleeping under it and not coming out when the car started up, and years later, we sent Frisky to the Humane Society because he was being a bit bad, like his name. We still have Sam, 8 years later. My other sister was also born this year, on July 17, 2000.
In first grade I was put in the same trailer, only in Mrs. Kidwell's class. This was a combined first and second grade class. I remember I had one really good"friend," but she liked to hang out with some of the second graders more than she did with me. I guess we were still friends, in a way. Only it got lonely. That was the year I learned to read and to love it.
That summer we went to visit my "godparents" in Texas, basically meaning they were the people who would take care of us if anything happened to my parents. They were really good friends with my parents. I met this girl there. Her name was Alex. She was my godmother's niece, and she was no more then a year younger than me.
In second grade I was put into the main building in Mrs. Neely's class. This was my first normal class, no combining. I had several friends in this class. They were my first real ones. And I loved Mrs. Neely. She had her baby, almost the same time my mom had her last one, my brother, born on April 28, 2002.
That summer we went to Morocco. I might be confused about the dates, because I can kind of remember my baby brother being able to walk by then, but I'd have to ask my dad.
It's time for me to go now. I'll continue the story tomorrow. And maybe correct myself if the summer events are wrong. Tata!!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I have now officially decided that my life needs a huge change. I just don't know what. I'm thinking a cleaner bedroom. That's the easiest way to go. But do you have any idea how much work it would be to clean that thing? Well, let's list it all. I like lists.
-Under my bed
-Under Iman's bed
-Under the dresser
-Behind both dressers
-In the closet
-On top of the dressers
And that may seem like a little bit, but it is a lot more. Each one of those places is extremely messy. We've tried for a long time to clean them, but my mom says next week is spring cleaning, so maybe we'll get it done then. I hate spring cleaning.
Have you ever noticed how sexist men are? And not only that, but they pass it on to the younger generation. Not just the boys, but the girls too. They make the girls feel all bad about being girls. Well, here are a couple well-known facts about men:
-If you leave them alone in the house for a week with no woman around, when you get back the house will be messy, all the clothes will either be in big piles or all grey from washing them together, and the kitchen will be very, very dirty.
-They may think they're stronger, but try getting a man to lift a heavy pot of water onto the stove.
-They may be strong, but that's nothing compared to highly sensitive fingers.
-So what if you work 8 hours a day? Women work all day, 24/7 just doing normal household chores!
-They may bring in the money, but if they were left to spend it all on their own, you'd end up with a house full of computers, televisions, and DVDs
And those are just some of the reasons why women are better than men. So any girl who hates being a girl has total issues. She's not looking at the whole picture.
Boy, I'm so glad I don't live in the Middle East. Especially Saudi Arabia. I read this book a couple years ago called Princess. It's about this girl's life in Saudi Arabia. Some of the stories in that book were so horrible. I cannot believe fathers kill their own daughters just because they are getting a teeeeeeeny bit hormonal, if you know what I mean. Boy-wise. And if the boys do anything like that, not only do they not get punished, but it totally goes unnoticed. I don't know why women have to go through all that. They carry and birth the children, take care of them, why should they have to go through all this? And even though forced marriages are illegal in Islam, they still go on! What kind of Muslims are these people?!
Women can take such a more active role here. With a lot of things. They even work out of the house now. Not so long ago, that was almost unheard of! And men say they're better. As IF!
Now that I've got that little rant over, what else should I talk about? You know what? I think I'll talk about crafting. I love crafting. There are all these different things you can make, and even though men wouldn't regard it as a sport, it kind of is. Sure, you're not sweating your skin off, but who says crafting isn't a sport? You're moving your hands all over the place, and making beautiful works of art. It's a sport all right, and it can get you a lot of money.
I like beading and cross stitching. Especially bead looms. They're fun, easy, and after you learn how to warp the loom it is not hard at all to figure out the rest.
Time to wrap up. I think this no picture thing is going quite well, don't you?
