Boy, sometimes I wish I lived up in the mountains. It's so much nicer up there, and it snows more. I'm a cold weather person, probably because I've spent most of my life in hot places. Or warm, but never known for cold. I lived in Charlottesville, VA, and I have pictures of me as a baby sliding down our snow-covered car. Then we moved to Florida when I was 2, so you can see why I hate hot weather. Then we moved up here when I was 4, so I've lived here most of my life. The only major snowstorms we've had were in two consecutive years, and one of them wasn't even a snowstorm. It was an ice storm.
Yes, the ice storm of 2001, or was it 2002? I can't remember. Probably 2001. Our power was out for days. But it was fun. I mean, ice isn't good for snowball fights, but it's slippery and cool.
2002 was the big snowstorm. Snow all the was up to my ankles, and it was real snow. Not hard stuff. Soft and fluffy. Perfect for snowball fights. Too bad nobody wanted to play with me.
And now, in 2008, we have this stuff. Icky. There wasn't enough to do anything, let alone have a snowball fight. Okay, maybe there was enough, but it was too hard, so it really hurt. And I really wanted to make snow icecream, but it wasn't thick enough for that. Who wants to eat snow on top of the ground anyway? I prefer snow that people haven't stepped on!
So I've had snow adventures, but not many. I like cold weather, and people think I'm strange, but I just do. In hot weather, you're limited to the things you can do. In cold weather, if you want to do stuff that you do in hot weather, go inside a garage and do it!
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