First, get the laundry from all the baskets in all the rooms and dump it in one big pile. Hard enough? No? Then just wait...
Second, sort the colors. White in one pile, dark in one pile, and light in another. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT put all the clothes together in one pile. You will end up with gray clothes! When we were in Africa, my dad didn't sort his laundry, so when we got back, all his clothes were gray.
Next you have to take one pile at a time and put them in the washing machine. Then you have to pour in the proper soap, bleach if needed, then you close it after letting the water pour in. Then you wait for an hour or so.
When you're done with all that, you have to put all the wet clothes in the dryer, put in softener sheets if needed, and then start that. While that's going, you probably want to put in another load for washing.
Or you could do it all the old-fashioned way where you fill a bucket with hot water and soap and you hand wash everything with a sponge. Of course, that takes longer, and it requires you to do more work, instead of a machine doing it. Then you have to hang all the clothes outside on a clothesline, and too bad for you if it rains.
Whichever way you do it, when you're done you have to fold everything, iron the nice stuff, and put it all away in various closets and dresser drawers. That's the part that I do. My mom does all the washing and sorting and folding, and I put it all away, which can take awhile, depending on how long it's been since the last laundry day.
See! I told you it was a tedious process! Nobody actually likes doing laundry. I have yet to meet someone who did. Unless you get paid for it, of course. In Africa, the maids did the laundry, but I think they were getting paid nicely for it. When I get married and have kids, I think I'll probably just have to suck it up and do all the work that comes with it. Laundry, cooking, calling strange people, waking up early, staying up too late, it's all part of growing up. Boy, am I glad I have a mom to take care of me. :-)
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