Now for a message to my daddy:
-Under my bed
-Under Iman's bed
-Under the dresser
-Behind both dressers
-In the closet
-On top of the dressers
And that may seem like a little bit, but it is a lot more. Each one of those places is extremely messy. We've tried for a long time to clean them, but my mom says next week is spring cleaning, so maybe we'll get it done then. I hate spring cleaning.
Have you ever noticed how sexist men are? And not only that, but they pass it on to the younger generation. Not just the boys, but the girls too. They make the girls feel all bad about being girls. Well, here are a couple well-known facts about men:
-If you leave them alone in the house for a week with no woman around, when you get back the house will be messy, all the clothes will either be in big piles or all grey from washing them together, and the kitchen will be very, very dirty.
-They may think they're stronger, but try getting a man to lift a heavy pot of water onto the stove.
-They may be strong, but that's nothing compared to highly sensitive fingers.
-So what if you work 8 hours a day? Women work all day, 24/7 just doing normal household chores!
-They may bring in the money, but if they were left to spend it all on their own, you'd end up with a house full of computers, televisions, and DVDs
And those are just some of the reasons why women are better than men. So any girl who hates being a girl has total issues. She's not looking at the whole picture.
Boy, I'm so glad I don't live in the Middle East. Especially Saudi Arabia. I read this book a couple years ago called Princess. It's about this girl's life in Saudi Arabia. Some of the stories in that book were so horrible. I cannot believe fathers kill their own daughters just because they are getting a teeeeeeeny bit hormonal, if you know what I mean. Boy-wise. And if the boys do anything like that, not only do they not get punished, but it totally goes unnoticed. I don't know why women have to go through all that. They carry and birth the children, take care of them, why should they have to go through all this? And even though forced marriages are illegal in Islam, they still go on! What kind of Muslims are these people?!
Women can take such a more active role here. With a lot of things. They even work out of the house now. Not so long ago, that was almost unheard of! And men say they're better. As IF!
Now that I've got that little rant over, what else should I talk about? You know what? I think I'll talk about crafting. I love crafting. There are all these different things you can make, and even though men wouldn't regard it as a sport, it kind of is. Sure, you're not sweating your skin off, but who says crafting isn't a sport? You're moving your hands all over the place, and making beautiful works of art. It's a sport all right, and it can get you a lot of money.
I like beading and cross stitching. Especially bead looms. They're fun, easy, and after you learn how to warp the loom it is not hard at all to figure out the rest.
Time to wrap up. I think this no picture thing is going quite well, don't you?
Now for a message to my daddy:
Monday, April 14, 2008
We're Doing Things a Bit Differently...
Today, I am starting my strike against taking pictures for this dumb darn blog. I hate writing. It's so tedious and whenever you write anything, somebody always reads it and tells you what you should take out or put in, and after that it never really seems like you wrote it. I used to love writing. Now, I just don't like all the "steps" you have to go through. Rough draft, second draft, final edited copy, yadayadayada... I mean, the rough drafts are usually the best copies, because after you edit it and take out stuff, you end up with a paper half shorter than it was! So I have decided that the best way to make my point is to misspell words, not write in complete sentences, and all that other junk. But seeing as my parents will get mad at me and make me rewrite the whole thing over again, I won't.
Spring break was very fun. I wasn't as bored as I thought I would be, mostly because we kind of overextended our computer time just a tiny bit, but I also got started on a couple new crafts that I had long discontinued. Beading and cross stitching. And I'll admit that they are fun. Right now I just have to get a new embroidery hoop for my stitching because the one I have right now is old and leaving marks on the fabric, which all cross stitchers know is not good.
