Wednesday, January 2, 2008

It's Nice To Be Organized...

Yes, I know it's been a long time, but superior bloggists like me have to take breaks every once in awhile, you know. So anyway, all Christmas week I was away in South Carolina and Georgia, and I kinda sorta had to help watch at least 30 kids. There was a big religious event in Moncks Corner, South Carolina, and most of the parents had to go for three days into seclusion. So I, along with two other girls, my dad, and this other guy, had to watch all the kids.
Anyway, after that was FINALLY over, we had to drive five hours to Atlanta, Georgia, which is farther from Moncks Corner than it is from Charlotte, which I find scary. So while we were there, I went with my mom and her two friends to a Swedish furniture store called IKEA. It was really amazing, and I was so jealous of all the people who could afford all the cool stuff. Way over at the end of all the displays, there was a children's section with toys and such, and I found these containers that can be hung from the wall. I put it in my bed, and it has organized my stuff so much! I have a dresser-top that I use for all my stuff, but lately it has been really messy. When I found this, I was so excited! And yes, I solved the Rubik's Cube all by myself.
I also found a mesh one, kind of like this, but it is layered like an apartment building, so I use it for all my small stuffed animals.
These are so helpful! Now I finally have an easy-access place for all my stuff! I used to have to go open a flip-top box that is under a whole bunch of stuff, but now I just have to know which compartment my stuff is in! Easy shmeesy! IKEA is an absolutely wonderful store! And one is coming to Charlotte! Yay!

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