Monday, January 7, 2008


Okay, so maybe you haven't heard about Second Life, but your social life must be non-existent if you haven't heard about RuneScape. I mean, it's probably the most popular MMORPG for people from the ages of 9 to, say, 18. And even adults play it! If you get yourself an account, it's not hard to see why. I mean, look, it's got all these different skills you can attempt to get good at, things to fight, places to go, and if you are a member, all that is doubled! I just got my membership two days ago, and I am pleased with the results. It is only 5 dollars a month, and you get loads of added stuff. More skills, places, monsters, and a lot of cooler things.
I've been on RuneScape for about four years, and I love it. I stopped playing for a 6 month period because I thought it was boring, and meanwhile my brother advanced all his levels. So I started catching up with him. Now I'm trying to slay this evil dragon that keeps killing me, and I think I've finally worked out how to do it. Strength potions!!!
This person in the picture is obviously me. You're probably thinking, "Blue hair? Where'd you get that crazy idea?!" But you oughta know that I wanted to try something different. I was kinda sick of brown. So I paid 2000 coins to redo my hair. And I intend for it to stay this way. Teeheehee. The armour that I'm wearing is adament. The highest you can get is dragon, but only rich or lucky people can get that. I have about 56k in my RS bank account. (I used to have somewhere close to 90k, but I spent it all on this armour). So you get the point.
Now, if you think I'm wasting my time playing this game, you oughta think about the educational aspects. The game shows how people lived in medieval times, and it shows how they made all their items. Sure, it may not be THAT accurate, but we get the general idea, thank you. There also is a lot of mythology, but that's typical for any medieval game, or book for that matter.
So if you don't have a RS account, go get yourself one at, where else?, and if you do have one, good for you. You know how I feel about the whole parent abolishment of our valuable games. All I can say is that I know RuneScape will be around for another couple decades. Just as long as people don't stop playing.

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