We also got season passes to the best theme park ever. Carowinds. Okay, it may not be the best, but it's the closest, and seeing as we'll be here all summer, we need something to do. I have gone to Carowinds three times in the past week. Sunday, Monday, and Saturday. Saturday, I think, didn't really count because we went for about three hours. I got on six rides, and then it started raining, so we left because YaSeen was getting cold. And it was no fun at all when the lines were so long and some rides had long lines and only one car out of three running. And the ride is longer than normal. 2 minutes. Stupid Carolina Goldrush people. They could've at least put one other car on there, but my dad said that they don't want to risk there being any empty seats, because it wastes money to run half empty cars. Ha! People were pouring in faster than they could fill up the trains.
I don't know if it is a coincidence or fate, but both times that my dad and I tried to get on Borg Assimilator, or Nighthawk, we were so close to getting on, and then the ride has some weird issue and they do a million test runs. That is so wrong! Why why why why why?!!
Yesterday we were supposed to go hiking at some big waterfall two hours away, but that got cancelled after my dad had gotten us all out of bed and dressed. At 7:15!!! On a Sunday!!! I haven't gotten up that early on a Sunday since I had religious school. And that didn't even start until 10. So we all went back to sleep for three hours. And then we got up and played on the computer or watched TV. Then at 2, we all went to the Whitewater Rafting Center for a chicken sandwich picnic. Not that nasty Chik-Fil-A stuff, but real chicken sandwiches. We watched these people go rafting, which I thought was crazy cause if the sun went behind the clouds, which it did often, it got really cold. Later on it got hot, and I decided I wanted to go, but luckily I didn't, because after we left at about 5:30, it started to rain. Hard. We went to the airport to watch the planes and eat brownies, but after the rain started, we left.
Time to wrap this up. See how much I can write without a picture? Well, I guess it'll be harder to do after this because there won't be a spring break to write about. Well, I'm going now. Bye!
Spring break was very fun. I wasn't as bored as I thought I would be, mostly because we kind of overextended our computer time just a tiny bit, but I also got started on a couple new crafts that I had long discontinued. Beading and cross stitching. And I'll admit that they are fun. Right now I just have to get a new embroidery hoop for my stitching because the one I have right now is old and leaving marks on the fabric, which all cross stitchers know is not good.
We also got season passes to the best theme park ever. Carowinds. Okay, it may not be the best, but it's the closest, and seeing as we'll be here all summer, we need something to do. I have gone to Carowinds three times in the past week. Sunday, Monday, and Saturday. Saturday, I think, didn't really count because we went for about three hours. I got on six rides, and then it started raining, so we left because YaSeen was getting cold. And it was no fun at all when the lines were so long and some rides had long lines and only one car out of three running. And the ride is longer than normal. 2 minutes. Stupid Carolina Goldrush people. They could've at least put one other car on there, but my dad said that they don't want to risk there being any empty seats, because it wastes money to run half empty cars. Ha! People were pouring in faster than they could fill up the trains.
I don't know if it is a coincidence or fate, but both times that my dad and I tried to get on Borg Assimilator, or Nighthawk, we were so close to getting on, and then the ride has some weird issue and they do a million test runs. That is so wrong! Why why why why why?!!
Yesterday we were supposed to go hiking at some big waterfall two hours away, but that got cancelled after my dad had gotten us all out of bed and dressed. At 7:15!!! On a Sunday!!! I haven't gotten up that early on a Sunday since I had religious school. And that didn't even start until 10. So we all went back to sleep for three hours. And then we got up and played on the computer or watched TV. Then at 2, we all went to the Whitewater Rafting Center for a chicken sandwich picnic. Not that nasty Chik-Fil-A stuff, but real chicken sandwiches. We watched these people go rafting, which I thought was crazy cause if the sun went behind the clouds, which it did often, it got really cold. Later on it got hot, and I decided I wanted to go, but luckily I didn't, because after we left at about 5:30, it started to rain. Hard. We went to the airport to watch the planes and eat brownies, but after the rain started, we left.
Time to wrap this up. See how much I can write without a picture? Well, I guess it'll be harder to do after this because there won't be a spring break to write about. Well, I'm going now. Bye!
Friday, April 4, 2008
A Very Old Doll

I have a lot of things that have been around since I was little, but I have a VIDEO of me walking around our old house carrying this thing. All my mom's friends were over. This doll is actually quite big. I'd say it's about a foot tall, if not more. I don't know where all the stains on her face came from. Probably from being thrown around outside or something. Or stuff being spilled.
So now what do I write? I'm stuck. I want to go to Carowinds. I want to get school over with so I can play on the computer!!! I mean, what else is there to do around here? At least it is actually spring break next week. I don't know where I got the idea that spring break was this week. I guess I'm a bit delusional because I hate working so much. Not as much as Moby though. He's got such a bad attitude about schoolwork that he lost his computer time today.
Sham is just lying on the ground staring at me. I don't know what it is about cats. They like to stretch out in the middle of the doorway, and in Sham's case, if you step over, she'll grab at your feet.
Yesterday we had to go hiking. In the rain. Now, I don't mind hiking so much. Okay, maybe I do, but still. I already had a cold, and it was raining, AND it was freezing cold. And I'd already played basketball for about an hour. Talk about unfair.
Ohmigosh I cannot wait until Monday!!! I don't know why, but it probably has something to do with the fact that I haven't been on a real roller coaster in so long. I went to this theme park in Senegal, but it was nothing like the ones here. I think they should bring all those Senegalese kids here and take them to Carowinds. There are nice group discounts. The good thing was that in Senegal there were bungee jumping things. I love those, because then I can do flips without feeling really scared. Backflips too.
1 minute left! I think I'll sign off now. Three hours of work left. TTFN! Ta-ta for now! Or TTYL! Talk to ya later!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
A Brush... That's Plastic

I've tried to use this brush so many times, and it hurts so badly, I can't stand it. I'm sorry, but plastic bristles, which aren't really bristles, don't work. They just don't work. Sure all brushes have a few plastic bristles, but this one has ONLY plastic bristles! There's nothing else. My brush has bristles made out of some stringy fiber. It's not too tough, but it works well. Each individual bristle is surrounded by about 10 others. That brush works like a charm.
This one, on the other hand, is the exact opposite. I don't know how my mom can stand to use it. She just walks right over and starts brushing. And after her shower too! Dry hair is bad enough, but WET hair?!!! Agh.
I can't wait until next Monday. Then we are going to Carowinds!!! I haven't been since fifth grade when I went with my Safety Patrol. For free!!! Hahaha! I want to ride Borg Assimilator, Vortex, Ricochet, and all the other awesome roller coasters. Maybe my friend will come too. I don't know if she is scared of roller coasters, though. I also love the Dippin' Dots. Those things are so good, and so fruity, yet so ice creamy. My mom doesn't like roller coasters. I don't know why, but she doesn't. My dad and I are the roller coaster fanatics. We have to go on all of them. I wish we could go on all the coasters at Carowinds in one day. Hopefully he will be able to get Monday off so that he can come. I don't think he's teaching any classes that day.
If you design roller coasters, you'd have to take all sorts of crazy classes. Not just math, but physics, science, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Moby wants to design roller coasters or video games, but he's so lazy, I doubt he'd get through the first day of classes. He hates working. We're going to start threatening him with going back to school if he doesn't cooperate. He's so bad.
Almost time to go!!!! Then one day left, and it's Spring Break all the way!! Yippee!!!
Time to go. Time to start the rest of my work! Tata!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
A Special Pillow

I don't know what I like so much about this pillow. It's just so soft, and colorful. I like pink. It's a nice color. A lot of people say pink is too girly, but it is really pretty. You know, pink used to be classified as a boy color. I remember one time this boy in my math class wouldn't take his sweater off because he had a pink shirt on underneath. It was really funny. And it was a hot day.
I love pillows. They're so soft, and when you fall onto one, you never want to get up. Especially if you're tired. Like me. Right now, I just want to go climb in my bed, wrap myself up in a blanket, and fall asleep. Even though I got more sleep last night then I have gotten at night for the past two weeks. Normally I'll only get about 7 or 8 hours of sleep, and last night, I got 9 and a half! And I'm STILL tired! I'm falling asleep in the chair!
I don't know what's wrong with me. I have to get at least 10 hours of sleep a night or I cannot stay awake, and that's only at night. If I get more sleep during the day, I stay asleep for 2 hours! Agh! I hate weekdays!
I cannot wait until spring break. Then I can sleep late every single day! We're also going to go to Carowinds, so that'll be fun.
Yesterday was so fun. I played a whole bunch of tricks on people. First I taped the spray nozzle on the sink so that it sprayed whoever turned the sink on, and Maryam turned it on FULL BLAST! I also stuck various tubular things on top of the fridge in a way so that whoever opens the fridge gets concked on the head. My dad fooled my mom by saying the car was broken down, and then he took a screenshot of her computer desktop and put it as the background. Then he got rid of all her icons and put them in a folder. She couldn't figure out why the computer was "frozen". I did the same thing to the computer downstairs, although nobody's gotten on yet. I can't wait to see what they do when they notice the computer isn't working.
Almost time to get off and go. Then I've got reading, science and math. I hate math. Right now I'm doing quadratic equations, and they're so annoying. On top of it all, my teeth are soo sore because I got the bands changed and tightened yesterday. At least they're not as sore as they were when I first got my braces. That was pure torture. Owwwwww. I can't eat anything!!
It's so warm outside, but it's supposed to rain tomorrow. I hate that we didn't get snow, but even worse, that my dad didn't take us skiing!!! And he said he would! We haven't gone skiing in three years!!!
Time to go now. Half hour is up. I hope to finish my work so that I can go to sleep. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Bye!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Just a HackySack

I try and try and try and try, but no matter what I do, I cannot get this sack to cooperate and land on my other ankle. (Well, giving up to easily might be a part of it). But then again, tossing a sack from ankle to ankle doesn't actually appeal to me all that much. Really. It's not that interesting. I don't know why people like doing it so much. It's kind of like the way some people like to pace the room. (*cough* Moby *cough*) It's useless, boring, and doesn't really help anything, but maybe that's why people do it. Just because they're bored.
Today is April 1st. April Fools' Day. I'm trying to think of a really good trick to do, but I can't. I'm wondering whether I should hide in the closet and scare my siblings when they come home from school, but I don't know. I'm scared to do anything to my parents, cause then they'll get all mad and start freaking out. And yelling. And then I'll get punished. So I'll just take out my wrath on my siblings, thank you very much. Time to get them back after loads of cruel babysitting. And now I know just what to do. Hehehehehehehehe. I love this day.
Mom came back from Africa yesterday, and we went and bought two cakes. A Boston Creme and a Lemon Creme, cause her birthday was last Friday. I learned a valuable lesson yesterday. The best cake ever is Boston Creme.
What to write? What to write? 12 more minutes and I'm already stuck!!! I guess I'll gripe about how my teeth hurt right now cause they changed the wires.
Owieowieowieowieowieowieowieowie!!! I'm not gonna be able to eat at all!!! Luckily my teeth don't hurt as badly as they did when I first got my braces. That was pure, utter torture. Nobody should ever have to go through that pain.
Moby got a trick bike, and he thinks it's so awesome, but it's just a normal bike to me. Well, except for the funny configuration of the brake wires and the silver poles sticking out of the wheels, but besides that, it's totally normal. I personally like mountain bikes. But what's weird is that both of our bikes are green!!!
Almost time to go. 5 minutes left. Oh, I cannot wait until I'm done with my work, because then I can go prepare my glorious trick. Fun fun. I think I'll leave now and prep Moby and Simone, so that they can help. Or maybe Simone, not Moby. Gonna go now. Bye!
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